No. 18 and Son Goten can turn stones into gold, which is just a small episode.

Although he really wants to make a deal with Son Goten, or directly ask him to use the method of turning stones into gold to get some gold for himself in exchange for enough wealth for a wealthy life.

But No. 18 also knows the priorities and knows that other people have more important things to say, so he can only give up for the time being.

As for other people.

Piccolo, needless to say, he doesn't care about worldly money at all.

And Master Roshi is only interested in boring things. Although he is not rich, don't forget that he has a rich sister, plus he has made many good friends, so it is no problem to ensure his life. He is just amazed at Son Goten's methods and doesn't have too many thoughts.

As for Bulma?

Her family's Universal Capsule Group is the world's number one group, and she is the richest person in the world. Turning stones into gold is amazing, but the wealth of her family is enough for them to have no worries about food and clothing for countless lifetimes, so she doesn't care about these.

Instead, she cares more about one thing.

"Goten, aren't you anxious when you hear that Vegeta has realized the Super Saiyan God? Are you afraid that my Vegeta will surpass your father and you?"After Bulma finished speaking, she looked at Goten meaningfully.

Just now, when Chi-Chi mentioned the whereabouts of Goku and the matter of Vegeta, Goten acted too calmly, as if he was just chatting about trivial matters and it was not worth mentioning at all.

Such an attitude made Bulma suspicious.

After these words came out, although the others did not move, the expressions of Piccolo and Master Roshi were obviously much more serious.

Seeing this, Goten had no intention of hiding it. He pondered for a moment and said,"Unless Uncle Vegeta and Dad can comprehend and master the power of the Super Saiyan God, and once again surpass the limit to become a stronger Super Saiyan Blue, even if the two join forces, they will not be able to match Gogeta."

Goten's voice was calm, but the content of his words was not simple.

He didn't know whether Bulma came for the 'future' he dreamed of in the King of Gods Realm, but it was obviously related to this. As long as it was something that could be said, Goten had no intention of hiding it. He would reveal as much as he could.

Goten was not afraid of spoilers, and he was even worried that the spoilers were not enough.

As for the Super Saiyan God?

Even if he fought Gogeta again, Goten would be the absolute winner.

Not to mention Goku and Vegeta in their single state, their 1+1 effect was greater than 2, but they were definitely not qualified to be compared with Gogeta.

Sure enough, the next moment, everyone's expression changed.

Piccolo looked deeply at Goten, whose face was calm:"Goten really already has the power to match the Super Saiyan Blue in his dream. No, from the moment he defeated Gogeta, he may have surpassed it."

Perhaps Son Goten has not yet shown the power of Super Saiyan God, or even higher power, but Son Goten's calm attitude, which almost treats Super Saiyan God as nothing, can explain everything. After meeting Son Goku in the Heavenly Temple today and hearing that Son Gohan plans to resume martial arts training and find a girlfriend, Piccolo couldn't wait to come to Baozi Mountain.

In addition to the lifelong event of his own son Son Gohan, he also wanted to test Son Goten's bottom line.

Because, in the world In the Realm of the Gods, the future described by Son Goten is too terrifying. He is the enemy of the God of Destruction.

He is the enemy of Zamasu who travels through time and space and uses the Super Dragon Balls to take over other people's bodies.

In the end, he will even be the enemy of the entire universe.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Piccolo still felt a little uneasy. He happened to meet Master Roshi and Bulma who also came to Baozi Mountain to test the waters and test the bottom line, so Piccolo went along with them.

Now it seems that this trip was not in vain.

Bulma was about to speak, but Master Roshi took the lead:"Goten, how strong are you now?"

As soon as these words came out, Bulma shut up instantly.

This is exactly the question that she and everyone else are most curious about. Even Son Gohan and Chi-Chi, who have never been interested in the training and strength of her husband and son, looked over curiously.

"How strong is he?"

Goten was silent for a moment. He didn't have a good reference standard for how strong he was right now. As for combat units, it was estimated that the people in front of him didn't have a very concrete concept.

After thinking about it, Goten decided to use Gogeta as a reference standard. He smiled confidently and said,"If Gogeta and I were to fight again, unless he could surpass his limit and master Super Saiyan Blue again, if he was only in Super Saiyan God state, I would be able to defeat him in an instant."

Instantly defeat Gogeta = Instantly defeat Gogeta.

It would be difficult for an opponent defeated by Goten to become his opponent again.

To put it in a pretentious way, his defeated opponents would no longer be regarded as opponents by Goten from the moment of their defeat. Even if they were given time to catch up, they would eventually disappear from sight. There was almost no chance for them to stand in front of Goten again.


Even though everyone was mentally prepared, they couldn't help but gasp when they heard what Goten said, and they all stood there in a daze.

No wonder he was so calm when he heard Goku and Vegeta pursue the realm of Super Saiyan God. It turned out that his strength had far surpassed that of Super Saiyan God.

But what really shocked everyone was not this.

It was Goten's terrifying growth. You have to know that from the time he fought Gogeta in the Kaishin Realm to now, only one night and one morning had passed, less than a day.

He went from barely defeating Gogeta to being able to look down on Gogeta.

Although Goten's words were very subtle, everyone present heard that with his current strength, he might be able to kill Gogeta in the Super Saiyan God state in an instant.

In an instant, everyone thought of what Master Roshi said, that perhaps the key to breaking through in the future is not Goku, not Vegeta, not Gohan or anyone else.

Only Goten will be the key to breaking through in the future, and the only key.

At this moment, everyone deeply agreed.

With Goten's terrifying growth rate, if he still can't break the impasse and lead them, and lead the Seventh Universe to a bright future, then even if Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan are included, it will probably be useless, right?

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