The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 73 Perfect Interpretation

Before a pianist plays, he always finds his own state.

When integrated into that state, the performance is the most perfect, and the expression is the most real.

Ji Feng is the same~

Of course, Ji Feng, who has master-level piano skills, absolutely crushes any piano master in the world today.

At the same time, Ji Feng can play any piano piece perfectly.

It can perfectly express the soul of that piano piece.

Only a pianist who can play a piano piece with soul can be called a master. Only a master can express this soul to perfection and mechanism.

Although Ji Feng is young, whoever made him have a system, if he has a system, he will hang up and be awesome.

Originally, Ji Feng didn't intend to pretend to be this coercive, but since the system gave him the opportunity and strength to pretend to be coercive, he didn't pretend to be in vain.

With the pleasant sound of Ji Feng pressing the first key, Murong Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up as she listened carefully.

That's right, that's the sound~

Murong Fu on the second floor did the same and became interested.

Everyone present, although they are all laymen, but the grandmaster-level piano masters play the tunes, even laymen can find their own feelings and enjoy them.

There is a tune to listen to with heart, there is a tune to feel with love, a tune can make people feel the warmth and lingering like a lover, and a tune can dispel the haze of winter and bring endless sunshine. .

This is what this concerto of love can bring to the audience.

Ji Feng has entered a perfect playing state at this time, his fingers on the keys are like lively and lovely elves, beating constantly.

A moving and pleasant melody echoed in the hall.

Everyone was enveloped in this moving and beautiful melody.

Murong Xiaoxiao undoubtedly felt the most deeply~

Murong Xiaoxiao moved, she couldn't help it, she began to deceive and dance to the melody played by Ji Feng, with an elegant posture, like a proud white swan, showing her beauty in front of everyone at this time.

All the people present watched the dancing Murong Xiaoxiao and admired his wonderful dance, while listening to the moving melody played by Ji Feng.

The whole song is full of infinite sunshine and relaxed pleasure. It is a blend of joy and pleasure, and it is the natural crystallization of love and beauty, which makes the people present feel much better for a while.

The perfect combination of dance and piano music, Murong Xiaoxiao and Ji Feng can be said to be the first cooperation, but the effect presented is like a partner who has been honed for many years.

The two cooperated perfectly and harmoniously.

It can also be said that Murong Xiaoxiao's own dancing skills are too good, plus Ji Feng's perfect playing at this time, this is not a match.

It's a natural blend between perfection and perfection.

The whole concerto of love, the tune is like flowing clouds and flowing water, the soft lingering is full of silver bell-like rigidity, without stickiness and without sloppy water, the music and melody flow out smoothly with the fingertips like a spring, which can calm the pain of the suffering person. Pain and soothe the hearts of the wounded.

It can be said that this song is a good medicine to soothe the soul after depression, a hotbed for resting body and mind when insomnia, a warm breeze when it is cold, romantic, happy, joyful but also makes people want to cry. of affection.

Especially when Ji Feng played that thick and low octave overlap, it was shocking but not depressing, giving people a feeling of light snow touching the heart.

I can't help but get goosebumps all over my body.

In the same time of more than three minutes, Ji Feng played it, but it gave everyone the feeling that it was as long as three hours had passed.

Because everyone present was infected by this moving melody and enjoyed it.

Stop the song!

Dance done!

Murong Xiaoxiao also had a perfect ending.

clap clap clap ~

After a brief moment of silence, when everyone calmed down, they gave the warmest applause without hesitation.

Even Murong Fu on the second floor applauded warmly at this time.

Enjoy, it's absolutely a perfect treat.

At this moment, Murong Xiaoxiao looked at Ji Feng with incredible eyes.

This is the first time she can't help dancing after hearing the music.

Even when she was listening to the world's top piano events, she had never been in this state.

But the young man in front of her had such an ability to play the piano, which made her feel very incredible.

Murong Xiaoxiao even had a feeling that Ji Feng's level of playing the piano was by no means inferior to those of the world's top piano masters, or even better.

Of course, this judgment, Murong Xiaoxiao can only say so in her heart.

After all, Ji Feng is too young. To be able to have such a level of piano at such an age can only be said to be a genius among geniuses.

"It sounds good, and the dance looks good."

"This dude is awesome. I, a person who doesn't understand music, have goosebumps listening to it."

"It's really nice, and Miss Murong dances so beautifully."

"It was amazing, the performance was so shocking."

"In this comparison, Su Chao is not worthy of lifting shoes just now."

...................................................... ....

Even if the people around them are arrogant and arrogant, they have to be convinced now.

Especially since there are two people in front of them for comparison, Li Hang needless to say, they directly admit that they will not.

But Su Chao was different. He popped up completely, and he boasted that no one present could play better than him.

But now, he was slapped directly in the face without mercy.

If people play like this, it's not good, then Su Chao's playing is really only for pigs.

"Admiration, admiration, a hero is a boy, this concerto of love is definitely the best I have listened to in so many years."

At this time, Murong Fu also slowly came down from the second floor, without hesitating praise in his speech.

"Mr. Ji, what do you mean by a little understanding? If you know a little bit, shouldn't the last one really know should dig a hole and jump in by himself?" Murong Xiaoxiao said.

Murong Xiaoxiao's words attracted a burst of laughter. Everyone knew that Murong Xiaoxiao was talking about Su Chao.

"Laughing, Miss Murong's dance moves me very amazed." Ji Feng said with a smile.

"Liar, you have been playing with your eyes closed just now, and you didn't see me dancing." Murong Xiaoxiao suddenly said in a coquettish tone.

Ji Feng smiled and said, "I don't need to look, I know from their reactions."

Murong Xiaoxiao's sudden coquettish tone of a little girl made the young boys and buddies present stunned for a moment, and then her eyes showed incomparable envy and jealousy.

Nima, the effect of this coercion has come out!

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