The Kaioshin Realm.

It had been destroyed by the demon kid Buu and Son Goku, and finally restored to its original state by the Kaioshin. But today, it welcomed a few uninvited guests.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"I say, what do you think of the Kaioshin Realm?"

The old Kaioshin yelled indignantly.

The last time Son Goku, Son Gohan, and later Vegeta, Satan, and Tenten came, it was a helpless move. As a result, today the Z Warriors of Earth came again.

What's more, they actually wanted to borrow the venue to fight.

""Calm down, calm down."

Sun Wukong could only smile and said,"There's nothing we can do. Goten's power is too strong and he can't control it well. If we fight on Earth, it will easily destroy the Earth."

He was not worried about Son Gohan, because the mysterious form of Son Gohan had the best control over power, but Son Goten was not. Although his Super Saiyan 3 power surpassed everyone else, he could not control every bit of power to the finest detail.

If he was not careful, the Earth would explode again.

"My dear, Goku is right. Calm down. Didn't you say that the Kai King Realm was boring? It's a good opportunity to witness this rare and unprecedented battle."

Mysterious Gohan and Super Saiyan 3's battle.

Just thinking about it, the restless heart of God Jepitel became restless.

"All right, you will be the one responsible for creation and restoration anyway." The old Kai rolled his eyes speechlessly. After all, he was a person of the old era. The current Kai had no objection, so what could he say?

And to be honest, the old Kai was indeed looking forward to it....

In the sky of the Kaioshin Realm.

Son Gohan is wearing an orange martial arts uniform, and his aura is as calm as the vast starry sky, which forms a sharp contrast with Son Goten, who is surrounded by dense lightning and has wheat-like hair extending to his hips.

"Kakarot, you noticed it, didn't you?"

Vegeta crossed his arms, stared at Son Goten with a cold gaze, and asked in a cold tone.


""Goten, he's gotten stronger again!"

Sun Wukong stared at the two figures in the sky, his eyes all focused on Sun Wutian. From just now to now, he could clearly feel that Sun Wutian's aura had grown significantly again.

If Sun Wutian's aura was at 80 billion combat power just now, it has now grown to a height close to 90 billion. Even with the ups and downs of Sun Wutian's emotions and aura, his strength is also growing synchronously, which is simply incredible.


Above the sky, the earth and the sky rumbled.

Sun Wutian and Son Gohan started the battle without any warning.

Accompanied by a tremor of the earth and mountains, the two fought The land within a radius of 100 miles sunk into a huge basin, and the power spread further away, cracking into unfathomable gullies.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of fierce collisions accompanied by violent sonic booms continued to sound.

Although Son Gohan was slightly inferior to Son Goten in strength, his mysterious form's control over the use of power could be described as meticulous. Every time he could accurately block Son Goten's punches and kicks, and remove the force that made him uncomfortable.

However, no matter how strong the mysterious form was, as Son Goten's power grew, although Son Gohan also tried his best to grow, he became more and more uncomfortable and increasingly dwarfed.

"Brother, you are slowing down."Goten suddenly disappeared from Son Gohan's sight. It was not until he felt a sharp pain in his body that Goten's voice rang in his ears as he flew backwards.


Mountains were knocked down by Son Gohan's body, and a huge gully was plowed out of the ground.


Sun Wuhan's breath shattered all the rocks covering his body, and his figure rushed into the sky again. With a blur, he appeared behind Sun Wutian like a ghost, and kicked him with a whip kick.

This was Sun Wuhan's revenge.


However, Goten's reaction was faster than Gohan imagined. Before his whip kick landed, Goten turned around and punched out fiercely, colliding violently with Gohan's attack.


The sky was like a sun exploding. The energy of the collision between the two set off a hurricane that destroyed the world in the Kaioshin Realm.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom!

At this moment, the Kaioshin Realm seemed to have ushered in the end. There were volcanic eruptions, mountain collapses, earth cracks, and void tremors everywhere. It was like a doomsday scene.


Gohan crossed his hands in front of his chest to block Goten's attack. But Gohan did not relax at all. His eyes, ears, and perceptions were all magnified and spread to the extreme.

"Damn it! What's going on? How could Goten grow so fast?"

"I even started to have trouble catching his attacking movements and figures."

Although Son Gohan had completely let go of his hands and feet in the battle, facing the torrential rain and gale-like attacks of Son Goten after his growth, the slight advantage he had at the beginning was counter-suppressed by the wave after wave of fierce attacks like a raging wave!......

"Come on Goten, come on Gohan!"

"Goten, you must not lose!"

"So strong! Is this the confidence that Goten has to challenge Goku and Vegeta to merge and fight him?"

"I thought Gohan surpassed Goku and everyone else again, but I didn't expect Goten to be able to beat Gohan!!"

"It's so scary. I feel like I'm standing in front of the King of Hell from such a distance."

The Z Warriors were horrified when they saw the destruction everywhere in the Kaioshin Realm.

This is the highest dimension and the most sacred place in the entire universe.

It couldn't even withstand the aftermath of the battle between the two brothers. If this battle had happened on Earth, the blue planet would probably have become a flying object in the universe.

"Goten is growing faster"

"From the beginning of the battle to now, he has been growing!"

Sun Wukong looked at the battle in the sky with a serious expression. Originally, it was a battle where Sun Gohan was more powerful, but it turned into a battle between two brothers who were evenly matched. Now, Sun Gohan has begun to gradually fall into a disadvantage. On the other hand, Sun Goten has been madly absorbing Sun Gohan's fighting skills in the battle and making continuous progress.

Comparing the two, Sun Wukong can already predict the final outcome of this battle.

Vegeta's face also showed a solemn expression.


After the two punched each other again, Sun Goten's figure did not retreat at all, but Sun Gohan's figure flew back dozens of meters in the air uncontrollably before he barely stabilized his body.

"Is Goten growing too fast?"

Son Gohan felt the severe pain in his arm and began to doubt his life. Son Goten was growing too fast, so fast that even though he had just broken through his limit in the battle, he still couldn't keep up with Son Goten.

"Brother, don't be distracted during the battle"

"Not good!"

Son Gohan's heart was filled with alarm, but it was too late. Hundreds of fists hit his body like a rainstorm and a strong wind, making his eyes bulge out. His figure smashed deep into the ground like a cannonball.


Accompanied by a violent tremor and the shattering of a ten-thousand-meter-high mountain, the battle was declared over.

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