The legendary Super Saiyan 4 has been broken through!

How powerful is this combination of Super Saiyan 4's unpredictable potential and endurance, combined with the divine aura of the Super Saiyan God?

"What an incredible power."

Goten lowered his head and felt the infinite power flowing through him, with a confident smile on his face:"It feels like I can make the entire universe disappear with just a thought."

As he spoke, Goten made a hollow grip gesture towards the sky.


Just this hollow grip gesture scared the North King Kai who was watching the Earth from the Great King Kai and the two Kais, one old and one young, who were repairing the King of the Kais, so much that they swallowed their saliva frantically and almost screamed out in fear.

Even though Goten's power was well restrained, the vibration caused by his transformation directly affected all dimensions and planets in the universe.

Therefore, they had no doubt that Goten had this power.

"This little Saiyan is really newborn."

"The growth rate of all Saiyans in the entire seventh universe since its birth is probably not even a fraction of his."

Old Kai thought for a long time, and finally came up with this sentence, otherwise he could not find any adjectives to describe his feelings towards Goten at this moment.

Although he did not know how powerful Goten was at this moment.

But he was sure that Goten now had at least the strength of an eighth-dimensional combat unit. How long has it been? Is it one Earth day?

According to Goten's growth rate, he will not be able to beat the God of Destruction tomorrow, right?

God Jebito was also difficult to comment on Goten's situation, but he was more concerned about one thing:"Ancestor, I am more worried that the power of Goten's transformation has shaken all dimensions. Will the Destruction God Realm be affected? Will the sleeping Lord Beerus wake up directly?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Old Kai was not sure either. Goten's transformation was too terrifying. In his opinion, Goten was too young and had little power (normal state), but he already had the ability to threaten Beerus.

So, whether Beerus would wake up because of the shock and threat he felt in his dream, Old Kai was not sure.

He could only pray secretly, so that Beerus, the hateful skinny cat, could sleep a little longer.

It would be best if Goten could beat him up when he woke up, and beat the hateful dead cat that had sealed him for tens of millions of years to the point where he could not take care of himself. The

Destroyer God Realm at this time.

The expression of Whis, the angel in this time and space, was also very solemn.

The problems that he in another time and space could see, Whis could naturally see as well. Although the Saiyan kid's power didn't seem very strong now, the increase in the transformed form was simply unreasonable.

If Whis were asked to give an evaluation, it would probably not be much worse than the unfinished Ultra Instinct.

Suddenly, Whis seemed to have noticed something, and subconsciously glanced at the place where Beerus was resting, and said with a smile and helplessness;"Ah, Lord Beerus, this didn't wake you up from your dream?"

"Give that little guy a little more time. I'm afraid that by the time you wake up, the position of the God of Destruction will be lost to someone else." Whis

, is this a joke or a serious one?

.....(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


A group of people gathered around Sun Wutian.

"Hey, Goten, is this your new transformation?"

Son Gohan tried to sense his brother's aura, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat, his body trembling uncontrollably. It felt like an ant seeing a giant dragon soaring in the sky?

No, it was an ant thrown to the edge of the sun.[]

It was as if he would be burned to death by the sunlight with no sense of any limit in the next moment.

It was violent, yet gentle and calm.

Two extremes appeared on Goten at this time.

Facing his brother's doubts, Goten did not hide it and introduced it very happily:"The legendary Super Saiyan 4 limit breakthrough is a new transformation that I have combined with the stronger Super Saiyan 4 state after surpassing the limit of Super Saiyan 3, and the divine energy of Super Saiyan God."

Before, Goten rigidly believed that the transformation to Super Saiyan 4 required a tail and a giant ape transition, but Whis' words, thinking that he might not be able to solve Zamasu, made Goten furious and made him recognize the obstacle.

Just when he wanted to transform into Super Saiyan God, he went crazy and broke through several levels of limits in succession, mastered the power of Super Saiyan 4, and integrated the divine energy of Super Saiyan God.

Finally, he completed this transformation that only appeared in the parallel Dragon Ball world.

The enhanced version of Super Saiyan 4 Limit Break, the legendary Super Saiyan 4 Limit Break.

At this time, the surging energy in Sun Wutian's body and blood is boiling. The source of energy seems to be endless. With his heartbeat, with the flow of his blood and breathing, it continues to increase dramatically.

"It's a very, very amazing transformation!"

An angel like Whis could describe it with two verys in a row, which shows that Goten's legendary Super Saiyan 4 breakthrough is also a transformation that makes Whis amazed.

Whis looked up and down at Goten's current state. The wild and domineering power of the legendary Super Saiyan 4, plus the blessing of the realm of Super Saiyan God, made Goten feel much stronger than the Super Blue Extreme Mode of either Goku or Vegeta. In the current space

-time universe, there is absolutely no existence that can rival Goten.

Even if they enter the Spirit Time Chamber to make progress together, the Saiyans who want to comprehend and master the Super Saiyan God will not be able to do so. The two young masters succeeded and merged again to form Gogeta or Vegito, but Whis was not optimistic.

At this time, Goten gave him the feeling of a crazy growing God of Destruction, no, an angel. Although Whis felt that he might be crazy or had misperceived, Goten gave him the feeling of an angel who was growing up quickly. Almost every second he could keenly perceive that Goten was much stronger than the previous second.

If Goten grows at this speed. Whis estimated that in about half a year on Earth, he would be able to join the ranks of the Gods of Destruction, and in about a year, he might be able to catch up with the strongest Gods of Destruction in the twelve universes..

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