The strongest soldier

Chapter 1754 The valley is occupied

With more people and greater strength, everyone emptied the supplies and equipment stored in the valley and quickly retreated to the west. The noisy valley soon became empty. Soon, intensive gunfire came, and then a team Rushing towards the wooden houses in the valley from the canyons and mountains, each one was armed with live ammunition and wearing uniforms. They were the Sam Army. Seeing that there was no resistance in the valley, this army rushed into the wooden houses excitedly and searched each room.

There were still gunshots ringing out in the surrounding mountains and forests, heading west, but more troops rushed into the valley. After a while, the regiment leader rushed up with the guards, and saw the intact wooden houses in the valley, although all the people were gone. , but Hun didn't care. When he thought of the political purpose of garrisoning in the valley, the regiment leader couldn't help but shouted excitedly: "Quickly check the danger of the wooden house. Adjutant, lead a troop to garrison the surrounding mountains immediately to guard against the enemy's counterattack."

"Yes." The adjutant shouted, calling a team to quickly seize the commanding heights of the valley.

The regiment leader walked forward in high spirits. Although he failed to capture the opponent and rescue the hostages, he forced the enemy away and seized the enemy's lair. Politically speaking, it was also a great achievement. More importantly, after occupying the valley, There is a great guarantee for the subsequent development of tantalum mines, and the benefits are even greater.

"Report, enemy headquarters found." A second lieutenant said after running up and saluting.

"Let's go and have a look." The group leader waved his hand excitedly, indicating to the other party to lead the way.

Soon, the regiment leader came to the headquarters, the largest wooden house in the valley, and found that the sand table had been destroyed and scattered on the ground. Everything in the room was emptied, and nothing was left behind. The regiment leader was startled, and frowned in thought. After a while, the regiment leader shouted to the correspondent: "Send power to the general headquarters immediately. The valley has been occupied. Our army is cleaning the battlefield and building fortifications. Please give instructions."

"Yes." The correspondent immediately agreed and made the call.

The regiment leader shouted to a staff officer who was following him: "This is a good place. The place is big enough and can be used as our headquarters. The staff will be in place immediately to tidy up the place. The sand table will be restored as soon as possible and the communication radar and other equipment will be set up." stand up."

"Yes." The staff officer agreed quickly and hurried away.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside. After a while, Jackson ran over with a group of people. He took a look at the situation inside the wooden house. There was a bit of excitement on his face. He looked at the leader and said: " Well done, I didn’t expect you to be the first to occupy this place, this credit belongs to you.”

"More commanders in chief." The regiment leader responded quickly with understanding.

"When I came here, I found that this place had been evacuated. It seems that the enemy has voluntarily abandoned the valley. I will arrange for a batch of supplies to be airdropped to you as soon as possible. Guard this valley well and build defenses on the surrounding commanding heights. I don't want this place to happen again. Change hands to the enemy." Jackson's face turned solemn and he warned seriously.

"Yes." The leader quickly agreed with understanding: "I promise to complete the mission."

"The enemy is free to be pursued by other troops. You should hurry up and deploy. It will get dark in about two hours. The pursuing troops also need a place to camp. They will turn back after dark. You should be prepared to meet them." Jack Sen warned.

"Understood." The regiment leader agreed without hesitation. He suddenly thought of something. He waved his hand to signal others around him to leave and then lowered his voice and asked: "Old friend, I heard that the fighting on the Eastern Front was very hard and many people were sacrificed. The troops I'm almost disabled, this is probably not a small matter, don't you think?"

"Those bastards are really useless. They were attacked overnight by a group of natives armed with bows and arrows. In addition, the troops lost more than a thousand people during the day. I couldn't cover up this matter. Fortunately, we captured this valley. Otherwise, there is no way to explain it. Militarily speaking, we lost. We lost completely, with more than a thousand casualties, while the enemy only suffered a few hundred casualties. Politically speaking, we won. I know this well. It's a pity that the hostages were not rescued, but I hope the pursuit troops can do something." Jackson also lowered his voice and said, frowning, and his words were full of anger and dissatisfaction.

"As long as you know what to do, just tell me what you need me to do." The leader took the opportunity to express his position.

"Well, at critical moments, old friends are still reliable." Jackson said with a pun.


In a dense forest next to a river in the vast primeval forest, a scholar stood resting next to a big tree with a cold face. Next to him stood a gardener, a monk, and a farmer. Behind him was a group of heavily armed soldiers, sitting on the ground gasping for air. , finally got rid of the enemy, everyone took the time to recover their physical strength.

"Asshole, I must settle this account clearly." The scholar said to himself coldly, his eyes as sharp as a blade, locked on the direction of his coming.

"Brother, I know you are suffering. Brother Ghost will definitely help us settle this debt. Don't worry, this detour behind enemy lines will definitely make a difference. Don't worry, stay calm, your brothers are watching. Where are you?" The monk came up and whispered comforting words.

"I can't calm down. One hundred brothers came here with me to serve the country. Look at now, more than 20 people have been sacrificed, more than 30 people have been injured, and more than half of the brothers are gone. I?" the scholar said sadly and angrily, His nose was sore, and two lines of tiger tears rolled down his resolute face, falling to the ground with endless anger.

"Your brother is also our brother. Let's remember this grudge first. You still have more than forty people, plus the three hundred people of our three brothers, you can still make a big fuss. Moreover, the ghost brother has specially explained that there are too many We brought food and weapons, obviously we also want to fight, the enemy is about to catch up, we retreat first, find the ghost brother first." The monk said in a deep voice, giving the gardener and farmer a look.

The gardener nodded knowingly, took a few steps forward and said, "Brothers fight for the country and die with no regrets. The bodies and wounded of the brothers have been evacuated. There is nothing to worry about. All we living people can do is Avenge them, it’s getting late, let’s go, we must find Brother Ghost as soon as possible.”

"Yes, it will be troublesome once we are bitten by the enemy's pursuers. Let the enemy know where we are going, and it may expose Brother Ghost's tactical intentions. Let's go north first, get rid of the enemy, and then quickly make a circuitous route to the southeast. We will drive all night to fight for Meet the ghost before dawn." The farmer also came up quickly and said.

"Revenge, let's go." The scholar took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and looked at his troops with a promise. There was a trace of guilt on his face, but more of it was anger, and shouted: "Brothers, let's go, for brothers Let’s take revenge.”

"Revenge." Everyone stood up suddenly, with cold murderous intent erupting from their whole bodies. They rushed forward and quickly disappeared into the depths of the dense forest without a trace.

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