The Strongest Shinigami In Another World

Chapter 187 - According to the size, come in line!

Chapter 185 Come in line by size!

"Is that our kind?"

"Isn't it? It doesn't look like it!"

"I think it should have been that it was malnourished since childhood, so I was too skinny, just take it back and feed more delicious food!"

"You know what a shit, shut up, it's human, human!"

At this time, Chen Yi had turned his head, and a group of apes screamed after him carelessly. If he still can't find it, he can find a tree and kill him!

"That human kid, what are you doing in our place?"

The height of apes is generally about 3 meters, and the physique is so strong that all people who think they are fierce men are ashamed. The muscles of the whole body are sharp and angular, and the arm alone is much thicker than Chen Yi's thigh.

"Monkey? The strength is good!" Chen Yi's eyes lighted up. It was really sleepy that someone would give pillows. Isn't it the target he is looking for to practice his hand?

But he has to think of a good way. There are a lot of monkeys. If they are besieged, they are not cultivation, they are being repaired!

"Hey, what do you want to say, silly?"

The monkeys didn't call out to kill as soon as they saw Chen Yi. In other words, they were all creatures walking on two legs.

"Oh, I'm lost, what is this place?"

"Do you think we are stupid? A strong man will get lost?" The apes stared at Chen Yi with foolish eyes. People who can walk here alone are absolutely amazing, otherwise they would have long since become snacks for other spirit beasts. .

Chen Yi was speechless, the IQs of these monkeys seemed a bit high.

"Hehe, you guys are so smart. Actually, I came out to practice, but I haven't been able to find a suitable goal!" Chen Yi first slapped a flattery in the past, with a high IQ, he will not be immune to flattering. .

The apes are really happy to be praised for being smart by humans.

"You leave, this is our territory."

"Don't, you see everyone is primate, we are close relatives, how about I discuss something with you?"

"What's the matter?" The apes collectively took a step back vigilantly. Humans are not a good thing.

How could Chen Yi expect that a word of his own could have such a great power, and scared off a group of superb apes, it seems that the name of human beings is still quite bluffing.(Read more @

"I came out to practice, I think your strength is about the same as mine, why don't we practice?"

"What? The strength is about the same? Your kid is really awkward, I will meet you!"

"I'll also come and teach him how to be a man."

"Wait!" Chen Yi waved his hand again and again.

"How can you fight so many together? Obviously bullying people, come one by one!"

The apes were not unreasonable, and they hadn't fought Chen Yi immediately, but they started fighting first, and what they did was whoever fought Chen Yi first.

Chen Yi's face turned dark, why did these monkeys' IQs get higher and lower for a while? I am really anxious for them.

Fortunately, Chen Yi didn't have any bad intentions against them, otherwise, as long as they were so instigated, they would go up and clean up the mess after they were almost done.

However, through their hands-on, Chen Yi has a more specific understanding of these monkeys. Their attributes are more than those of Chen Yi. Although they are not much beyond, they are indeed higher. However, this is their natural advantage. Chen Yizao Just be mentally prepared.

But obviously, their strength is more powerful than those data. That kind of flexibility gives Chen Yi a feeling of self-confidence. There is not much difference in agility, but they are so flexible for Mao?

"Hey, stop, stop, you are going to fight with me, not yourself." After watching for a while, and realizing that these monkeys had no intention to stop, Chen Yi rushed up and played the role of dragging. I am not afraid of any conspiracy by these monkeys, I can easily escape from their encirclement when I am in a state of swastika.

The melee of more than twenty monkeys finally stopped because of Chen Yi’s persuasion. However, although they did not do anything, they still argued endlessly. If this is really left to their own decision, it is estimated that they will not be able to draw any conclusions after a day and night. .

"Stop, listen to me, line up according to the size of the head, and come one by one. There is always a chance!"

The apes thought this was a good idea, and they quickly formed a line according to what Chen Yi said.

"Boy, you have to hold on, don't be beaten to death when you meet, then I won't have any more fun!"

"And you, take it lightly, if you kill him, let's see how we can deal with you!"

The smallest monkey kept nodding and couldn't wait to start with Chen Yi. They were too boring to stay here on weekdays. Hunting other spirit beasts did not bring them much joy, because the food was too weak.

Suddenly there was a human being trying to fight against them. From their point of view, Chen Yi was the most fun toy at the moment. They didn't want to break the toy.

Chen Yi was speechless: "Okay, brother don't bully you, don't use weapons, come on!"

"Good boy, kind, look at the punch!" The smallest ape kicked Chen Yi's chest.

"Despicable!" Chen Yi never thought that the spirit beast would deceive people like this, but fortunately, his reaction ability was not weak at all, preventing the ape's foot.

"Huh? Yes, I'm quite patient, keep going!" The monkey was overjoyed, it had already used seven points of strength, but Chen Yi didn't expect Chen Yi to retreat without being pushed back by himself, and suddenly became very playful.

Chen Yi didn't dare to be careless, he used it for nothing, and would not use Shunbu when he was not a last resort.

Fighting against the apes with super agility, he has a deeper and deeper understanding of the white fight, which may also have a certain relationship with the improvement of his intelligence. In short, as the battle begins, the twenty-first style of the white fight will enter Xiaocheng. Signs of life.

Chen Yi believes that with these apes and monkeys, the progress in the free fight will be very fast.

After half an hour, Chen Yi waved his hand pantingly: "Stop, stop!"

The ape, who was also panting on the other side, stopped.

"Your movements have slowed down, change to another one!" Chen Yi swallowed a stamina pill as he said, and the stamina expended quickly recovered.

Half an hour of high-intensity fighting, even with the physique of an ape, was not lightly tired. Later, its speed slowed down. Chen Yi realized that the effect of continuing to practice was greatly reduced, so he stopped.

"Hahaha, it's me, it's me!" The ape who ranked second didn't care about the frustration of the first one, and rushed up after one was off the court.

The battle just now was very exciting. It had been watching it for a long time. Now it's its turn. How can it be unhappy?

"Wait for me, I'll be fine soon!" Chen Yi's physical strength hasn't fully recovered yet, and he will not continue until he recovers.

The monkey is not in a hurry, it is not so short of time, because it is really idle!

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