Understand matter, analyze its structure, and create matter.

With the easy-to-understand teaching of King Kai, Goten realized that divine power is a panacea. It is true that it can be used in battle to surpass ordinary energy, but in other aspects, it can bring out the extraordinary effects of divine power. It can be so convenient and simple. As long as you understand the structure of matter, you can easily create it.

No wonder Piccolo can easily create some clothes or weights.

After several attempts, Goten used divine power to change the structure of a stone. After completing the"midas stone into gold", he said goodbye to the god Jepiter with satisfaction.

"Did you see it?"

After Son Goten disappeared, Old Kai walked behind God Jebit and said this meaningfully.

"Yeah, I can see something."

God Jebit's expression was very solemn. Son Goten himself might not know that his divine power was very close to that of God Kai. What he didn't tell Goten was that divine power was also diverse and not a panacea.

For example, the power of the God of Destruction pursues destruction and destruction.

The power of God Kai pursues creation.

Although the divine power of mortals may be different in some places, and even compatible with each other, it is definitely not as profound and mysterious as the divine power shown by Son Goten. It actually gave God Jebit a feeling that it was applicable to everything.

It was as if……

"Although it is very simple, it does give a feeling of being more powerful than the Kaioshin, right?"Old Kaioshin seemed to have seen through the mind of Jebito and pointed it out.


God Jebit nodded, it was true.

"You already know that the Kaioshin is the supreme god who controls creation and the God of Destruction controls destruction.

Together, they maintain the balance of the universe.

A single move can affect the entire universe.

" The old Kaioshin's voice was deep and distant.

He looked towards the direction of the other dimensional God of Destruction and said slowly,"Above the two, there are angels.

They are not only the teachers of the God of Destruction, but also the gods of a higher dimension who are responsible for supervising and guiding the universe.


"Old Ancestor, what are you saying? ?"

God Jebit's eyes widened, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Son Goten, his power, although it doesn't feel like an angel's, does have similar characteristics.

Otherwise, do you think you can easily create something just by understanding the structure and characteristics of matter?"Old Kai put his hands behind his back and let out a long sigh.

The Saiyans master the power of time, foresee the possibilities of the future, and have similar characteristics to the way angels express their power.

Old Kai really doesn't know whether this is good or bad for Son Goten and the seventh universe.

"Old Ancestor, I think you are worrying too much."

Seeing the sigh of the old Kai, God Jebit suddenly laughed and comforted him:"Mr. Goku and Gohan, we all know that they are heroes and partners with a strong sense of justice. They will only become the powerful foundation and combat power of our universe, and are unlikely to become a disaster."


God Jebit hesitated for a moment, but still said firmly:"Although he is still young, I can see that he is not the kind of person who would do anything wrong."

"As long as we guide him well and don't let him go astray, it will be fine."

The old Kai turned his head and looked at the God Jebit, who looked at him calmly. After a long time, the old Kai smiled self-deprecatingly and said,"Maybe what you said is right, and you are the Kai. I will just live out my old age in peace.""

"Well, don't say that, ancestor. I still have a lot of things I don't understand and need your advice."....

Earth, Baozi Mountain, Sun's house.

Almost an hour had passed since Son Goten left.

During this time, Son Gohan discovered that Son Goten's breath disappeared on Earth. Thinking that something had happened, he brought Eliza in to inquire about the situation. Then, Son Goku and Chi-Chi looked at each other, and finally told Son Gohan everything that had just happened to Son Goku. Then

, there was a longer silence.

To be honest, this was also a path that Son Gohan had never imagined.

Because since he was a child, Chi-Chi had instilled in him that he should study hard, go to a good school in the future, strive to find a good job when he entered society, make more money to support his family, and not be like his father, Son Goku.

As a result, now, Chi-Chi and Son Goku suddenly told him.

You study for money in the end, so you might as well make a wish or solve it in other ways.

This crappy book, if you like to read it, read it as a hobby to enrich your knowledge. If you don't want to read it, just go home and continue to practice with Son Goku. Son Gohan, who was almost at ease as a scholar and ready to be a social animal when he entered society, almost had his values shattered to the ground.

After a brief exchange, Elisa and Videl agreed with what Goten said.

Money is something that is very hard to earn for ordinary people.

But Gohan is a Saiyan Superman who can easily block a rocket launcher and remain unscathed by heavy firepower (Elisa doesn't know Gohan's true strength). He can just stop eating beef, so why should he become a social animal and be ordered around?


With a wave of air, Goten, who had teleported back, appeared in his original position again.

"Goten, you're back!"

"Are you okay?"

Qiqi rushed over immediately and was concerned about Sun Wutian's condition. No matter how eloquent Sun Wutian was just now, and no matter what Sun Wukong said about Sun Wutian's strength being the best in the universe and that he would not be in danger, as a parent, she still checked him out.

""Mom, mom, I'm fine, I'm really fine."

Sun Wutian looked at Chi-Chi who was almost holding him upside down to shake him to see if he was injured. Although he enjoyed the care of his relatives, he couldn't help feeling helpless in his heart. He, Sun Wutian, was a man who could beat the Super Saiyan God Gogeta. As long as he didn't encounter the level of God of Destruction, who could let him get injured?

Then, Sun Wutian quickly took out the box of universal capsules filled with King Kai.

""Mom, these boxes are full. Each of the 10 universal capsules contains 100,000 gold sticks weighing 10 kilograms. Two universal capsules are filled with various diamonds. One ten-thousand-year capsule contains some precious metals that are more valuable than gold."

Sun Wutian took out the universal capsule from his arms like he was presenting a treasure and handed it to Qiqi.

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