The Strongest Shinigami In Another World

Chapter 590 - Is there such an operation?

Chapter 589 Is There Such an Operation?

Of course, Chen Yi will not be stingy with the money he promised, so he throws out a crystal card. There are 300,000 alliance coins in the crystal card. The money is not too much, but if you buy this star map, you should Is enough.

"My lord, really don't need it." The boss of the Star Thieves group held the crystal card in his hand, looking a little embarrassed.

"This is what you deserve." After all, Chen Yi waved his hand, the meaning was obvious, this was the meaning of seeing off the guests.

However, at this time, the boss of the Star Pirates group didn’t want to leave so quickly, and hurriedly said: "My lord, I don’t know where the lord wants to go. The villain is very familiar with this place. If he can be lucky enough to help the lord, that’s it. The honor of the villain."

Chen Yi looked at the boss of the Star Thieves Group, what exactly this guy was making, Chen Yi had already guessed the same in his heart.

Regardless of their real physical fitness and other measurement attributes are similar, but Chen Yi’s mental strength is absolutely beyond the other's N. The mental activity of the other's brain can be clearly captured by Chen Yi, just the bad thoughts in his heart. I can’t hide it from Chen Yi at all. If the other party sees it well, just keep the bad thoughts in my heart, that’s all. Chen Yi has the ability to control other people’s thoughts, but if you want to take you If your bad thoughts become actual actions, then you must be prepared for destruction.

"Are you sure you want to help me?" Chen Yi's expression was indifferent.

"Yes, my lord."

"Then you can introduce yourself seriously."

"This should be the case. The villains are frogmen. Because they offended the nobles in the clan, they were forced to go to this place to start a baseless business, but the adults can rest assured that we are only asking for money, and we have not hurt others' lives. , Because of this, we have a good understanding of this large star field, and it can definitely help adults."

"Well, what's your name?" Chen Yi nodded. The other party did not lie. Then what is the so-called non-profit business is the star thief. It is the same profession as the black skull, but this group is more professional than the black skull. Too much.

"This is the villain's mistake. The villain's name is Oranzi, and the adults call me Lanzi."(Read more @

Me Nima? Fortunately, Chen Yi’s current force is very cold. If he is really casual, and he happens to be drinking something, it is estimated that he has already sprayed a sip of water on Oranzi’s face. Name? basket? I'm going, it's weird enough.

"Ahem, very good, Oranzi, take me to the nearest jumping station and lead the way."

"My lord, if you lead the way, my broken ships will not be useful. Your car must be faster. How about I show you the way here?" Oranzi wouldn't leave easily now.

"Well, that's fine!" Chen Yi said indifferently.

"Then please allow the villain to confess to the villain's brothers and let them follow."


Oranzi was very happy at this time. He didn't really want to help Chen Yi or anything. He was interested in Chen Yi's car, the Death God. Faced with a battleship of this level, who could not be moved? Especially, the owner of the Grim Reaper turned out to be Chen Yi, and his strength was so much lower than his own. The most important thing was that this guy seemed to be alone. With his perception, he didn't even notice that there was anything on this huge battleship. Other creatures.

This is simply a godsend opportunity, OK? This kind of opportunity can only be done once in a lifetime. If you can’t catch it, you will be struck by thunder. Such an awesome warship is simply a door for yourself. Just seize the opportunity and give Chen Yi a chance. One hit kills, this battleship will eventually fall into his own hands.

With this behemoth, what kind of star thief would he be? Just go back to the frogman clan to be the king. Wow, bitter star thief, whoever loves to be.

Oranzi dreamed of a bright future, calmed his little brothers through the communication means of the Death, and after instructing them to go to the destination, he calmly acted as a guide in the Death.

Don't say it, this guy is still very eloquent. In this galaxy where there is no human settlement, he can also find some beautiful places.

In fact, this Nima is just having fun in his suffering. In this bitter place, if you don't make yourself fun, you will go crazy.

As for the scenery in the galaxy, Chen Yi didn't have any thoughts to watch. What he wants to see now is, when will the show of Aolanzi be finished? He has already given Aolanzi a lot of opportunities and just waits. Oranzi is doing it.

"There is a half-depleted energy planet ahead, which still has mining value. It is recommended that the host conquer the entire star thief cluster and make it a coolie for the host." Before Oranzi could do it, the system first gave its own opinion, the half-depleted one. The energy planet was detected by the Reaper. Normal warships do not have this detection function. Even a thoroughbred expedition ship does not have such a great detection capability. It can only be said that the Reaper is so abnormal.

"Energy planet? What kind of energy is it? What is it for me?"

"Energy crystals are naturally bred under the rules of the universe. They are generally only produced inside the planet. In the human world, energy crystals are universal. They are divided into 5 levels according to the level. For the host, energy crystals The most direct effect is that it can be transformed into spiritual power, and it is recommended that the host collect it." The system's explanation is very comprehensive. If it is gathered into one sentence, that is, gather, the spiritual power of the horse has fallen.

"This is a good thing. It's just that I don't have so much time to waste here. If I send people who I can trust, I probably won't be able to suppress these star thief, right?"

"The host can rest assured that the Reaper can modify the system parameters of the opponent's warship. While improving the opponent's intelligence, those warships will also become the owner's private property. As long as the three warships are in town, it is enough to suppress the star thief.

"There is still this kind of operation?" Chen Yi stared, this is too much Nima, right? This is even a star thief than a star thief. It doesn’t make sense at all. It can directly turn someone’s warship into its own. It can also improve intelligence and help you watch the laborers do their jobs. Would you like to be so sharp?

"Yes." The system gave an affirmative answer.

"Okay, slow down and wait for the tail behind." Of course, Chen Yi nodded and agreed to such a good thing. Isn't it a fool who doesn't agree? As for squeezing those star thieves, Chen Yike would not apologize at all, because they were originally evil star thieves. If the god horse hadn't killed anyone, it was a lie to fools.

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