Son Goten's words caused a great shock to Son Gohan.

The lesson of the disaster with Majin Buu was still before his eyes.

In addition, his younger brother Goten had solved the family's financial difficulties, so Son Gohan really calmed down and thought about what his future path would be.

He used to like fighting.

After all, he also has the blood of Saiyans and the combative gene flowing in his body, but Chi-Chi's suppression for a long time has suppressed his nature that desires to fight.

Just when Chi-Chi was about to say something, Son Goku stopped her, shook his head at her, and said in a deep voice:"Let Gohan think about it carefully."

"Just as the gods said, young eagles will eventually spread their wings and fly. After all, the child has grown up. It is up to him to decide what path he wants to take in the future."

Sun Wukong's face showed a rare serious expression.

Qiqi glanced at Sun Wukong and saw that he looked calm, so she nodded and said to Elisa and Bidili with a smile:"It's getting late, let's go to bed early."

""Okay, auntie, good night."

Videl and Elisa thanked her politely.

However, just as Videl was pulling Elisa to the guest room prepared by Qiqi to rest, Elisa saw that her lover was still in a trance, with a look of pain and entanglement flashing across his face from time to time, and his brows were furrowed. She was immediately distressed.

"If you are so worried, why don't you just spend the night with Gohan-san?" Videl nudged Elisa with her elbow, a sly smile on her face, full of teasing.


Eliza was almost dumbfounded. Is this something a close friend could say?

However, seeing Son Gohan's appearance, she felt really distressed and uneasy.

She mustered up great courage in her heart and gritted her teeth.

Anyway, she had already decided to be with Son Gohan for the rest of her life, so she went for it.

At this moment, she saw Son Goten who was about to go back to bed not far away from the corner of her eye, and thought of the teasing smile on Videl's face.

Her mind raced, and an idea came to her mind.

She looked moved but shy:"But, there are only three rooms in Gohan's house.


If I live with Gohan, what will you do?"

After all, Videl is Eliza's best friend, so how could she not see that her best friend was tempted but afraid? Although she felt something was wrong, she thought about it and decided to continue provoking her, so she said indifferently,"It's okay, Goten and I can sleep in the guest room."

"What? You want to sleep with Goten?"


Eliza's eyes lit up and she shouted deliberately. Then, without giving Videl a chance to regret, and without looking at Videl who was stunned on the spot and instantly turned into a steam engine by her shout, she looked at Son Goten beside her and said,"Goten, come and take Videl to your room to sleep. I will stay with your brother tonight."

The Sun family's house is not big. Chi-Chi and Son Goku share one room, Son Goten and Son Gohan share one room, and then there is a guest room and a utility room. The original arrangement was for Iresa and Videl to live together.

Now that Iresa said this, Son Goten didn't think anything of it, but Videl seemed to have thought of something, and her face suddenly turned red to her ears.

However, when Videl wanted to refute.

Iresa brought Son Goten to her, and then pushed her and Son Goten into the guest room together, and then slammed the door shut.

When she heard the noise, or to be more precise, heard Iresa's words, she came out curiously to satisfy her gossip, only to see Chi-Chi who had walked to Son Gohan and sat down. She didn't say anything, but just took his arm, leaned on him, and accompanied him silently. She didn't see Son Goten and Videl at all...

At night, in the Sun family's guest room.

Sun Wutian was lying on his bed, feeling Videl tossing and turning beside him, and sometimes secretly jumping off the bed and lying in the corner. He was speechless. It was fine to be coaxed to sleep by Videl with a blushing face like a child.

Now she actually eavesdropped on his brother and Eliza's bed, which really opened Sun Wutian's eyes.

However, when Sun Wutian heard a dull cry of pain and apology coming from next door, and the reminder sound of the system reward rang in his mind, he couldn't fall asleep.

【Congratulations to the host for completing the life trajectory change of super god difficulty, successfully changing Son Gohan's life and getting the super god reward】

【1: God's Dependent Card, 2: A Different Time and Space Life Experience Card】

"Too cruel, luckily I have Tongzi!"

Sun Wutian took a deep breath and his face was instantly filled with smiles. He didn't expect that he would get an unexpected reward when he was about to go to bed. Moreover, this was much easier to obtain than the super god reward given by the mysterious Gohan who defeated his brother.

He just moved his lips and went to the King God Realm.

However, it was also because of the appearance of this super god reward that Sun Wutian's thoughts began to spread. Is there any other way to trigger the super god reward besides constantly surpassing the limit and defeating the strong enemy?

【God's Dependent Card: Able to recruit or force a contract with an absolutely loyal dependent. The dependent of the God can obtain part of the ability of the God (host). Once there is a death crisis that the host cannot resist, the dependent of the God will be the first to die. 】

The value of this card cannot be said to be very good for Sun Wutian, but it is definitely a life-saving card.

Maybe the dependent's strength is not as strong as Sun Wutian.

But being able to die first means that as long as Sun Wutian is not facing a completely irresistible existence, even if he is attacked by some accident or a certain old six, he will not die in a muddle.

The most important thing is that the dependents contracted or recruited by the God's Dependent Card can inherit part of Sun Wutian's abilities. What is part? It is a relatively vague concept. Is

99% of the ability considered part?

With Sun Wutian's strength and growth rate, let alone 99%, even if it is only 10%, it is absolutely terrifying.

The second super god reward made Sun Wutian curl his lips a little.

The experience card of life in different time and space, as the name suggests, can be used to immerse yourself in your own life in other time and space, and experience the joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness, and the scenery of life.

In other words, it is basically equivalent to a rebirth card. Unless the future life in another world is very, very short, so short that it comes to an abrupt end just like the life using the different time and space life experience card, otherwise you can definitely know a lot of future things.....

What use is this thing to Sun Wutian? ?

As far as Sun Wutian knows about the life of Sun Wutian in other time and space, it can be summarized in one sentence: he has accomplished nothing, is not good at anything, and is extremely mediocre (compare Sun Wukong and his son and Vegeta and his son).

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