The Strongest Shinigami In Another World

Chapter 209 - Jin Yao, come here soon

Chapter 207 Jin Yao, come here quickly

The next day, the genius Meng Meng Liang Chenyi set off from Chen's house early in the morning. He didn't hide his whereabouts, swaggering, and drove out after a long circle at the door of Chen's house, as if he was afraid that others would not know it.

No one in the Chen family followed. This was Chen Yi's request, and he didn't even need to follow it secretly. He didn't want any accidents to happen, and he couldn't make fun of Jin Yao's life.

Driving all the way, it took him 3 hours to reach the outer city. After arriving in the outer city, he was not afraid of shocking the world, and flew fast at low altitude in a state of stubbornness.

He believed that Akachius knew the news that he was out of the city. If that's the case, there is no need to waste time. Flying by himself can be much faster than driving.

"Have you all taken a close look? There is really no one following him?" Akachus was talking with someone, his tone serious.

"Look at it clearly, we have been guarding since last night, you can confirm."

"Okay, immediately arrange the people at the gate of the city, Chen Yi will follow him when he appears, and promise you will not be less beneficial, you can rest assured!"

"Yes, arrangements have been made over the city gate!"

There were a lot of people coming in and out of the gates of Kyoto City. Chen Yi's appearance caused a great sensation. They had never seen a human being able to fly. At this time, anyone who saw anything would look up and watch.

Chen Yi didn't care, even if he noticed that someone was trailing, he didn't even speed up after leaving the city, and deliberately slowed down so that the trailing person could keep up.

He knew that among those who followed, there were definitely spies who belonged to Akachus. Although they deliberately slowed down, some people still failed to make it. After following for a while, those with things on hand also gave up, just passed it. For half an hour, the number of people still following him has been reduced to less than 20 people.

Chen Yi wrote down all the appearances of these 20 people, and then continued to fly slowly.

"You are flying to the northeast, 200 kilometers, I hope you can be there in 10 minutes!" Yacachus dialed Chen Yi's phone.

"Okay!" Chen Yi did not hesitate, and flew quickly in accordance with Akachus's instructions. At his speed, he could arrive within its required time.

However, after Chen Yi arrived at the designated location, he did not notice the presence of Akachus nearby. Chen Yi's current perception range is 3000 meters. If he perceives emptiness, this range will be doubled, at 3000 meters. Within the scope, there are some spirit beasts, but there is no human being, and there is no emptiness.

The phone rang.

"Are you playing with me?" Chen Yi asked angrily without waiting for Akaccus to speak.

"Don't get excited, I have to be more cautious, now you continue forward 100 kilometers!"

Chen Yi had no choice but to follow the instructions of Akaccus to move on.(Read more @

However, Akachius's care exceeded Chen Yi's imagination. After tossing and turning, Chen Yi became a headless fly, and was turned around under the command of Akachius.

When Chen Yi was about to lose his patience, he finally sensed the breath of Akachus, and after swallowing a few pills, he quickly flew in that direction.

"I finally saw your true face, why don't you continue to play with Hidden Cats?" There is a distance of 100 meters between Chen Yi and Yacachus. Of course, Chen Yi is not afraid of Yacachus, but he is afraid of Yacachus. Own, so keeping such a safe distance, wanting to clean up Akachus, it is not too late to wait for Jin Yao to be rescued.

"You really have the courage, you really came here alone, the hero saves the beauty, it's song and tear!"

"Stop talking nonsense, people!"

"Wait!" Yacachus said and returned to the foot of the mountain not far away.

Chen Yi put away the swastika state, and later the Binglunwan will be handed over. Without Binglunwan, he can't maintain the swastika state.

"Brother, I'll be wronged in a moment, but you can taste the delicious food right away, I believe you would like it too?" Chen Yi muttered to herself while looking at Binglunwan.

Soon, Akachus flew out of the cave with Jin Yao, and immediately went to the ground after discovering that Chen Yi had landed on the ground.

"People brought you, where's the weapon?"

"At this!"

Jin Yao had already seen Chen Yi, and she was struggling violently on Akachus's shoulder.

Yacachus threw Jin Yao to the ground in an angry manner, and Jin Yao snorted when he fell.

Chen Yi's anger surged, and he wished to step forward and chop Akachus, but Jin Yao was at its feet, and he had to bear it.

"Jin Yao, forbearance, I will save you immediately, don't struggle!" Chen Yi began to calm Jin Yao's emotions.

During the period of being tied up, Jin Yao became thinner and looked very haggard. She looked at Chen Yi with tears in her eyes. She kept shaking her head at Chen Yi. In the middle of her heart, she hoped that her sweetheart could come to rescue her, but she didn't want to. Chen Yi came, and she had learned a lot from Akachus these days.

She knew what Chen Yi's weapon meant to him, and she felt that it was really not worth paying so much for such an insignificant person like her.

Chen Yi understood the meaning in Jin Yao's eyes, and he shook his head slightly to Jin Yao: "Don't worry, it's okay, nothing is as important as your life!"

Jin Yao could no longer control her own tears. She hadn't shed even a single tear after being tied for such a long time, but at this time she didn't want to continue to be strong, her weakness could be shown to her sweetheart.

"It's really a sentimental drama, I am touched, but can you wait for a while to show your affection? Throw your weapon over now!"

"How can I trust you? I gave you a weapon. What if you don't let anyone go?"

Yacachus frowned: "Then what do you want to do?"

"Let her be free, let her come over, and I will leave the weapon in place, rest assured, for her safety, I won't mess around!"

"Hehe, then believe you once!" Yacachus nodded and agreed with Chen Yi's words, it was indeed confident.

The special rope that bound Jin Yao's feet was untied, and Jin Yao stood up and moved slightly.

"Well, you can go back!"

Chen Yi didn't hesitate, Binglun Maru was placed on the ground by him, but he slowly backed up without turning around, and didn't make much movement.

Yacachus clicked with satisfaction, and he could see that Chen Yi was still quite honest and did not play tricks.

"Okay, can you let them go? For safety's sake, you can only move when she gets to the weapon!"

"Yes!" Yacachus nodded and agreed.

"Jin Yao, come here soon!" Chen Yi opened her arms to Jin Yao and encouraged Jin Yao with her eyes. The distance of 100 meters for Chen Yi could be reached in an instant, but he did not dare to take risks because of Yakaqiu. Si was able to kill Jin Yao at this moment.

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