The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3973: a scrap iron

Lin Tian confronted the iron puppet in front of him.

Just for a moment.

He felt endless pressure.

The iron puppet slashed out with every sword.

Can see clearly.

But his spirit fire, his flying sword, his fists, every move, were almost blocked by the long sword.

Moreover, the long sword and body were not made of precious materials, and they just resisted the attack of the flying sword.

You must know that Feijian is made by a demon like Xiaotianmu.

Whether it is the hardness or the sharpness of the attack, it is unimaginable!

Ordinary magic weapons, even Dao weapons, are all invincible!

The long sword in front of him is not only sharp, but also as hard as the demon-like Xiaotian sword!

But the most terrifying thing is the attack speed of this iron puppet.

Lin Tian's attack was already faster than lightning, and Mundo, who was standing on the side, could hardly see Lin Tian's shot.

It's just the long sword of the iron puppet, but it's clear and straight!

But even so.

The result was that the attack speed of this iron puppet was no less than that of Lin Tian.

In the face of the attack of the iron puppet, Lin Tiandu became exhausted.

Go on like this.

He also had a hard time holding on.

Although the cultivation base is high, there is almost a constant source of energy.

But after all, it is the body of the body, not the opponent's mechanical puppet!

The mechanical puppet, as long as the forbidden magic circle is blessing, will never stop, and the attack will not even have any fluctuations.

It's no wonder that Mundo was knocked flying just for a face-to-face!

The flame spear in his hand was broken and he was seriously injured.

If it wasn't for Lin Tian's shot, Mundo might have to recuperate for months or even years!

But this attack.

Not without gain.

Lin Tian noticed the spirit fire in his hand, which was useful to the iron puppet.

The opponent's body has been corroded by spiritual fire in many places, and even penetrated.

It's just this kind of damage, there is no substantial damage to the iron puppet at all.

The sword in its hand is still fast, ruthless and accurate, and its speed has not dropped at all.


After a stalemate for a while, Lin Tian had to fly back.

To be able to deal with this iron-clad puppet, in addition to relying on demons such as Xiaotianjian and Linghuo, it is a tyrannical physique and many means of defense.

Absolutely not!

At least, not with this thing recklessly!

Of course.

Maybe there are other ways to get past.

For example, rushing directly over, but only if someone is the cannon fodder!

Mundo and Qiongyuan in front of him, or Wuma Yanran, can all be cannon fodder!

But Lin Tian naturally couldn't do such a thing.

Unless these few are vicious people!

"The spirit fire has an effect on it!"

Mo Xiaomo said with excitement in his eyes.

Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "This iron puppet is extremely hard, but it still can't withstand the erosion of the spirit fire! It just takes a certain amount of time..."

No longer gets close to Iron Golems.

Lin Tian began to use the spirit fire to attack from a distance.

Continue to let the spirit fire sweep over the puppet.

Fortunately, Lin Tian's spiritual power is almost constantly changing.

Therefore, he is not worried about the appearance of depletion of his cultivation base.

It's just that the wood spirit fire is not a spirit fire specially used for killing, and its attack power itself is limited.

Therefore, the damage to the iron puppet is very limited.

But there is simply no other way at the moment.

Just keep attacking!

The spirit fire attack is indeed effective, and the damage to the iron puppet is increasing.

In addition, the iron-clad puppet has no intelligence, does not know how to dodge, and is not afraid of the pain on his body.

Too fast.

Quite a few times, almost all of the attacking spirit fires can be resisted.

Of course.

The long sword was also gradually damaged.

"Just stick with it and you'll blow this thing up!"

Mundo clenched his fists and said quite excitedly.

Qiongyuan and Wuma Yanran next to them were very nervous.

At this time, they couldn't help at all, and only hoped that Lin Tian could persevere.

The attack and speed of the Iron Golem is terrifying.

Even Wuma Yanran, who is more powerful, can't say how much faster than Mundo's speed.

If you really make a move, I am afraid that it will also be the dish of the iron puppet!


I do not know how long it has been.

A crisp cracking sound came.

However, the long sword in the hand of the iron puppet was broken.

Impressively is where the sword is located, at least one-third of the long sword.

It was eroded and broken by spirit fire!

"It's broken, there's a show! And it's slowing down a bit..."

Mo Xiaomo said with great surprise.

Mondo and the other three were also very happy.

At this time, the iron puppet was also riddled with holes.

This thing will be completely disintegrated by the spirit fire sooner or later!

What's more, the speed of the shot has slowed down, which is a good sign!

"Looking at the serious damage to the iron puppet! But the aura fluctuations on its body have not changed at all!"

Lin Tian shook his head, his face was a little pale, and his voice was hoarse: "You must find the puppet's forbidden eye, otherwise, even if it is consumed, no one knows what accident will happen!"

At this time, Lin Tian was a little tired.

Eat like this.

Even if the cultivation base can be fully supported, the high-intensity maintenance of the mind is an astonishing loss.

So if you want to defeat this iron puppet in one fell swoop, you have to find its most fatal weakness, that is, the forbidden eye that supports the puppet's body!

Destroy the formation eye, you can destroy this iron puppet!

But fortunately.

The attack speed of the Iron Puppet is slowing down!

Lin Tian decided to continue attacking with spirit fire for a while!

A few hours passed.

The iron armored puppet was even more devastated, with pits and pits, and in many damaged places, you could almost see the steel in the iron armored puppet's body.

But it is not ordinary steel, it is obviously made of very special heaven and earth treasures.

At this time, a very clear forbidden fluctuation can be sensed.

And the long sword in the iron puppet's hand was less than half left at this time.

The attack speed is also doubled!

At this speed, Lin Tian waited a few times, enough to cross over.

But just in case.

Lin Tian decided to break this iron puppet!

The attack speed has slowed down, and the forbidden fluctuations on the iron puppet have become very obvious.

Lin Tian also saw a general idea of ​​where the eyes were.

He raised his hand and played several tricks.

The spiritual fire in the palm also turned into various strange flames along with the magic formula.

bang bang~

The flames burst out of the air and bombarded the iron puppet's knees.

There, is the forbidden eye of the iron puppet.

And there are two array eyes!

But now the iron puppet is in tatters, and many fatal weaknesses are completely exposed, including the location of the formation.

What's more, the speed of the long sword's resistance is getting slower and slower.

So it can't be resisted at all.

The sound of clack clack came.

The forbidden array eye was broken under the attack of the spirit fire in a short while!

With a click, the iron-clad puppet froze, and the long sword in his hand was lying there, motionless!

"It's done, this puppet is no longer a puppet, but a piece of scrap iron!"

Lin Tian let out a long sigh.

Mo Xiaomo and the others were instantly ecstatic.

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