This human race saved Mo Xiaomo's life?

No wonder they come together!

Fen Xuan and a few others suddenly understood.

And what Mo Xiaomo said was right.

If it wasn't for Lin Tian, ​​she herself wouldn't know when she would be able to escape from the underground secret realm in the burrow!

"Even if this human race saves you, it will not change your status as a traitor of the dragon race!"

An old man came back to his senses and said to Mo Xiaomo, "Since you are a traitor, you are not qualified to inherit the memory inheritance of our Dragon Clan! Your inheritance will also be deprived! Now, you can't do anything! Stay! Your life, not bringing you back to the Dragon Clan, is already kind!"


Mo Xiaomo's eyes turned red with anger at these words, and his tears almost didn't come out.

What happened to the Black Dragons, how did they become traitors!

She was angry, angry and confused, and she felt powerless all over!

"Even if you save her, you are just helping a traitor of our dragon family! Don't think that because of this, this seat will not kill you!"

The old man's eyes fell on Lin Tian again: "And the secret history you mentioned back then is just the past! My dragon clan is still standing on the top of the world!"

"Is it?"

Lin Tian raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly.

On the whole, it gives the impression that the dragon race is very strong, while the human race is very weak.

But Lin Tian knew that among the human race, there were too many terrifying powers.

For example, Master Duanmuyue, etc.!

They traveled or retreated to various secret realms in various places between heaven and earth, and they would not pay attention to the battles between these ethnic groups at all.

Second is.

There are too many tribes in the human race, there are too many, and the whole is loose, and they do not have a strong sense of unity and belonging to the race.

Lin Tian believes that among the human race, there are definitely many strong people with the strength of Master Duanmuyue!

It's just that they don't show off!

If there is an ethnic war, the human race will definitely not be at a disadvantage.

At least it can compete with the dragons!

It's just that many powerhouses of the dragon race don't know the hidden power of the human race, and with the pride of the dragon race, they look down on the human race with preconceived notions!

"The old man won't take advantage of your words!"

The old man said coldly: "Now, tell me how you know about this, and how many others know about it?"

Lin Tian smiled slightly and said, "It's very simple, that woman back then was my master!"


The clan elder and Fen Xuan on the opposite side were all stunned, and then their expressions turned gloomy and cold.

The Lin Tian in front of him was only a few hundred years old, even if he changed his appearance.

Ten thousand years ago?

Can live for more than 10,000 years, and then had the strength to compete with the Dragon Lord 10,000 years ago, how long has this person lived?

Just like Lin Tian, ​​can he become his disciple?

But Mo Xiaomo in front of him believed in Lin Tian, ​​because Lin Tian was born again!

"Boy, since you are courting death, the old man will give you a ride!"

The old man's eyes were gloomy and he shouted coldly.

"Clan elder, let me crush this ant to death!"

Fen Xuan couldn't hold it any longer. Seeing the rage of the clan elder, he hurriedly said: "Let you take action, I'm afraid it will be a little useless!"


This Fen Xuan had already raised his hand and grabbed it towards Lin Tian.

There was a thick red flame surging in his palm.

The dragon's anger was full of rage, and it was already swept away.

"Be careful! The innate flame of the Red Dragon is very powerful! Under the same realm, it is almost invincible!"

Mo Xiaomo's face changed slightly, and he reminded Lin Tian.

"Really? I want to be taught!"

Lin Tian's eyes were shining brightly, and he said expectantly.

in the past.

He has stepped into the dragon world and seen the red dragon clan.

Just didn't get a chance to fight.

But for the Red Dragon Clan, Lin Tian knew a lot about it, but he was not unfamiliar.

Seeing Fen Xuan raised his hand and grabbed it, as if he was trying to grab an ant, he wanted to pinch it to death.

He also raised his hand, and there was a real fire of Samadhi in his palm, and he met Fen Xuan's palm!

"Haha... the lowly people who are over-comprehensive!"

Seeing Lin Tian's actions like this, Fen Xuan suddenly laughed in anger, and was furious: "You have no idea how terrifying the power of my dragon family is, let me know what despair is!"

The red flames on Fen Xuan's hands surged, radiating monstrous power.

Even Lin Tian could feel it from a close distance, like a giant mountain approaching.

But the strength in his hand is not weak, and the true fire of Samadhi in his palm is not a vegetarian.

He wanted to see how powerful this Fen Xuan was!


A terrifying loud noise erupted from both palms.

Originally, Fen Xuan thought that his palm could directly disintegrate Lin Tian's attack in an instant, and then pinched him to death!

However, as a terrifying force came over and blocked his attack, he couldn't help being stunned.

on the opposite side.

Lin Tian just staggered back a few steps and stabilized his body.

This is completely different from what Fen Xuan imagined!

The attack was actually blocked!

Moreover, looking at Lin Tian's appearance, apart from the surging qi and blood, he hasn't suffered the slightest injury!

How can this be?

The human race in front of me is obviously only in the Golden Core Stage!

Fen Xuan was stunned for a while!

The remaining old man waited for the four, and they were all stunned for a while.

"No wonder it is so calm and arrogant, it turns out that it has a certain strength!"

An old man couldn't help but sigh, then he turned to Fen Xuan and said, "Stop playing, take him down!"

Fen Xuan couldn't help but put away his playful expression, and his expression became solemn: "Boy, I have to say, you have some strength! In this case, feel my full strength, tremble and enjoy!"

boom boom boom...

In this guy's body, the monstrous dragon energy turned into a monstrous wave, making bursts of roars.

The terrifying dragon power swept all around.

This made Wuma Tieyu and the others look horrified.

As expected of a genius of the Dragon Clan, this strength has definitely reached the Tribulation Realm!

Seeing the explosion of Fen Xuan's strength, Lin Tian remained calm and composed.

He saw that his palms were a little charred, and he was speechless: "The true fire of Samadhi really can't compare! After all, it is the dragon family!"

Having said that, the Nine Revolutions Three Lives Art in his body began to revolve rapidly, and the majestic breath slowly surrounded his body.

At the same time, a light green wood-inducing spirit fire filled the palm of his hand.

"Kid, die for me!"

Fen Xuan flew around in a red robe, he galloped like electricity, and his fist filled with red flames smashed towards Lin Tian.

The fist shadow is like a violent storm, densely packed.

The speed is too fast, not to mention the power is monstrous, the surrounding void is twisted, and it looks like it is about to burst!

Dragon clan, innate power is boundless terror!

Even if you don't use the dragon energy, the dragon family's physical strength is unimaginably terrifying.

Just made Lin Tian stumble just now, in Fen Xuan's view, it was because he released water.

Now, with all his strength, he will definitely be able to beat Lin Tian into meat sauce in one lap!


Lin Tian watched Fen Xuan's attack, pouted, and then greeted him with a punch without any fancy.

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