The battle between Goten and Gogeta in the Super Saiyan 2 form continued. The terrifying battle caused the sky to collapse and the earth to split, and thunder and lightning flashed.

Even the highest level of the seventh universe, the Kaioshin Realm, with the highest planetary hardness, seemed to be trapped in the scene of doomsday, with shocking scenes of destruction everywhere.

As the battle became more and more intense, Gogeta's fists became faster and faster. Even if he didn't want to admit it, it was very incredible. Gogeta knew that his growth could not keep up with Goten, and he began to be suppressed by the little devil in front of him.

No matter how he changed his moves and how fast he shot, Goten could take it steadily and counterattack. Gogeta

, who felt that the situation was not good, finally burst out fiercely and no longer hid his clumsiness.


After another collision, Gogeta took advantage of the remaining strength of retreating, and his breath burst out again while flying backwards. The terrifying momentum shook the sky, suppressing everything, and almost affected every dimension of the seventh universe.

If the old Kai and the Jebito cast their eyes towards the lower universe, they would find that the entire universe was in a state of great terror, especially the Great Kai Galaxy and the four galaxies.

Some monsters in the universe who thought they were powerful were now shrinking like quails, not daring to make any unusual movements.

"Are you finally willing to transform further?"

Sun Wutian watched this scene and did not stop it. The opponent he wanted was Gogeta, the strongest in the dimension, who was trying his best, not an elder who was holding back because of his young age.

"But, just this is not enough!"

Goten's eyes turned cold, and his aura burst out. The hidden power was wantonly released, showing his strength. All the hidden power did not exist at this moment. He wanted to force Gogeta to further his strength, or even further potential.

Throughout the history of Dragon Ball, there may be opponents that Gogeta or Vegetto can face, but the enemy who can really force them into a desperate situation and force them to surpass their limits in the combined state has never appeared.

Be it Majin Buu, Evil Thought Wave, or the Super One-Star Dragon in GT, the Super Broly in the Trans-Time and Space, or even the combined Zamasu, who is known as the Absolute God in the more distant future, they can only be played with and crushed in front of Vegetto or Gogeta.

They are not qualified to force them into a desperate situation where they have to surpass their limits.

Goten believes that as the protagonist of Dragon Ball, Goku, and the combination of Vegeta, the perennial runner-up, their potential is far more than that. Gogeta can be even stronger, and can directly comprehend and surpass the limit.

"Gogeta, enough warm-ups!"

"Next, you will witness everything about me. If you can't keep up with my pace, I will be very, very, very disappointed!"Son Goten no longer hid, and the power he had grown in the battle just now exploded. The originally degraded Super Saiyan form also further transformed into Super Saiyan 3 at this time.

100 billion.

300 billion.

500 billion.

6000 billion.

Goten's aura seemed to have no limit. In an instant, he completely surpassed Super Saiyan 2 Gogeta and crushed him. The terrifying aura was like the cloud of doomsday hanging over the hearts of everyone in the King of God Realm. Even someone as strong as Gohan seemed to feel the coming of death.

The other Z fighters were even worse. Even if they tried their best to resist, they were still inevitably bent over, and half of their bodies were sunk into the extremely solid ground of the King of God Realm.


Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Whether it was the Z fighters such as Piccolo and Tien Shinhan, the King of Gods and Old King of Gods, or Gohan, they were all completely dumbfounded. Goten's outburst came too suddenly, and it directly shattered all their psychological preparations.

Looking at Gogeta, who was blocking in front of him with one hand and trying his best to resist Goten's aura, everyone's heart seemed to have experienced an 18-magnitude earthquake and it was difficult to calm down.

Although they all knew that Goten was very Strong, and incredibly strong.

He has surpassed his brother, Son Gohan, who was once the strongest individual in the universe, and his fathers.

However, no one expected that the power that Son Goten burst out again would crush the combined warrior Gogeta of Son Goku and Vegeta at once!!

They may not have a direct concept of Gogeta's power, but another Vegeta with earrings almost killed Gohan Buu with just the Super One form, and he is definitely an invincible existence standing at the top of the universe.

Such a combined warrior, with the power of further transformation, not only did not win the game, but was directly crushed by Son Goten? How is this possible?

And... what did they hear just now?

Son Goten actually ignored the terrifying fierce battle that made them tremble with fear, and felt that if they were not careful, a breath not far away might cause all of them to line up in the underworld directly. Is it a warm-up? ? Is this how Saiyans warm up? ?

"Goten has actually grown to this point?"Son Gohan, who maintained his mysterious form, crossed his hands in front of him, trying his best to resist the domineering aura of Son Goten, with shock in his eyes.

Although Son Gohan had seen that Goten was hiding something in the battle, otherwise he would not be so"rampant" as to not even maintain the Super Saiyan 3 form, but retreat to the Super Saiyan 2 form to fight Gogeta.

But, isn't Goten hiding too much?

Son Gohan felt like he didn't know whether he should complain or not. This damn love of hiding strength and having a wild personality is really inherited from their Sun family.

"Such power, is it about to reach that realm?"The old Kai's cloudy eyes flashed with a moment of brilliance, but soon disappeared, and finally turned into endless emotion.

He didn't expect that this old man who had seen a lot would also make mistakes. He thought that the first person to reach the realm of God would be either Son Gohan or Son Goku, or at least Vegeta, but he didn't expect that the first person to reach this step would be Son Goten!!

I have to say, it's really... too interesting.....

The most uneasy person at this moment should be Gogeta.

After all, he was the one who faced the most powerful side of Goten. That terrifying aura made him feel as if the space was oppressed, which made Gogeta extremely uncomfortable.

Although the current transformation form is not Gogeta's limit, but Goten's actions and the crazy pressure from the aura were undoubtedly a serious provocation to him.

"Do you want to see me at my strongest?"

"I hope you won't regret it!"

The bangs on Gogeta's forehead were blown by the erupting golden flames, and the next moment all the hidden power in his body burst out. The combat power that was originally less than 270 billion expanded to 4 trillion in an instant.

Just when Son Gohan and the Z Fighters and others were looking at Gogeta's outburst, they saw him clenching his fists, bending his body slightly, and letting out a low roar with his clenched fists.


The horrible roar resounded in the Kaishin Realm.

Everyone's attention was attracted by a golden beam of light that penetrated the Kaishin Realm and the dimension. Gogeta, who was completely bathed in it, exuded an aura that made Son Gohan feel suffocated.

The Z Fighters and the two Kais were even more unbearable. They felt as if the space was solidified and they couldn't even move a finger.

【At the end of the chapter: Please give me flowers, collections, monthly tickets, rewards, and all kinds of requests. Please give me some motivation to continue writing Dragon Ball. I will update 5 times a day steadily. I have signed a contract for this work. Please feel free to collect and follow me.]

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