The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3814: Thunderworm

Lin Tian was not in the mood to pay attention to the grievances between the Black Shadow Clan and the Green Shadow Clan, and the troubles in the Demon Fire Sea.

Seeing the majestic aura contained in the gods, he couldn't bear it anymore!

Entering the tiankeng, anyway, you can get the divine grass, and you can also get the void fruit and void wood heart!

"Patriarch, let Mundo lead the way?"

Mondo patted his heart, and said to Shi Yan: "He is the great benefactor of our Fire Demon Race. I want to personally bring the benefactor into the sinkhole!"

Hear this.

Shi Yan glanced at Shui Yuntian, was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Then you will lead the way!"

The battle between the Fire Monster Race and the Water Monster Race left a place of mess and endgame.

Void branches collapsed, ruining many islands.

As the patriarch, Shi Yan must stay and clean up the mess!

"Someone can lead the way!"

Lin Tian nodded to Mengduo, and then turned to look at Leng Mang: "I won't get involved with you about the Green Shadow Clan! However, there are still a few of my friends in the Green Shadow Valley, and I want to take care of them. Come on! When the tiankeng party is over, I will return to look for them! So you don't have to go, just go back to Green Shadow Valley..."

"Yes! Thank you fellow daoist!"

Leng Mang didn't insist on following to the Tiankeng, and bowed to Lin Tian in reply.

Shortly after. ,

Lin Tian took Mo Xiaomo, Qiongyuan, Zuo Jingxiong and others, followed Mondo, and hurried to the island closest to the collapsed branch.

Here is the sea of ​​demon fire, and it is also impossible to fly high in the sky.

Moreover, the sea of ​​demon fire is void, with invisible thunder fire and void turbulence, which is very dangerous.

When he arrived at the island where the Void Dead Branch lies near the sea of ​​demon flames, Lin Tian looked at Mondo's familiar road, and couldn't help but curiously said: "Didn't you say that dead branches rarely fall into the sea of ​​demon fire? See your view of the situation in front of you. It doesn't seem to be too surprised!"

"You can see it?"

Mundo opened his mouth with a smile, and said with an awkward voice: "It is true that this void branch falls rarely in the sea of ​​monsters! The most recent one was more than a hundred thousand years ago! But at that time, I was not born yet!"

"But I went to the water monster world before, and there happened to be a devastating disaster caused by the fall of branches! The water monster world suffered a lot! At that time I used the branches across the different water lakes to cross! Hehe... Different water is not easy to deal with, but the branch just gives me convenience..."

Hear this.

Lin Tiancai suddenly understood.

Said it is a branch.

But at this time, standing on the island next to it, the branches lying there are several times larger than the island, and are at least thousands of meters wide!

Although the more it extends toward the top of the branch, the slenderer it becomes, but it is also like a hill across.

Looking from the direction of the island, there is almost no edge in sight!

The place of the rupture is not far from the closed rift field.

The cross section of the branches has many natural routes that can be easily walked on.

Several leaps.

Lin Tian and Mengduo and the group of four people and one dragon were already standing on the branches.


It is a sea of ​​demon fire with billowing fire waves.

It's just that those fire waves swept across the void branches, but they didn't cause any traces.

Even if it is withered yellow branches, there is no vitality, but the flames here can not be destroyed.

"What's the danger?"

Mo Xiaomo, who stood on Lin Tian's shoulders, looked around and couldn't help asking.

"There is still some distance from the tiankeng! There is no danger for the time being!"

Mundo shook his head with a solemn expression, "But... in the usual way, the fire demon clan took the initiative to open the sinkhole, but this time it was torn apart by the void branches, which ruined the formation! Some distance from the entrance, There may be a dangerous alien **** thunder! There is the closest distance to Void Turbulence! That thing... just one shot is enough to hurt me!"

Lin Tian's expression changed slightly and frowned, "What is that?"

He heard it for the first time.

Not to mention Qiongyuan and Zuo Jingxiong.

Mo Xiaomo fell into memory at this time, and she said a little bit, "The God of Thunder? This is the first time I heard. But... In my memory, the legendary Void Tree does have a strange thunder catastrophe appearing! Could it be this? Kind?"


Mondo nodded and replied: "This is this kind of thunder calamity! Only appears within the void tree! The main thing is that the dead branches of the void tree break, and new branches will grow. At this time, it is equivalent to our realm breaking through the robbery. This appears. Kind of thunder from the outside world!"

"Ah... what should I do?"

Mo Xiaomo exclaimed and hurriedly said.

"Haha... Don't worry, I have a way to deal with Mondo!"

Mundo patted his heart and said confidently.

Walk along the branches of the void, neither fast nor slow.

And along the way, Mundo was very cautious.

Compared to the edge of the tiankeng, it is closer to the entrance of the turbulent flow of the void, with the divine thunder outside the sky, which is more dangerous.

But the branches in front of him were not really safe and sound.

Just walked not far.

There was a loud noise.

The surface of the empty branches beneath his feet was shattered every inch.

One after another, openings of more than ten meters long appeared in front of Lin Tian and others.

Densely spread hundreds of meters away.

From within, drilled out black worms, each with sharp fangs and hideous faces.


They appear.

Makes a weird and numb scalp sound.

And it was different from the worms that Lin Tian and others had encountered before.

All these worms were filled with black flames.

The black flame also heard a crackling sound similar to thunder.

"Be careful of these things!"

Mondo's expression was solemn, and he said solemnly.

"What the hell?"

Qiongyuan stared, his hair standing straight.

His sensitivity to many things has always been very strong.

And these black worms in front of him gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. ,

Zuo Jingxiong also frowned, and the long sword in his hand was already lingering around him.

"One of the most terrifying worms in the Void Tree! We all call it Thunderworm!"

Mundo explained: "Because they have the sound of thunder coming from them! The most difficult thing to deal with is that their defenses are terrible, and the thunder fire on their bodies is also very difficult to deal with!"

"Rainworm? See you, is there a way?"

Mo Xiaomo blinked and said to Mondo.

"You can just follow my steps!"

Mondo said loudly: "The method is more clumsy, that is, use the flames of my fire demon as a protective fire shield and go straight ahead! They can't break my fire shield!"

The words fall.

A blood-red fire shield appeared on Mondo's body.

Then it gradually spread and expanded, and in the end it simply enveloped Lin Tian and others.


The strange sound is even more secret, because more and more thunder insects fly out from below the cracks on the branches, each of which is half a human.

As soon as Mondo offered the fire shield, these thunderworms had already swarmed.

Bang bang...

Under the loud noise, hundreds of thunder insects slaughtered Lin Tian and waited like moths to fight the fire.

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