When the light faded, everything returned to calm.

The entire Kaioshin Realm was in ruins. The fertile land had turned into a purgatory, with erupting volcanoes and lava flowing in countless scars on the earth.

The hundreds of Goten and Gogeta's clones also disappeared, leaving only the two of them facing each other in the sky.

In the distance, the old Kaioshin looked distressed. The familiar scenery was now gone.

"I asked you to fight, not to destroy the house."

"The Seven Gods Luoxia Peak is gone"

"Mount Kaiojin is gone"

"The Holor Mountains are gone."

""Why don't you just destroy the Kaioshin Realm?"

The old Kaioshin was so angry that he would have rushed to Goten and Gogeta and pointed at their noses and spit at them.

Little did he know that if Goten and Gogeta hadn't held back, the Kaioshin Realm would have disappeared in the previous battle.


Gogeta in Super Saiyan 3 was panting heavily. The clones and the hundreds of Kamehameha waves released at the same time had consumed too much of his physical strength and breath, so much so that he was almost on the verge of collapse.

On the other hand, all of Goten's clones had disintegrated. After the energy was fed back, his aura, which was already surging, suddenly increased by a large amount. His pure aura was far superior to that of Gogeta who had just transformed into Super Saiyan 3.

"Alas, is this the end?"

Sun Wutian looked at Gogeta with some disappointment. With the other party's current state, he knew without even thinking that Gogeta might still have some strength to fight, but it was absolutely impossible for him to surpass any limit and evolve into Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta or Super Saiyan God Gogeta.

In addition, the two were not enemies after all, and it was not a life-and-death battle. Although neither of them held back in the battle, it was not a fight to the death.

Sun Wutian did not use the power of terminal acquisition, and Gogeta's Star Destroyer, Soul Punishment and other killer moves were also useless. It is useful.

In this environment, even if Gogeta is hit again, it is difficult for him to surpass the limits of Son Goku and Vegeta, complete a qualitative leap or evolution, and show a higher form of Super Saiyan transformation to continue fighting with Son Goten.

But, Son Goten is still unwilling to end it like this.

Son Goten flipped his hand and took out a Senzu Bean that was a super reward for defeating his brother Son Gohan, raised his hand and threw it towards Gogeta who was panting in front of him and seemed to be about to disintegrate at any time.


The green Senzu Bean fell steadily into Gogeta's hand with a"pop" sound.

"What are you doing?"

Gogeta knew what was in his hand, but he didn't understand why Goten did it.

"Eat it and keep fighting with me!"

"I know that Super Saiyan 3 is not your limit, nor should it be your limit."Goten did not hesitate, and his aura continued to burst out recklessly. He did not believe that Super Saiyan 3 was Gogeta's limit. You know

, during the Majin Buu period, Goten and Trunks, who could only barely master the power of Super Saiyan 1, could directly break through two levels of boundaries after merging and show the power of Super Saiyan 3.

If Gogeta could not transform into a stronger form, Goten would definitely not believe it.

"You really surprise me, Goten!"

"Isn't it good to end it like this?"

Gogeta looked at Son Goten, as if he didn't want to continue fighting, but also seemed to want to give Son Goten another chance to regret, so he didn't take the Senzu Beans immediately.

Son Goten said nothing, just looked at him indifferently.

Gogeta's attitude made him more certain that this guy must not have reached his limit, and he still had a trick up his sleeve, even a hundred million tricks.

"If it ends now, you will have defeated me, defeated Son Goku and Vegeta, and become the strongest person in the universe." Gogeta still smiled at Son Goten, smiling like a wolf grandmother, totally unlike the Gogeta who would not waste words if he could take action.

However, Son Goten just looked at him calmly, with a twitch of his mouth:"You have already lost. I gave you the chance, not you gave me the chance. Let's make it clear first."


Gogeta obviously understood Goten’s attitude. He tossed the beans lightly in his hand, then instantly pinched the beans between two fingers, threw them into his mouth and chewed them, while laughing cheerfully:"Since you said so, I’d rather obey you respectfully."

Gogeta quickly swallowed the beans in his mouth, his expression solemn, and said:"But, I must remind you that it’s best to prepare for the worst, because Super Saiyan 3 and beyond is a completely unknown area.

Even I don’t know if I can control that power.

Maybe I will be like the Saiyan’s giant ape transformation and go out of control!

" It wasn’t until these words came out that Gogeta knew why Gogeta was unwilling to go one step further and transform beyond the limit, but instead wasted energy to cast his clone to fight against him.

So, are you worried about this?

Even if you have to carry the abyss, you need a hand. Bah, I went to the wrong set.

"Now that you said that, I'm even more looking forward to it!"

Goten showed a happy smile on his face, without too much nonsense, and did not tell Gogeta that his worries were unnecessary, because no matter how he transformed, whether he directly transformed into Super Saiyan 4, or directly comprehended the breath of God and transformed into Super Saiyan God, or even Super Saiyan God Blue.

He would quickly catch up and surpass him.

Lose control and run away?

Just beat him until he is sensible.

Although Goten was not worried, the other people nearby, whether it was God Jebit, Son Gohan, Piccolo and others, or Old Kai, their hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

That's Gogeta. If he loses control and runs away, won't he directly destroy the entire universe?

Although they wanted to stop the continuation of this battle.

But seeing that Goten didn't care, but looked forward to it, and Gogeta himself was eager to try, everyone had to swallow back the words on their lips.

They all knew that at this moment, no one could stop this battle.

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