The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1213: I can point you

Studying new pill and new medicines, Lin Tian had done a lot in his previous life.

When he was still on the Nine Heavens Continent, Lin Tian followed his master Duan Muyue to learn the pill, and he himself developed a lot of new products that were never seen in the cultivation world.

The pills he developed and refined gradually spread in the Nine Heavens Continent.

Some pills used for cultivation are more suitable for cultivation than those passed down in the past, and the energy provided by the pills is more pure and huge.

The herbs on the earth are still different from the Nine Sky Continent.

Some differences in properties, medicinal power, spiritual energy, etc. will cause differences in the effect of the pill that is refined from the pill prescription.

The most important thing is that the effect of the pill is often greatly reduced, and the improvement of the cultivation base is not increased but decreased.

"For the pill that I need, the prescription must be improved. The conditions here are the most suitable! Besides, I refining and processing the drug residue here, which can improve the soil in the courtyard and save me. The true spirit of..."

Lin Tian touched his chin, walked to a medicine refining room, looked at the facilities inside, and thought secretly.


He casually picked up an answer sheet from the table, glanced casually, then curled his lips, shaking his head and putting it back.


Nian Xiaoqi saw Lin Tian's disapproval look, and looked a little surprised.

She picked up the answer sheet just now, looked at the above questions carefully, and then smiled and said: "These should be the questions that some students have cast on the Universal Station and are waiting to be answered. For those of us who have just entered school, we don’t see It's normal to understand!"

Xiao Feiyuan and a few others, who stood by, also nodded in agreement.

They all thought that Lin Tian couldn't understand the question on the answer sheet, so he shook his head and put it back.

"I was sent here, I hope to answer the questions, almost all involve knowledge above the sophomore year, and the topics and topics are also very advanced. They have just started school. For medicine, you can say that they are still a blank paper. It's normal if you don't understand it!"

At this time, a cold voice came from the side.

When Lin Tian, ​​Nian Xiaoqi and others turned around, they just saw Xian Fuling and other senior sisters standing behind them.

It was Xian Fuling who spoke.

After speaking, she also followed up, picked up the answer sheet that Lin Tian had just read, smiled and said: "This is about chronic pharyngitis with traditional Chinese medicine therapy. This disease is very simple. However, there are several prescriptions in Chinese medicine. Among them, the use of wood ginseng as the main medicine has the best effect, and there is a 50% chance of curing it. But wood ginseng is too expensive and too expensive for ordinary people to bear! So the core of this answer sheet question is whether you can use Amakusa flowers and shellfish The mother fruit is integrated to replace the wood ginseng! This question needs to be tested to see if the two Chinese medicines are compatible, and secondly, whether the ingredients inside can replace the wood ginseng...Among them, the Amakusa flower and Fritillaria The composition has similar elements to that of the wood ginseng...This again requires the design of botany, biology and organic chemistry..."


Facing the crowd, Xian Fuling calmly talked freely, all kinds of esoteric medical knowledge and professional terminology, all at his fingertips, impressed everyone on the side.

Not to mention Nian Xiaoqi and others, even those sophomores and juniors who looked at Xian Fuling with expressions of admiration, admiration, and amazement.

Only the instructor of the college can do so to integrate the huge medical knowledge.


Some tutors are not so powerful.

"You will all learn this in the future. As long as you work hard, you have the opportunity to become a top-notch talent in the medical field!"

At this time, Xian Fuling turned her head, looked at Lin Tian, ​​blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "You may not understand what I am saying now, but you will gradually understand it later. If there are any problems, I cannot find a tutor to help you. , You can come here, the senior sister can give you free answers..."

These words made De Nian Xiaoqi and others' eyes brightened and their faces excited.

Entering the university, whether in life or study, the biggest obstacle will be yourself.

Because you need to be more active in learning things, you will no longer be urged by teachers behind you like in middle school.

In the university, the tutor is only responsible for class, and is responsible for answering some questions for you. If you like to learn, no one cares!

And if you want a tutor to help answer the question, you need to find it yourself, and you may not be free yet.

Special tutor professors with special titles like Gao Xinhan, who also serve as the principal of the school, are even less available.

Now that there are senior sisters like Xian Fuling willing to help, it couldn't be better.

Many freshmen present at this time were even more impressed with Xian Fuling.


Lin Tian still shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "You are too complicated! Besides, I didn't say I don't understand, right?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Xian Fuling couldn't think of Lin Tianhui's reaction, her eyebrows frowned slightly, a little dazed.

At this moment, she realized that the young boy in front of her did not have the slightest fluctuation or surprise on her face, but rather a little bit of disapproval.

Yes, just disagree!

It seems that the knowledge she just mentioned by Xian Fuling is as simple as elementary school mathematics 1+1 equals 2!

It's even more common and simple, like drinking water and eating!

This is what Xian Fuling suddenly felt!

Nian Xiaoqi and others were also taken aback.

"It's not interesting, it's just that simple questions are complicated by what you say! These Chinese herbal medicines are effective, but the method of boiling is too rough, and the efficacy of the medicine is as good as 1%!"

Lin Tian looked calm and calmly said to Xian Fuling: "Then the question on the answer sheet is not a problem at all. How can I not understand? As long as it is cooked properly, it can be replaced! As for the trivial chronic pharyngitis A minor illness, I can cure it with a single backhand!"


Everyone is waiting for Lin Tian's response, and Xian Fuling also wants to hear what Lin Tian thinks.

However, I did not expect it to be such a remark!

First of all, I denied what Xian Fuling said!

Secondly, it is said that the method of boiling is rough, which is the method passed down by many traditional Chinese medicine practitioners!

Finally, it is said that chronic pharyngitis can be cured with a single backhand injection!

If it were so simple, there would not be so many people worrying about curing chronic diseases!

Everyone was blindfolded, and immediately looked at each other, some people almost didn't vomit blood, and some people showed anger on their faces.

"Lin Tian, ​​what are you talking nonsense!"

Nian Xiaoqi hurriedly pulled Lin Tian's hand and whispered.

Xiao Feiyuan on the side, his face turned black, a little bit dumbfounded.

Discussing medical science with Xian Fuling, such a high school elder sister, isn't this just looking for and boring.

"This is the Department of Medicine. We must uphold the most rigorous scientific attitude. I don't want to hear any nonsense like this from you in the future!"

Xian Fuling took a deep breath and said with a cold face to Lin Tian: "Many traditional Chinese medicine preparation methods are inherited from the old generations of traditional Chinese medicine doctors. After numerous improvements, you actually said that the effect of the medicine is 1%. Haven't arrived yet?"

Regarding the reactions of the people present and Xian Fuling's reaction, Lin Tian had expected it a long time ago, and didn't care, and smiled indifferently: "It's not bad to be able to reach 1%! If you don't believe me, next time you stay When making Chinese medicine, I can give you pointers, and then you will know if it is right!"

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