The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2015: If i don't go

Mysterious place, if it is the ancient crypt.

Then, the ancestor of the Su family should come from the ancient domain!

Lin Tian guessed secretly.

It's just that his face is silent.

Nor did he immediately say to agree to Su Zhenbai's request.

Turning to say: "My business, did you tell your grandfather or your family?"

"Ah...Lin Shao! No, no...I don't know anything about you! Even, I haven't mentioned anyone!"

Su Zhenbai whispered, waved his hand quickly, and said nervously: "And I'm here to find you, except for Bu Xuan Bu Ju, I don't know anything else!"

at this time.

She couldn't help becoming extremely nervous.

The young man in front of him is no ordinary person!

It is the existence that can trample on the sky and kill the enemy in the air!

A fairy-like character!

This time.

The reason Su Zhenbai dared to take the liberty of seniors was because she had also inquired about Lin Tian with Xu Junya before that.

And from Xu Junya that, Lin Tian and Xu Junya have a good relationship now.

therefore. ,

For the family, for the grandfather's wish, she used various relationships to find Lin Tian's residence and rushed over.

At this moment.

She was still very nervous and nervous.

Regardless of whether Lin Tian agreed, he was afraid that the other party was unhappy, and when he was angry, he might directly throw fire on her, or even go to the house.

Are you so afraid of me?

Didn't I just kill a few disciples from Jiuxian Mountain!

Seeing Su Zhenbai's extremely scared expression, Lin Tian was speechless.

On the high-speed rail that came before.

This girl talked to him frequently.

But he can't help for no reason.

At least you have to clarify the situation, and then nodded with a smile: "Is there any good for me? Or, can you tell me where is the mysterious place?"


Hearing this, Su Zhenbai couldn't help but open his mouth, her beautiful eyes stunned.

Because in her opinion, it is impossible for someone like Lin Tian to talk about benefits!

But this is completely different from what she thought.

What benefit can I give to such a fairy-like character?

Su Zhenbai felt helpless, and finally said, "Shao Lin...I think there are things that Shao Lin can admire here or in my home! But if Lin Shao goes to the land of ancestors, it will definitely be. gain something!"

"Ancestral land? Where is it?"

Lin Tian looked at Su Zhenbai and asked.

"I don't know! Grandpa only mentioned to me that the land of ancestors is located at the junction of our Beizhou and Guanghanzhou, I entered from there!"

Su Zhenbai shook his head and explained: "But grandpa said, he is willing to follow him to the land of the ancestors, so that the descendants of the family can successfully return to the Pinggu Mountain Tribe, and are willing to take out half of the resources of a secret treasure left by the ancestors as a reward. It’s just that I haven’t had a chance to go to that place!"

"Shao Lin... are you willing to help? If you go to sit in town, I think it will be easier for the younger generation to return to the land of the ancestors!"

The junction of Beizhou and Guanghanzhou... Could it be the ancient area of ​​Tianhekou?

The Pinggu hill tribe may be the forces of the Tianhekou Ancient Territory!

Lin Tian thought, hesitatingly said: "When will you go? How do you convince your grandpa?"

"Lin Shao, do you agree with that? As long as you agree, grandpa will tell me, even if you don't talk about your specific situation, I can do it!"

Su Zhenbai feels like Lin Tian, ​​who likes to be low-key and doesn't like being known about her own affairs, so she quickly said: "I will leave in a month! Now my grandfather is preparing to go to the ancestors' land! Let the family's blood return to Pinggu Mountain, this time! If it doesn't work... Grandpa may not see it in this lifetime!"

A month later?

That's when I come to Lost Boat City again next time!

After Lin Tian pondered a little, he finally nodded and said, "You will come to me again in that month! If there is no urgent matter, I will follow you!"

The wasteland of the cave world is full of terrifying monsters.

Lin Tian had seen it before.

It's just that he could not go to the ancient realm of human territory, and I don't know what the situation is.

Now there is a chance.

Just stop by and have a look!

"Really! Great! Thank you Lin Shao, thank you!"

Su Zhenbai's face was full of surprises, stood up, and thanked Lin Tian again and again.

After clearing up her excitement, she suddenly frowned and said: "Lin Shao...Do you know what happened to Junya's house?"

"Xu Junya? What happened to her family? I just went to get the residence permit with her yesterday!"

Lin Tian raised her brows and asked in amazement, "Is she going back to the clan? If so, that's not bad! After all, all the members of her Xu family are here!"

To learn to drive a driver’s license in a different place, a residence permit is required.

And the Xu family clan is here, but Xu Junya is not willing to go back to that home.

The arranged marriage was used as a tool to obtain benefits, and the temperament was as strong as Xu Junya, so it must be unwilling!


Her parents were disgraceful when they were together, and the family tried their best to oppose them.

In the eyes of the family, she is an "illegitimate daughter" who put the family to shame!


Are you going back?

But at this time, Su Zhenbai calmly shook his head and said: "Lin Shao, she was taken home! According to the family, it was because you offended Mu Peng in the university town, and that you and Junya were together? At the Dai’s side, Dai Wuheng is leading someone to find the door! I don’t know what happened now! She didn’t tell you?"

Mu Peng!

Lin Tian suddenly thought of what happened to Xu Junya before going to Fuyun Tower for dinner.

At that time, Na Mu Peng and others were extremely domineering, and he was directly beaten up violently.

That Mu Peng was even discounted an arm.

Are you looking for the Xu family to find a place now?

As for Dai Wuheng, it should have been Mu Peng and others who added fuel and jealousy to exaggerate that he and Xu Junya were walking together.

Originally, Dai Wuheng had a marriage contract with Xu Junya.


Hearing the public news that Xu Junya was with others is equivalent to wearing a green cap. How can you bear it like Dai Wuheng?

Lin Tian suddenly thought of the stakes.

And Xu Junya didn't tell him, maybe she didn't want to be troublesome!

"They're not going to persecute Xu Junya, are they?"

Lin Tian looked cold and frowned.


As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang on his body.

After connecting.

It's a woman's voice.

"Is it Lin Tian? I'm Aunt Wan!"

On the other end of the phone, the woman's tone was very cold, and said: "Where are you? I'll pick it up! We know about you and Junya, our Xu family knows! Now there is a problem, you need to go and speak clearly, otherwise you will It’s difficult for the Xu family to get through! At least, you need to go over and give the Dai family an explanation!"

Aunt Wan!

Lin Tian remembered that she had seen this woman on the way to Lost Boat City.

She also took someone to take Xu Junya back.

It's just that this aunt Wan wants to call herself away, her tone is obviously a little unhappy.

Lin Tian curled his lips and said to the phone: "What if I don't go?"

"Little brother, if you don't want to, then Aunt Wan can only go and invite you in person!"

Aunt Wan's voice became visibly colder.

"Okay! Come by yourself, Wushuangshan Beiling Lake No. 3 Dedicated Courtyard! Here, you have to give me a reason!"

Lin Tian directly informed Aunt Wan's address, and then hung up the phone.

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