Everyone knows the Super Saiyan transformations of ordinary Saiyans.

Super Saiyan 1 is 50 times the normal level.

Super Saiyan 2 is 100 times the normal level, twice the Super Saiyan 1.

Super Saiyan 3 is 400 times the normal level, 4 times the Super Saiyan 2 level.

However, Gogeta is different. He is a combined warrior, a combination of the strongest and the strongest. The increase in the Super Saiyan he transforms into is extremely terrifying. Even if it is just the Super Saiyan 1 transformation, it is not much worse than Son Goku's Super Saiyan 3's 400-fold increase. On the basis of Super Saiyan 3, he has increased it by a hundred or a thousand times, which is absolutely terrifying.

"Normal, a million times?"

Although Tien Shinhan and others may not be good at math, they are not so bad that they can't even do such a simple arithmetic problem. But

, they would rather not know how to do it.

Because this is no longer a blow to people, it is simply a devastating blow.

Don’t you see, from the moment Tien Shinhan spit out a million times the normal state, Son Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, God Jepitel and others, without exception, were like petrified, solidified in place.

Krillin's whole body was shaking violently, and the corners of his mouth pulled out a far-fetched and bitter smile, and he laughed dryly:"Hehe... Hehe, fortunately...Fortunately, I have given up chasing their footsteps."

"Otherwise, it is really hard to imagine how hard work and effort one has to put in to catch up with Goku and the other Saiyans."


"No matter how hard they work, they will never be able to catch up with them in their lifetime, right?"When he said the last part, Krillin's eyes felt a little warm. He looked at the figure standing on the earth, but above all the creatures in the universe. Even now, just thinking about it, he felt a burst of despair and relief.

Fortunately, such people are not their enemies.

Otherwise, the earth, no, even the entire universe, would be doomed, right?

Tien Shinhan:"...."


God Jabit:"....."

The three of them fell silent after hearing what Krillin said. Even if they were as tough as Piccolo and as tenacious as Tien Shinhan, they had to admit that compared to the Saiyans, even the comparison made them feel desperate. A million times the normal increase!!!

This doesn't mean that they can catch up with the Saiyans by putting in a million times more effort and hard work. The gap in blood and talent will only grow larger as time goes by.

If the Super Saiyan 3 transformation hadn't yet pushed Piccolo and Tien Shinhan to despair, the two of them were now also depressed and autistic.

They couldn't even think of how they could catch up with such a person?

"I'm afraid that even if we put in tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of times the effort, we won't have a chance to catch up with them in this lifetime, right?" Tien Shinhan smiled bitterly, his tall and straight figure suddenly looked indescribably lonely and desolate.

He was the most sincere in martial arts, and he had the strongest desire to become stronger and surpass himself.

Although he had long stopped competing with the Saiyans, when he knew that Gogeta's further transformation would most likely increase his normal level by at least hundreds of thousands of times, or even millions of times, Tien Shinhan still felt a little bored. He even had the idea of not wanting to practice martial arts anymore.

Piccolo didn't say anything, he was also shut down by the blow, but even if he couldn't surpass the Saiyans, he would not give up the pursuit of a higher realm and a stronger self.

"Well, I don’t know what you mean by hundreds of thousands or millions of times."

Suddenly, Trunks on the side laughed shyly for a few times, raised his hand to break the uncomfortable atmosphere and said,"But, the one who should be most worried now should be Goku, right?"

Once these words came out, it was like a wake-up call for the dreamer.

""Yes! Goten!!"

Son Gohan looked up at the sky worriedly. As a combined warrior, Gogeta was a symbol of invincibility. Although the blow he caused was great, Son Gohan believed that whether it was his"godfather" Piccolo or Tien Shinhan who was a sincere martial artist, they would be able to adjust their mentality quickly.

As for Krillin and Yamcha?

Those two were already useless and gave up martial arts training. They were not considered or worried at all. What he needed to worry about now was his younger brother Goten....

At this time, Sun Wutian was looking at Gogeta solemnly.

From the moment when Gogeta broke through the limit, his aura rose, and then broke through the dimension and sublimated into the aura of God, the image of Gogeta was rapidly enlarged in Sun Wutian's eyes.

Although as a mortal, he could not perceive the aura of God.

But Sun Wutian could clearly perceive the strength.

"That's an exaggerated improvement."

"The combat power of 17 trillion rose by hundreds of times in an instant. Is this the Super Saiyan God?"

Goten stared at Gogeta, facing the overwhelming majesty of the god. The overwhelming pressure made Goten feel like a person standing alone in front of a huge star in the universe, making him feel insignificant. Goten's young body began to tremble.



"It's exciting!!"

"I feel my blood boiling"

"Come on, Gogeta, become stronger, become stronger, be it a hundred times, a thousand times, or even surpassing the Super Saiyan God, it’s up to you. I only have one request, become stronger!"

Goten shouted excitedly in his heart. The trembling was not caused by fear, nor by the pressure of Gogeta's aura. Instead, the beast hidden in his body was roaring, and his blood was boiling. He couldn't help but be excited to fight Gogeta.

Divine power was within reach.

The transformation of Super Saiyan God was not far away.

But Goten was not in a hurry. He just suppressed his inner restlessness and the abnormal movement of his blood, waiting to complete this final battle with Gogeta and complete this peak duel.

He no longer wanted to care how strong the Super Saiyan God would be after Gogeta completed the transformation. He didn't think about such a terrible transformation increase. Was it the posture that the Super Saiyan God should have, or was it because Gogeta was a combined warrior, and his anger had a mysterious effect, raising the upper limit of the Super Saiyan God transformation.

Goten didn't care, didn't care, and didn't want to think at this time.

He had only one thought, wait for Gogeta to complete the transformation, and then fight!!!

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