The Strongest Shinigami In Another World

Chapter 216 - Come to you for help

Chapter 214

If you change yourself to Chen Yi, if you know that someone is going to harm your own woman, what will you do?

It's so light to kill him.

Thinking of Wu Yong's body trembling even more severely, he couldn't wait to give himself a few big mouths, why would he want to wade in the muddy water when he is free?

At the same time, he hated Akachius, and if he hadn't found him, he wouldn't have fallen into the situation he is now.

But now it's too late to say anything, take the initiative to admit it? Stop making trouble, admit that it is a dead end, and the Wu family can't keep him.

In case Akachus didn't say anything, maybe he would be fine.


"Brother!" Chen Yi said willingly.

After being promoted to the spirit body, his five senses greatly increased. Although it was not mentioned in the log, he could feel this on his own.

He had heard a lot of the conversation between Chen Jie and Wang Yanran just now, and he understood Chen Jie's intentions, so this brother was willing.

"Hey, comfort it?" Chen Jie smiled.

"Hehe, don't get out! But they are already asleep, and their nerves are both tense during this time, it's hard for them!" Chen Yi touched his nose.

"You kid, you want to enjoy the blessings of the Qi people!" It is impossible to say that you don't envy, but they are two heavenly beauties, one of whom is still the object of his own pursuit.

"There is still a lot to do before enjoying it again!" Chen Yi's expression gradually became cold.

Of course Chen Jie knew what Chen Yi was referring to, so he nodded slightly.

Chenjie agrees with this point. What do those people think of the Chen family? Furnishings? How dare you blatantly calculate Chen's family? Moreover, they are still the most important person in the Chen family at present. They did kidnap Jin Yao, but the person to really deal with is Chen Yi.

Since someone dares to caress the tiger's whiskers, someone must pay the price of blood.

"Some of the people who have surfaced have already been controlled, and this doesn't even require our family to do it, the high-level side has already started action!"

"It's the Yu family?" Chen Yi still has some understanding of this situation, and he is not surprised that Huaxia's senior management can do this.

This is not for the face of the Chen family, but for fear. No one wants Kyoto to become the second London.

"Well, everyone in the Yu family has been controlled, but there are still some people who have no evidence, so even the high-level people can't easily do it!"(Read more @

"They can't do it, then let's do it!" Chen Yi doesn't care about the evidence, and for those who dare to touch his Ni Lin, even if he kills the wrong person, he will not let it go.

And since it is doubtful, it must be tricky, and it will definitely not be a good thing.

"I knew you would be like this. I have sent someone to monitor the suspect."

"Thanks, brother!"

"What did you and my brother say about this?"

"Okay, then I won't be polite to you. Please don't come forward with the Chen family. You send me the information of those people, and I will do it myself!"

Chen Yi wanted to vent his hatred by himself, and of course he was also thinking about the Chen family.

The Chen family is a top-notch family, but there is no reason to kill, even if it is a high-level Huaxia, it will not allow it, but if it is just Chen Yi's personal behavior, then it is two things. If others kidnapped their girlfriends, can they take revenge?

Even if he is held accountable afterwards, who can really treat him? Not to mention that he has the Chen family as the backing, even the existence of the Ape King has to be weighed by some people, and he is not a soft persimmon himself, there are really few people who can win him in China at present.

"Okay, if we need manpower, there are some people in our family who can do it secretly!" Chenjie has obviously been exposed to the core secrets of the Chen family. For Chen Yi, he is not stingy at all. For him, having such a younger brother There are only advantages, no disadvantages.

"No, I also have a private army."

"Chen Long and the others? Those guys are really good, but are you hiding something? With their aptitude, you can't get promoted so fast. You can't favor one another. Let your grandpa know that you have something good for your kid! "Chen Jie obviously knows Chen Long and the others very well, and sees the anomalies in Chen Long and the others.

"I see, wait until this matter is resolved!"

Chen Yi knew that it was time to put this matter on the agenda, and even the ape tribe had received the benefits, and there was no reason to leave his family behind.

"Should you take a break first, or go now?"

"Go now, resolve it sooner, and feel relieved sooner! It will prevent some people from panic, and they don't know how much they have to do!"

"Well, I will upload the information of those people to your mobile phone now. If their location changes, I will contact you immediately!"

"Okay, then I'm leaving first. When I come back, our brothers are having a good drink!"

"Then I won't go anywhere, waiting for you to come back!" Chen Jie smiled heartily.

"Wait, it won't take too long, but there will be surprises at that time!"

Chen Yi also laughed, and then left. The surprise he said was of course the monkey wine. If this thing were taken out, wouldn't it be a surprise?

In the martial arts hall that Chenyi bought back then, Chen Long and others are still practicing hard. They all know about Jin Yao. They also participated in the investigation and started looking for people, but they found nothing.

This made the people of Death Guard very frustrated. Since then, they have practiced more desperately, and there is no time to rest every day.

As for Chen Yi's return, they don't know yet, otherwise they might have rushed to Chen's house long ago, waiting for Chen Yi to dispatch.

"Yeah? They work hard, yes, progress is not small!" Chen Yi walked into the martial arts hall and smiled when he saw Chen Long and the others.

With his eyesight, Chen Long's approximate strength can be seen at a glance. After he has been away for more than a month, the one with the least improvement in strength has also increased by one level. Chen Long is more like taking medicine, and it has been fully improved. At level 3, he has crossed the level of level 10 and reached level 11.


Everyone exclaimed, no one expected Chen Yi to appear so abruptly.

Chen Long exclaimed first, then lowered his head in shame.

"Boss, we are useless, no help at all!"

"It's okay, I have saved the people, you don't have to blame yourself, it has nothing to do with you!" Chen Yi hammered Chen Long in the chest.

"Really saved?" Chen Long couldn't believe it. With the power of the entire Kyoto, he couldn't find where Jin Yao was hidden. Did Chen Yi rescue the person?

"Of course, but who said that you can't help me with anything? Didn't I come to you for help?"

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