The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1605: Why not let me try (five more)

Go to the hospital for medication?

Lin Tian's face was dark, a little bit dumbfounded.

With such a small amount of skin trauma, he only needs to use the Nine Revolving Three Lives Art, or heal the injury himself, and he will immediately recover.


In front of Bian Sitong, it was not easy for him to do this.

Otherwise, it's too scary!

Especially from the perspective of Bian Sitong's career, it is too scary!

Even if it is as strong as the master of martial arts, it will take some time to recover at least.

Right now.

If he recovers from his injuries all at once, Bian Sitong may regard him as a monster.

"Okay! Then go to the hospital with you!"

Lin Tian saw Bian Sitong insist that the girl was sincere, and he couldn't refuse any more, so he could only answer with a wry smile.

Bian Sitong works in the First College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Huaxia University, Huairou City.

There is a distance from Yanjing City to Huairou City.


It takes only about half an hour from the high speed.


The two arrived at the hospital.

It was already night.

Lin Tian originally thought that after going to the courtyard, he would go back to spend time with his family. It seemed that it was too late.

I can only spare time tomorrow.

This time the parents and sister rushed back to Yanjing, they had to accompany them.

Otherwise they will rush to Xiangjiang again in two days.

Lin Tian looked at the time, thought secretly, and walked towards the hospital with Bian Sitong.

As soon as I arrived at the inpatient department of the hospital, a figure hurried over.

I almost ran into them.

That is the figure of a girl!

"Ah, sister Hanyan, you are here too!"

Seeing the visitor clearly, Bian Sitong let out a surprised voice, and hurriedly said, "Sister Hanyan, what's the situation with Grandpa Ning now? I just rushed there when I encountered something on the road. I was taking care of him before. , Don’t worry, I’m here right away!"

"It's Sitong, I also just arrived. I heard from my parents that my grandfather passed out again, and he is in the emergency room. I don't know the situation yet!"

The woman who appeared had reddened eyes and shook her head back.

The clear and sweet voice is very familiar.

Lin Tian looked up and saw the woman who appeared, and was also shocked.

"Teacher Ning!"

After stunned for a while, Lin Tiancai shouted out in a daze.

The woman who appeared was none other than Ning Hanyan, the beautiful teacher of Lin Tian's senior high school.

Unexpectedly, I would meet here.

"Lin Tian! Why are you here?"

Ning Hanyan was also extremely surprised, but quickly recovered and said: "I heard Xiao Ran mention you before and wanted to find you, but recently my grandpa is not in good health, so I couldn't make time for it. !"

Slightly burned?

Weng Xiaoran?

Lin Tian was puzzled, but still said, "Teacher, your grandfather is in the hospital? I met Bian Sitong on the road. My hand was injured. She insisted on pulling me over!"

"You know?"

Ning Hanyan looked at Lin Tian and then at Bian Sitong, very surprised.

And Bian Sitong's eyes widened, she couldn't think that Lin Tian and Ning Hanyan were actually a teacher-student relationship.

At this time, she remembered that Ning Hanyan had gone to Bincheng City, Nanzhou to work as a high school teacher, and had only recently returned.

"Sister Han Yan, Grandpa Ning fainted at the medicated restaurant, when Lin Tian was there, we met there..."

Bian Sitong nodded, replied to Ning Hanyan, and at the same time explained what happened in the medicinal restaurant that day.

Hearing this, Ning Hanyan was stunned.

But Lin Tian had a weird face.

What a coincidence it is impossible to make a book!

The person rescued in the medicated restaurant that day, the old man named Ning Guanghe, turned out to be Ning Hanyan's grandfather!

Lin Tian thought secretly.

As for the acquaintance between Bian Sitong and Ning Hanyan, Lin Tian didn't feel strange.

Both of them are Yanjing people. There are many, many exchanges between the family and the family. It is very easy for the younger generations to get to know each other.

Now that he is here, Lin Tian also decided to see Ning Guanghe.

After all, it was Ning Hanyan's grandfather, and the other party had at least been his own teacher.

Following Ning Hanyan and Bian Sitong, they rushed to the emergency room.


A group of three people went up to the eighth floor.

This is the best VIP emergency room in the hospital.

There are already several figures on the corridor, among them Ning Hanyan's parents Ning Beihe and Bai Ziyun.

"Dad, mom, how is grandpa?"

Ning Hanyan ran forward and asked anxiously.

Both Ning Beihe and Bai Ziyun looked a little ugly.

"Xiaoyan, don't worry, Dean Li and Zhang Weimin are experts in it. I don't know the specific situation now!"

Mother Bai Ziyun took Ning Hanyan's hand and said comfortingly.

Ning Beihe stepped forward, smiled reluctantly, and said, "Xiaoyan, last time your grandpa had an illness, he was able to stabilize his condition. This time it is no problem! It is only a matter of time to cure your grandpa's illness! It's okay! "

Both of them knew that since childhood, Ning Guanghe has loved Ning Hanyan very much, and can be said to be the jewel in the palm of the family.


Ning Hanyan also respected and loved his grandfather Ning Guanghe very, very much.

Both Ning Beihe and Bai Ziyun understood Ning Hanyan's feelings.

"Sister Hanyan, Grandpa Ning will be fine!"

Bian Sitong took Ning Hanyan’s hand and comforted her. Then she looked at Ning Beihe and Bai Ziyun and said, "Uncle, auntie, I was sent by Li Jian to Grandpa Ning. At that time, Grandpa Ning was critically ill. He shot and turned the danger into peace. Is anyone else inside?"

"Sitong, you are not on duty, why are you here too!"

Ning Beihe had been restless, and noticed Bian Sitong at this time, and said quickly and politely: "Li Jian is already on his way! The old man is sick, and Dean Li and Professor Zhang have been unable to do anything. It is Li Jian. , At a young age, there is that level. Wizards!"

Be polite to Bian Sitong, because Ning Beihe knows the identity of Bian Sitong, that is the granddaughter of Bian Mingyu, master of martial arts!

"Yes, Grandpa Ning died of fainting at the time, he was the one who gave the needle!"

Speaking of Li Jian, Bian Sitong also admired her and nodded her head repeatedly: "He has also been sorting out his own way of treating Grandpa Ning at the time, and came up with a systematic theory and practice! When he comes, Grandpa Ning should It's all right!"

"Sitong, thank you last time!"

At this time, Ning Hanyan seemed to be because of Bian Sitong's words, so he sighed slightly and quickly thanked him.

Ning Beihe and Bai Ziyun on the opposite side, their nervous expressions eased slightly, and they nodded in gratitude to Bian Sitong.

Lin Tian, ​​who stood by, was speechless.

Last time, the medicinal restaurant used relief and rescued Ning Guanghe’s life. It was not Li Jian, but him!

It seems that before he treated Ning Guanghe, the silver needle hadn't been pulled out. It might have been learned by Li Jianqi.

But it doesn't matter, if you want to get the essentials of his needle technique, no matter how simple it is, even if Jiang Qianyu is here, he can't do it!


At this time, the door of the emergency room opened.

The two walked out from inside, and what came out were the hospital's director Li Kang and the hospital's brain supplement specialist Zhang Weimin.

And this Weimin is said to be not simple. He was once a named disciple of genius doctor Jiang Qianyu, and his accomplishments in Chinese medicine are extremely amazing!

"Dean Li, Professor Zhang, how is the old man?"

Ning Beihe greeted him and asked hurriedly.

Ning Hanyan and Bai Ziyun were also anxious.

"Old Mr. Ning is still in a coma. His illness is also strange!"

Li Kang looked solemn, and said solemnly: "The old man's heart is bloody, which has affected his vitality!"

"Yes, that's weird! The most important thing is that we have solved the dead blood, and it will continue to appear again, an endless loop!"

Zhang Weimin was also calm, his expression was full of puzzlement, and he shook his head and sighed.

The heart is just an incidental disease, a small problem.

The big problem is in the brain!

Lin Tian was speechless when he heard what the two said. He had explored Ning Guanghe's problem at the medicated restaurant. The main symptom was the knotting of the cerebral arteries, which would gradually aggravate and even lead to terminal illness.

It is very, very difficult to cure.

At that time, Lin Tian didn't have a chance to make a move, and he felt that he was a stranger, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

At this time, hearing Li Kang and Zhang Weimin's words, Ning Beihe and his wife looked sad, while Ning Hanyan's tears slipped quietly.

Seeing this, Lin Tian sighed secretly, and immediately walked forward and looked at Ning Beihe and the others: "Why don't you let me try? If I can take action, within ten minutes, Mr. Ning's illness should be cured!"

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