The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3950: six o'clock

Ordinary practitioners, if they go into the devil's way.

There are others around, the cultivation base is strong enough, and he can still help and get rid of the inner demon.

But do it.

There are also dangers in themselves.

It's just that the chance of surviving is greater than that of those who go into trouble and fight against their inner demons on their own.

But once it doesn't work. ,

Those who go into the devil's way will immediately lose their souls!

Not to mention the celestial demons in front of him.

Just can't think of it.

Lin Tian played so many weird tricks, and Qiongyuan became clear-sighted.

All of a sudden, I came over from the situation of going into the devil's room, and it's completely fine!

What a means, so powerful!

Wuma Tieyu and the others were all terrified.

They all knew Lin Tian's evil spirit.

But there are so many incredible things on such a monster.

Possessing a terrifying spirit fire, it is powerful, and the way of the formation is amazing, and it seems to be omnipotent.

Faced with this so-called outer demon, just follow a few tricks and solve it?

Thinking that Lin Tian got up first just now, everyone was relieved.

"Since you followed me, it's right to save you!"

Lin Tian nodded and said to Qiongyuan, "But this time, in the thought of life and death, it is a great thing for you!"


Qiongyuan's face was stagnant, and he was a little confused.

Mo Xiaomo also said puzzledly at this time: "Why? He almost lost his life just now!"

"Because of his divine soul, he has experienced a baptism of life and death!"

Lin Tian said with a faint smile. ,

on the side.

The seventh elder of the Titans took over the conversation at this time: "Fellow Daoist Lin is right! We were all attacked by the demons from outside the sky just now. For us, it is very dangerous! But we have survived, which is a great benefit! I waited. In the future, you will become more handy in the cultivation of breakthroughs! Especially in breakthroughs, the experience of state of mind is the most important thing! When you reach the Nirvana state, what you look at is actually understanding, and what you look at is state of mind! As usual, he has thoroughly experienced the baptism of the outer demons, and the benefits are even greater! If he can cultivate soul combat skills, he will be more effective than others!"

hear this.

Many of the people present were stunned.

Mo Xiaomo said enviously, "I'm so envious! I knew earlier that I wouldn't be able to resist, and let the demons outside the heaven baptize me..."


Everyone present rolled their eyes.

Lin Tian can't wait to shoot this little girl out.

She is courting death!

"Sure enough, there is no death, there will be blessings! Thank you young master!"

Qiongyuan was naturally overjoyed, and thanked Lin Tian again.

But then he said again: "Speaking of soul combat skills, that is the legendary magical power! How to get it!"

In response, Wuma Tieyu and others nodded. ,

Soul supernatural power is the rarest existence among many mysterious magic powers.

Those magical powers are powerful and mysterious, and they are very terrifying.

So extremely rare.

Even a powerful group such as the Titans does not have spiritual powers!

Maybe only some unborn old monsters or some superpowers can have such secret techniques.

Even if the rank of the soul supernatural power is not high, it is not easy to obtain!

"I just happen to have a lot of soul supernatural powers, and I will give you a chance to practice it later!"

But at this time, Lin Tian said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone shuddered and cast their gazes at Lin Tian in awe.

Have a lot of spiritual powers?

And directly train for the poor source?

Wuma Tieyu and the others couldn't believe their ears. ,

To have a soul supernatural power is already very remarkable.

But looking at Lin Tian's forehead, it seems that he has mastered more than one kind of soul magic.

What is his origin?

Everyone was even more curious about Lin Tian's identity.

At the same time, they are full of envy for Qiongyuan.

"Thank you young master!"

Qiongyuan was overjoyed and thanked him respectfully.

Now he understands.

It is really wise to follow Lin Tian!

The original choice was right!

Originally, he was still thinking about when he would get the benefits.

But following Lin Tian this way, he has already gained countless things.

Now, he has received Lin Tian's promise to pass on his soul supernatural powers.

He is very aware of the power and rarity of soul magic.

If he can really cultivate a soul supernatural power secret technique, his strength will definitely rise to a higher level!

He is looking forward to it!

"What about me, what about me..."

Mo Xiaomo also shouted excitedly at this time.

In her inherited memory, there is naturally a very detailed description of the soul magic secret technique.

But unfortunately.

In terms of soul supernatural powers and secrets, their dragon race is not a strong point, and there is no related soul supernatural powers and secrets that have been passed down.

In front of her, Lin Tian was going to pass on the secret technique of Qiongyuan's soul, so she naturally didn't want to fall behind.


Lin Tian glanced at her and shook his head helplessly: "You can't!"

"At least for now, you have cultivated a lot! In terms of soul, you are too weak!"

too weak?

Mo Xiaomo was startled, and his face showed a look of loss.

But Lin Tian's last words surprised her again: "What do you mean, I will have a chance to practice in the future?"

"There is a chance! But not now!"

Lin Tian nodded.

"Wow...then I'll wait!"

Mo Xiaomo's face was full of anticipation, with joy in his eyes.

The demons outside the sky disappeared, and the dark clouds in everyone's hearts also dissipated at this time.

However, there are six remaining boxes.

Everyone's eyes fell on those boxes, and their expressions became nervous again.

The secret script just said that there will be a dice in these boxes, and the rest is either a reward or a punishment.

But it is not sure how much the reward will be and how much the punishment will be!

What if in the remaining six boxes, except for the dice in it, the remaining five are all outsiders?

Bad luck.

Maybe if you open it continuously to the outer demons, it will be troublesome!

"There are still six boxes. Even if there is a demon from the outside world, I think everyone can deal with it more calmly!"

Lin Tian was more indifferent at this time, and said with a smile: "After all, we have experienced a baptism, and the influence of the outer demons on us will not be as severe as before! As long as we keep our minds, we can easily pass!"

It is!

Listening to Lin Tian's words, everyone's heart relaxed a little.

Lin Tian directly opened a box.

The light blooms!

Release a top-quality spirit crystal with a dazzling and lustrous luster, lying quietly inside!

"Great, it's a spirit crystal!"

Mo Xiaomo said in surprise.

Good luck!

Lin Tian put away the spirit crystal directly.

Then continue to open the wooden box.

This time.

Dice appeared!


Everyone let out a breath.

It's finally over!

This Rubik's Cube secret room was successfully passed!

"There is no danger!"

Lin Tian also sighed, and then picked up the dice in his hand. ,

Walking to the black stone platform, he threw it directly.

dang dang...

half an hour.

The dice stopped and looked up, showing six!

It's six o'clock!

Everyone was overjoyed when they saw that point clearly!

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