The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3270: Brick House

In the lecture hall.

Many students were quiet, their expressions were shocked.

Even Gao Xinhan and many of the college professors who were present were all moved, and their eyes fell on Mo Mengting on the podium.

There was an uproar and commotion from other students crowded in the classroom window to attend the class.

"The three conjecture questions of China Academy of Sciences?"

"That's one of the world-class problems! Although someone had overcome half of it before, it still couldn't be solved completely!"

"Remember, the famous Huaxia Three Drug Conjectures once caused a sensation and caused all major medical schools in Yanjing to conduct research, but they were powerless!"

"I looked at the three major conjectures, it was completely wishful thinking!"

"Senior Sister Chu Shasha, the head of the Medical Department, is too ruthless? The Holy Medicine Medicine Goddess asked these three conjectures, can she solve them?"


Many students crowded outside the classroom could not help but talk in a low voice.

Weng Xiaoran, who was sitting at the back of the classroom, widened his eyes and whispered softly: "The three major conjectures of drugs. I know this. Master mentioned it to me a year ago! Even my master, Master Lu Cheng, Wuwanggu , I have studied, and I have given up!"

"These three so-called conjectures are difficult?"

Lin Tian looked at Weng Xiaorandao in surprise.

He had never heard of these three major conjectures before.

"You don't know? So, maybe the so-called three big conjectures are not in your eyes! Besides, these things are unnecessary at your level!"

Weng Xiaoran blinked his beautiful eyes and nodded and said: "These three conjectures were proposed by the Huaxia Research Institute, but unfortunately no one can solve them now! It's just I wonder, why doesn't the Research Institute take care of seniors to solve them?"

"Maybe she solved it a long time ago! We will know by continuing to watch..."

Lin Tian smiled lightly.

On the podium of the lecture hall.

Mo Mengting was obviously a little dazed by the question Chu Shasha asked.

Bu Xiaoxi, who struck next to him, stared at her beautiful eyes, and then said: "Sister, is she talking about the three drug conjecture problems?"

"Teacher Bu, I'm talking about the three conjectures. The conjectures about drugs were proposed by the Research Institute!"

Chu Shasha's eyes were shining brightly, her face was full of expectation, and she nodded solemnly: "Students are very curious about these problems! Although the knowledge span is too large, it feels a bit lofty, but... I want to hear about the medicine saint. What is your opinion on these three conjectures?"

In Chu Shasha's view, Mo Mengting may have failed to solve these three conjecture problems.

The students were looking forward to other things in the classroom, staring at Mo Mengting with scorching eyes. They all wanted to hear Mo Mengting's advice.

Before, they raised a lot of drug-related issues, and they all got different insights and different solutions, and they all gained a lot!


Chu Shasha actually asked such a world-class problem!

Although it is beyond the scope of what they are exposed to today, if Mo Mengting can put forward his own opinions, they will definitely get a lot of gains.

Of course.

Perhaps the most exciting is the professor at the college!

They have studied and communicated with each other on the three major conjecture problems, and they have no way to overcome them. Of course, their level is still not enough.

Don't talk about conquering, the basic idea can't come out!


To get Mo Mengting's explanation, or to get personal opinions on the existence of Yaosheng, that would definitely benefit a lot!

Therefore, these old professors, one by one as obedient students, were sitting upright and raising their ears.

It is already a rare opportunity to come to listen to the lectures of the saint of medicine.

If you can hear and explain many difficult problems, it will be a great opportunity. Besides, this is the three big problem conjecture!

"The three major conjectures of drugs? That should be it!"

Mo Mengting nodded to Bu Xiaoxi, then looked at Chu Shasha, smiled and said, "I know the three major conjecture problems!"

"True Light Grass and Cell Source Renewable Conjecture!"

"Conjecture of 100% purity medicine planting!"

"Conjecture of Derivative Drugs!"



Hearing this, many students couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Just because these three conjectures are one of the top problems in the medical world!

How many so-called genius doctors can only sigh with excitement in the face of them!

At least until now.

It has not been said publicly that anyone has solved these problems!

"Senior Medicine Saint, these three conjectures! Do you have any insights? We want to hear them!"

Chu Shasha nodded vigorously and said excitedly.

Mo Mengting nodded lightly, then motioned to Chu Shasha to sit down.

She frowned and stretched out for a while, and then said: "Actually, when I came out of Shimen a year ago, the first place to go was the research institute!"

These words shocked everyone.

Did the research institute invite Yaosheng from the beginning?

And Mo Mengting said that she came out of the teacher's door, was someone directly invited by her teacher's door?

The Master of Medicine Saint, how does that exist?

Many people began to guess.

At the same time, he was full of curiosity about Mo Mengting's so-called teacher.

To be able to achieve the name of Yaosheng, this is extremely terrifying!

Then, how strong is the teacher?

This makes many students fascinated.

Although most people come from ordinary families, they have never been exposed to martial arts.

But I have heard a lot.

I have all heard that outside the bustling city, in the deep mountains, there are many powerful people and sects hidden in the world!

Similar to those martial arts masters on TV!

It's just that they haven't seen it with their own eyes. Judging from Mo Mengting's attire, and then listening, there really is a hidden Sejong Sect?

Mo Mengting didn’t care about everyone’s reaction and continued at this time: “At that time, I was exposed to these three problems in the research institute! So I spent half a year communicating with various experts in the research institute... just unfortunately……"


Could it be that Senior Medicine Sage also failed to solve the three major problems?

Many people were stared at their faces, followed by a look of disappointment.

that's true!

Those are the three world-class problems. If they are so easy to overcome, they are not world-class problems!

Medicine saint is also a human being, not everything!

Chu Shasha, who asked the question, also thought it was the case, and suddenly said: "Mr. Mo, it doesn't matter, it's normal if you can't overcome it! But I believe you must have a deeper insight than the other predecessors!"

"It's a pity that I'm not referring to these three problems! But... the experts in the research institute are a bit different from what I thought!"

Mo Mengting smiled bitterly, then shook her head.

But the meaning in her words seemed to be unclear for a while.

But Bu Xiaoxi, who was on the side, took the conversation and said with a dissatisfaction: "It is a pity for my senior sister. She originally thought that the medical science department of the research institute was a group of highly respected experts, but she didn't want to. A group of fame and honourable people say they can’t overstate their wine and rice bags! I think it’s more accurate to call them the brick house!"

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