The Strongest Shinigami In Another World

Chapter 301 - Go and see with you

Chapter 299

The Chen family ancestor nodded, this matter has been confirmed by Lao Zhang, but Lao Zhang didn't investigate too deeply, and he hurried back immediately after recognizing that the black sea was the same as the black sea in the alien space.

"Things are big! Get ready to fight!"

Chen Yi knew that the battle was unavoidable. What is certain now is that Ye must not have died. If there is no Ye sitting in town, how can Xu dare to get out of the space with such a swagger? Aren't you afraid to run over and give them a pot of stew?

Now, since they have created a space channel, they are definitely ready to confront humans head-on. Although Chen Yi doesn't know why Ye will be so emboldened in such a short period of time, but now it is not entangled in this. When things happen.

What they have to do now is to prepare for the virtual, and they can’t be on their own turf. It is conceivable that the battle between them is absolutely earth-shattering. If they really fight in a human city, even the huge city of Kyoto will definitely be successful. I can't afford this kind of torture, I don't know how many people are going to die at that time!

"What do you think?" The ancestor of the Chen family named Chen Yi came here first to tell Chen Yi of this fact, and secondly to listen to Chen Yi's opinions. At present, Chen Yi's personal opinions are more useful than his ancestor. Many.

Mr. Zhang was the first to inform him of this, and he also asked him to ask Chen Yi's thoughts.

"You can't put the battlefield on our side. If possible, it's by the sea. At the same time, you should also contact the monsters and even the sea beasts in China. I believe there are channels for the higher level?"

"Well, but they are not that easy to persuade!" For this, the ancestors of the Chen family certainly knew that it was precisely because of its connection with the strong presence of those monsters and sea beasts that Huaxia could build seven cities without any problems, otherwise Even if there were super strong presence guards, they couldn't withstand the impact of monsters.

"Just try my best, I'll go to the coast and have a look first!" Unconsciously, the heavy responsibility of human survival has already been weighed on him, which made Chen Yi feel the burden on him.

Because human beings at this time can only block the night by themselves, even if the Buddha master and the Yin-Yang Taoist join hands to block the night.

"Okay, let's set off right away. Someone has already notified the Lord Buddha and Taoist Yin and Yang!"

Chen Yi nodded, and set off!


"It's almost over, how did you escape so much?" Just when Chen Yi set off from Kyoto City, he stood in the sky staring at the black water and muttered.(Read more @

It turned out that the battle on the bottom of the sea was about to end, and only a few sea beasts were still resisting, and more of them fled with injuries. There were not many killed by Yachukas, only a dozen.

Among the dozen or so sea beasts killed, there was a monster fish that was caught by Yachukas at the beginning. It was the first sea beast to fall, and its corpse became the nourishment of the Black Sea.

After a great battle, the ice walls that bound the Black Sea had long been broken, and there was no barrier. The Black Sea began to quickly invade the blue ocean, centering on the space crack, and spreading quickly around.


The sea beasts have died a lot, but Yachukas has nothing to do. The sea beasts are very powerful, and the flesh is stronger than the Yachukas present, but the sea beasts have no means to harm Yachukas, so, Yachucas was not even injured, let alone dead.

"You disappointed me very much!" Ye, slowly shook his head. It didn't make a move. It just wanted to cultivate these Yachukas, otherwise none of these sea beasts would want to leave!

The Yachukas lowered their heads in shame. Although there were some rebuttals in their hearts, no one dared to say them.

"Go, go expand the territory, kill all the creatures you encounter!" Ye did not blame these Acchus too much, waved his hand, and issued a battle order, which was a plan they had decided long ago.

Conquering the ocean is their primary goal. There are endless creatures in the ocean. As long as all the oceans on the earth are turned into the black sea, the earth belongs to them.

As for the attack on the land, there is nothing to worry about. When there are enough men, Ye will naturally take his men to take the land. Now, they still need to develop.

After hearing Ye's order, the Yachukas all showed cruel smiles on their faces. Needless to say, they soon spread in all directions.

Ye Ye didn't give too much explanation. It sat in the middle of the town and looked down at the depths of the ocean: "When will it come? Shouldn't it disappoint me too much?"

At this time, in a place close to 10,000 meters deep in the sea, the imaginary darkness does not exist. Although the sun cannot shine in such a deep place, there are many luminous creatures in the deep sea. Bipolar can also be regarded as luminous creatures.

It was saying something in front of a behemoth body, and the sparks above its head kept shining, looking very excited.

On the other hand, the behemoth on the opposite side of the bipolar is in sharp contrast with the excitement of the bipolar. From its huge face, there is no expression at all, as if everything in the world does not matter to it.

"Hey, you are not so unfeeling, are you? Don't care about anything? Even if you don't think about us, you have to think about yourself? If other sea creatures die, what do you eat? Waiting to starve to death?" When he was not the opponent of this guy, Shuangji couldn't wait to give this guy a few punches to release his mental anger.

It has been here for more than a day, and at the same time all kinds of big and small things have been said for a day, but the guy opposite it has always been in a state of indifferent, and even the most basic reaction has not been given.

What do you mean, do you do it or don't care, what do you say, okay?

"I know what you said!" The behemoth suddenly spoke, and his eyes, which were as large as a two-story building, rolled.

Bipolar sigh, Nima, finally reacted a little.

"Then you will make a move?" Shuangji asked with some uncertainty.

It is now facing the absolute overlord of this sea, a powerful existence with a level of up to 38, and this guy is not only a high level, but also a strong and boundless. He is a blue whale himself. After mutation, he pursues the aircraft carrier by training his size. .

If it is not because the situation is too serious, even with bipolar strength, he would not want to appear in front of this guy at all, that is, this guy has no desire for rights, otherwise this large sea area will be its territory. And its bipolar will also be under others.

"It's been a long time since I haven't been active, let's go and see with you!" The Blue Whale spoke slowly.

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