Chapter 190

Chen Yi didn't have much to say. Just looking at the confused eyes of this group of monkeys, he knew that they hadn't remembered, and he didn't expect to remember it once, and playing for nothing is not so easy to learn.

Finally, after Chen Yi rehearsed seven times, all the apes are not in doubt. They can practice on their own, but Chen Yi, the master, still has to correct them one by one. Some movements are just slightly different, and the effect is also Greatly discounted.

Of course, Chen Yi didn't know whether the white fight applied to him would have an effect on the monkeys. If it didn't work, Chen Yi could not help it.

"It's done!" The Ape King received Chen Yi's key instructions, and after practicing seven or eight times on its own, he finally finished the first form of the free fight.

"How do you feel?" Chen Yi was right next to Ape King and immediately asked.

"Yes, very good!" The Ape King was very happy. It could feel that at the moment it completed the first pose, all the cells in the body seemed to have opened their mouths, and they swallowed the energy in the blood to perfect themselves. Although this time is very short, if things go on like this, its physique will definitely soar to a level or even more.

As for the energy lost in the qi and blood, it is too simple to replenish it, just eat something casually.

"it works?"

"Of course it's useful, and it's useful!"

"Haha, that's good!"

"Thank you so much, brother!" The Ape King said thanks.

"We are all brothers, why do you say thank you?"

"Okay, brother, take a break first. I have to teach these inadequate guys! Some of the ones you practice are suitable for us, but some are not suitable. After all, our body structure is still different from yours, but I understand all of these. , Leave the rest to me!"

"Okay, but this is the first style, there are many more behind!"

"Let's wait until we figure out this first formula. Anyway, you don't have to go in a hurry, right?"

"Okay, then I will practice for a while by myself!"

Chen Yi didn't bother Professor Ape King, Ape Monkey, and ran to the side to practice alone.

The Ape King uses both hands and feet to teach the apes their own experience.

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As night fell, the Ape King had finished the day of teaching, and he was very dedicated to the ethnic group. Regardless of his strength, all apes were personally pointed out by him until he could successfully complete the first formula.

"Drink some, but don't drink too much today!" The Ape King took out two more wine jars and sat on the floor with Chen Yi face to face.

After learning yesterday's lesson, Chen Yi wouldn't drink it stupidly. Even if the monkey wine is delicious, it must be drunk slowly and behave slowly.

"Don't worry, I shouldn't be drunk today!"

"Then let's drink and talk, Brother Xie won't say much, tell me what is your situation, I heard that there has been a big change in the human city!"

The territory of the monkey tribe is not far from the city of London. After so long, it has naturally heard of some things, but it is not interested in seeing what happened, because it has nothing to do with it.

But it seems to have something to do with it now, because it recognizes a human brother.

"Actually, I am not from the British Empire, I am from China!"

"You came from the other side of the sea? Yourself?" What's the situation in the sea, the Ape King knows better than Chen Yi, that with Chen Yi's strength, he can run from the continent on the opposite side of the sea? The Ape King didn't believe it.

"It's not from the sea. Huaxia has developed a teleportation array. If there are teleportation arrays on both sides, it is easy to get here!"

"Teleportation array? So powerful?" The Ape King was very curious. He didn't usually go out and the news was a little blocked.

"It's okay, if big brother wants to go to China to play, then when I go back, come and have a look with me!"

"Okay, but why did you come here?"

Chen Yi's expression was a bit ugly, and he told the Ape King about his experience, and at the same time, he also told the Ape King about his situation.

"They specialize in souls as food?" The Ape King only knew that London was annihilated by another powerful race, but he didn't know that Xu was a race with souls as food.

It was shocked. If Chen Yi was right, then this race is the common enemy of all creatures!

"Yes, it just happens that my ability restrains them, and I can get a lot of benefits from killing them, so I came here to experience it. If possible, of course, I have to find some trouble for them, and I can't let them develop. Go down, otherwise it will be a nightmare for all creatures on earth."

"Okay, when do you go again, eldest brother will escort you, but I want to see how powerful those Acacias are!"

"Thank you, big brother, yes, big brother, you said that my moves are not suitable for you. If you want me to see, how about I teach you what I know, and then you can improve your own moves?"

"Huh? This is a good way for you, but you will suffer too much. Your eldest brother has nothing good to take out, only this monkey wine can survive!"

"What do the brothers say? We may be in a hostile relationship before, but in the future, I think we should be in the same camp!"

"How do you say this, because of those fictitious?"

"No, it's not just imaginary!"

Chen Yi sighed and said about the upcoming guest from beyond the stars. The Ape King couldn't believe his ears, but he knew that the matter was a bit big.

There are creatures outside the earth, and they sound much better than those on the earth. If they come, can the creatures on the earth have a good life?

Ape King agrees with Chen Yi's point of view, and now he must make himself as strong as possible, only in this way can he face the dangers he will face in the future.

"I know, I will inform the old guys about this as soon as possible, and make them ready. This is no longer a matter of human beings, it is a matter of all living things on the earth, do you have no objection to do this?"

"Of course not, I can't ask for it!" Chen Yi said. He is indeed unable to notify all the bigwigs. If he could notify, he would have said it a long time ago. If something bad really happens at that time, Ling The beast side will be the most important resistance force, just as Chen Yi said, at that time, humans and spirit beasts will be in the same camp.

The earth is their earth, and how they fight internally is their own business. If they are invaded by alien creatures, all the creatures on the earth will become slaves. It depends on the mood of the other person if they want to fight or kill!

"Okay, then you rest, this matter can't be delayed, I'll go now, and I can come back before dawn!" The Ape King put down the wine jar and left the tree cave with a face full of thoughts!

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