The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 977: History 9, History 10

The size of the base is as large as a town, and the star warriors of the continent have been compared. As a result, they wear the uniform of the ancient school, and all the warriors like cats see the cats.

I used four words to describe their feelings at that time, and that was-I dreamed.

If it is a dream.

Then keep doing it!

"You all."

On the main peak, Jun Chang smiled loudly, "Our star-studded continent has reached the size of a town, and you can leave now at any time."

The powerful: "..."

I learned about the battlefield of the plane. In the past few years, the tea they had spent did not miss their meals, and even arranged the funeral. The result was that they went out for a picnic, and there was no sense of experience!

Especially Han Cheng, the coffin is ready.

"of course."

Xun Jun often laughed and added: "Every enemy on the battlefield killed in the same level will receive 10 points of meritorious value, you can buy materials at the meritorious store when you reach a certain value, you can also choose to stay here."

Everyone looked for a moment.

What they care about is not the Meritorious Shop, what they care about is killing an enemy of the same level to give 10 points of merit, then ...

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Han Chengzhu solemnly said: "Can only kill people give me merits?"

"Nice." Jun Chang smiled and nodded.


主 The corner of Hancheng's mouth jerked violently: "Yesterday the old voice said that the monarch had 63,000 merit points, could it be ..." He paused, and said in a difficult way: "Killed 6,300 people?"

This sentence is also what the powerhouses just thought, so they raised their ears!

of course.

I was definitely questioning.

There are 26,300 people, all of whom are at least the royal rank. Is this something that people can do!

"No." Jun Chang laughed.

Everyone was relieved.

Hancheng said: "If not, why are there so many monarchs?"

因为 "Because ..." Jun Chang laughed and thought for a while, explaining: "Jun killed more than 20,000, many of which were yellow characters. Later, when he was killed by a heartbreaker, he would not give me any value.

表情 This expression, this tone.

Fully interpreted what is called Feng Qingyun light style!

The powerful men who had just calmed down suddenly widened their eyes!

This guy didn't kill more than 6,000 and killed more than 20,000? Oh my god, can he be more nonsense!

Hancheng master can't make a channel: "Killed 20,000 people?"

"Old things, not to mention." Jun Chang laughed.

System: "..."

You Mingming came up with it yourself, but you still pretend to be low-key!

If the strong men laugh at Jun Chang, unless you see it with your own eyes, you won't believe it easily. After all, killing 20,000 people is beyond imagination!

of course.

Walking the dog left will not be explained carefully.

After all, pretending to look like this seems a little deliberate, not in line with his low-key luxury and connotative personality.

"You all."

Xun Jun often said with a smile: "There are many opportunities in the battlefield, and they will be born every so often. If you want to try your luck, you can also choose to stay."


Many powerful people suddenly felt excited.

Although there are many masters on the ninth battlefield, if you can get good things in martial arts, it must be very good!

This kind of thing is really full of magic!

"Monarch Sovereign."

主 Hancheng host laughed: "I will definitely stay for a while since I'm here."

It is not dangerous at the base anyway. If you don't live for a few more days, why is it worthy of the 100,000 natural spirit stones that died?

"The bronze gate is above the main peak. If you want to go at any time, Jun will go first." Jun Chang smiled and arched his hands, then returned to the main hall.

The powerhouses dispersed.

Some cultivate or admire the scenery in the stronghold, and some go out for a group tour, just for group tours!

Uh ...

Within the main peak.

Xun Jun often sat down with a smile, took out the three experience tokens sent by the eradication of the battlefield ghost side mission, and murmured: "Although it is not very effective, it can be improved a little bit."

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

The three amulets of experience have all been crushed, and their strength has been slightly improved, but it is not very obvious.


Xun Jun often laughed silently: "When can we break through the martial arts."

In the past, there were one to nine grades and peaks to determine when the epic quest can be triggered. Now, half a step into the martial arts, there is no corresponding small realm division, and I do not know how much the experience limit is.

System said: "Half step martial arts can initially control the power of space. In my opinion, the host needs to understand this ability to a certain degree before they can enter martial arts ..."

"Ding! The host reaches the half-step martial arts upper limit, which meets the requirements, and the epic mission starts!"

"Ding! The host reaches the half-step swordmaster limit, which meets the requirements, and the epic quest starts!"

Suddenly there was a cue, and the systemic words that were being talked about turned around, and said, "Sure enough, I guessed it, congratulations to the host, who has realized the power of space!"

You guessed it right!

Xi Jun often laughed and ignored the guy, hurriedly opened the task panel, and focused on the first task-

Epic task [nine].

Mission details: The host is the master of the starfall continent base, so he must be in his position to manage his affairs. Please expand the base to the scale of the city within six months.

Mission failed: The starfall continent base was not expanded to the city scale within the prescribed time.

mission rewards:? ? ?


Xun Jun often laughed and collapsed and said, "It has reached the scale of the city within half a year. This task is a bit fucking!"

After the base reached the size of the town, he decided to focus his thoughts on the ancestral gate, which is nothing more than a copy for the disciples to practice. Now it is related to the epic task of suppressing the realm, which can only be put on the battlefield.


Xun Jun often smiled rather comfortably: "There is a treasure hunter, and it should be no problem to expand to the city within six months."

I said, again on another task.

Epic Quest [Ten ~ ~ Mission Details: Please host within one year to declare war on a certain plane as the stronghold, and lead the star warrior continent warrior to win the final victory in the killing Shura field.

Failed mission: Did not declare war within the specified time, did not face the battle within the specified time, or defeated in the killing Shura field.

mission rewards:? ? ?


Xun Jun often smiled and said silently: "Both epic missions are related to the battlefield of planes. This is forcing me not to use my mind in the development of the sect."

Systems Road: "Hosts don't have to do it."


Xi Jun often laughed and leaned on the back of the chair, and said, "Develop the stronghold first, and then go to war on other planes."

Shi Jiu's mission is acceptable to him, but Shi Shi's mission is a bit fucking, because not only must declare war in a year, but also have to face the challenge!

The hard-to-find sword killed tens of thousands of people, directly deterred all major battlefields and challenged them, and they definitely refused to be slightly normal.

If you do n’t face the battle in one year, the mission will fail, and you will definitely get stuck for a long time.


Xun Jun often smiled and rubbed his temples: "It's a bit troublesome, a bit tricky!"

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