Chapter 514

The breakfast is not rich, but Chen Yi has the same taste as before.

Uncle Fu didn't delay Chen Yi for too long, maybe he just wanted to see Chen Yi eating breakfast.

Regardless of Chen Yi's retention, when Chen Yi finished breakfast, Fu Bo left.

"It can be seen that your relationship is very good." Lulang Xingjun appeared silently.

"Yes!" Chen Yi has no blood relationship with Fu Bo, but their relationship is no different from the real grandson.

"If you want to prevent harm to the people you care about, you still need to work harder. With your current strength, you can't protect the earth." This is the main purpose of the appearance of Lord Greed Wolf. In fact, Chen Yi's strength is more than that. not enough? If the solar system hadn't been blessed by heavenly soldiers and generals, it is estimated that the flames of war would have extended to the earth at this time, and those imaginary and monster beasts would certainly not just stop like this, especially imaginary.

This is why the Jade Emperor asked him to stay.

"Isn't it enough? Just try hard to make the strength enough." Chen Yi grinned, and then turned around. Today he still has more space hearts to fuse.


In the depths of the starry sky, a strange space is unique. There is no star in this space, and it occupies a land that is as large as more than a dozen solar systems.

However, although there is no earth here, there are creatures. A stalwart figure exudes a strong light. Opposite him, there are also two figures, both of which are in human form. One is tall and has a fierce face, and the other looks good. He is very kind, but his eyes are deep and his skin is pale.

"Jade Emperor, have you already thought about it? Don't continue to seal that place?" the pale-skinned man asked.

The Jade Emperor nodded: "If you can't hide, of course you don't have to continue to hide."

"At that time, the tens of thousands will attack, don't blame me for not helping you."

"Have you helped me?" Jade Emperor looked at the pale-skinned man and asked.

"It doesn't matter whether you help me or not. The purpose of my asking you to come here this time is to tell you that I don't need your help, but you don't want to do anything behind your back, otherwise you will bear my anger. The emperor's tone was indifferent, and he didn't pay attention to these two existences at the same level as him.

The Jade Emperor’s arrogant and arrogant expression immediately angered the fierce-looking man: "It’s been so many years since I have fought, and today’s hands are itchy. Let me try your Jade Emperor’s weight, is it right for me to bear you? Anger."

After the man said, he started his hand immediately. He didn't know how powerful his fist was. When his fist slammed out, the space was shattered. However, his fist ignored the broken space, and went straight to the Jade Emperor's door. .

The face of the Jade Emperor was not angry and majestic, and there was a sense of sacredness and inviolability. A seal appeared on the top of the Jade Emperor's head. He also ignored the broken space and reached out to grab the man's fist.

"Feng Tian Yin, Jade Emperor, are you coming for real?" The man was shocked. He didn't expect the Jade Emperor to be so tough this time. Wasn't it easy for everyone to talk about it in the past?

The Jade Emperor didn't speak, and the Seal of Heaven revolved on top of his head quickly, aroused by the mysterious energy, but he didn't attack the man.

"Jade Emperor, what do you want to do? Do you want to seal this space?" The pale-skinned man stared.(Read more @

What is the Seal of Heaven? That was one of the ten ancient artifacts, the exclusive artifact of the Jade Emperor, and it was extremely powerful. The reason why that place was continuously sealed was precisely because of the existence of the seal of heaven.

But what is the Jade Emperor doing now? What is the purpose of sealing this space? Want to keep yourself and that guy like this?

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to watch the excitement leisurely, and immediately started to besiege the Jade Emperor with the man.

"Humph!" The Jade Emperor snorted coldly, slapped the man's fist, and then moved away from the two of them, and the Seal of Heaven also stopped turning.

"Don't make trouble, otherwise the consequences will not be something you can bear."

After speaking, the figure of the Jade Emperor slowly disappeared, and he had left without waiting for the other party's reply.

"Too much deception, what does the Jade Emperor mean?"

"You are not a human being, you are a demon, but he is really bullying you, what can you do? Can you go to war with the human race?" The pale-skinned man turned paler.

He saw more things, and the strength of the Jade Emperor became stronger again. It was his own strength that became stronger.

"Hmph, I'm going to see if the other race can stop it, even if it hurts us, I won't make a move."

"Sooner or later, I can't hide."

"Don't be hypocritical anymore, didn't you just ran out from that place at the beginning, and now the Human Race hasn't recognized you as beings in this universe."

"Huh!" The pale-skinned man snorted coldly after being said of the pain.

The gathering of the three tribes broke up in such an unhappy way.

Soon after they left the scene, the Void and Monster Beasts who had been dispatched to try to invade the solar system received new orders, and the invasion became surveillance.

The Jade Emperor’s threats are still very useful. At least the two threatened really didn’t dare to offend the Jade Emperor, or the entire human race.


It seemed like a blink of an eye from dawn to dark. Unconsciously, most of the day’s time passed, one day time, Chen Yi integrated more than two hundred spatial hearts, and they are still mostly small relics, but There are also some medium-sized hearts.

He has never looked at his own attribute panel, and focused on the integration of space.

However, at night, just before practicing, he instinctively took a look at the attribute panel, in fact, he mainly wanted to see how much spiritual pressure had increased.

After taking a look, he found that it was the same as what he had calculated. After no more, no less, he closed the attribute panel, but in the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened and the closed attribute panel opened again.

Name: Chen Yi

Level: 41

Physique: 83305

Strength: 81956

Agility: 81889

Intelligence: 15

Reinforcement: 31640

Skills: slightly

"When did the intelligence rise a little?" This was the reason that made Chen Yi stare. He clearly remembered that his intelligence was 14 o'clock before, at least until last night.

Suddenly Chen Yi thought of something, could it be because of the practice last night?

In order to verify the truth, Chen Yi couldn't wait to start practicing.

"What did this kid find? Why was he suddenly so surprised?" Greed Wolf Xingjun is powerful, but he is not strong enough to understand the inner thoughts of others. He just saw Chen Yi's expression, but it didn't seem to be what happened. A bad thing should be a good thing.

"The old fellow Di Kun doesn't know if he can catch up. At the speed of this kid, I am afraid that it will take a few days to integrate all the relics of China."

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