"Hahahaha... boy, do you think you are a person? You don't think of yourself as your senior human race 10,000 years ago, right?"

On the opposite side, a clan boss of the Red Dragon Clan laughed, with endless murderous intent in his eyes: "Let's get out of here? The old man has changed his mind! Originally, I planned to save you a small life, but now... the old man wants you to... Ash!"

Lin Tian's expression changed slightly, and his face became solemn.

If these two old men make a move, they must be treated seriously.

The two old guys joined forces, absolutely unimaginable!

"The memory inheritance of the elders of Fenglong will be given to you, and our group will leave!"

Mo Xiaomo hurriedly stepped forward, stood in front of Lin Tian, ​​and said to the two clan elders: "If you make another move, even if you win, I'm afraid you will lose a layer of skin!"

This time, she was a little worried!

Although she knew that Lin Tian was very powerful.

But the two clan elders are both Nirvana-like existences, and their strength is self-evident!

She didn't want Lin Tian to take risks!


If you really start, I am afraid that Wuma Tieyu and others will not be spared!

So Mo Xiaomo would rather not inherit memory.

It's enough to teach Fen Xuan a lesson now!

As for returning to the Dragon Clan, there will be opportunities in the future, and there is no need to entangle with Fen Xuan and others!

"Hey... Still thinking of leaving at this time?"

A clan elder let out a cold laughter: "Not only can he not leave, but you can't leave too! And the guys behind you all have to stay! This seat will not turn your bones to ashes, and it is difficult to solve the hatred in your heart. !"

What is hatred in the heart?

Of course, Fen Xuan's hand was abolished by Lin Tian!

Fen Xuan is a genius of the Red Dragon clan, and he is the most talented being in hundreds of years!

This is the hope for the rise of the Red Dragon Clan!

This time, I came out to find a powerful dragon family memory inheritance for Fen Xuan!

It's hard to find it now, but one hand has been abolished?

Although there is a way to make the arm grow back, no one knows whether it will affect his subsequent cultivation!

They couldn't have predicted that a human race boy in front of him would be so terrifying!

as usual.

Which of the human races you have encountered is not the ant among the ants?

Under the same realm, it is basically crushed by the dragon race!

If Fenxuan is really useless, the two old men feel that it is not enough to vent their hatred by smashing Lin Tian and the others to ashes!

"So, do you think you've settled for me?"

Lin Tian looked at the two old men with a half-smile, calmly.

"Lin Tian, ​​they are the tenth-order red dragon powerhouses!"

Mo Xiaomo was anxious and reminded Lin Tian, ​​"That's a powerhouse equivalent to the Nirvana Realm! Moreover, it's even more powerful than the Nirvana Realm that you humans know!"

"Of course I know!"

Lin Tian smiled lightly, very indifferent.

Wuma Tieyu and others have long been anxious.

If the two old men on the opposite side made a move, they would not be able to resist it at all.

Don't tell anyone else.

Even the Wuma Tieyu, in the face of the previous old man, had to flee directly!

Strength is not at one level at all!

"The third child! Take him down, there is no need to talk nonsense!"

An old man said at this time.

Another clan elder known as the third child nodded with a sullen face, then stepped out and slaughtered Lin Tian.

His strength was completely released.

The violent power and coercion are at least ten times stronger than what Fen Xuan showed before!

what he said.

The surrounding void collapsed, and then it was bridged.

"Back off!"

Lin Tian's face was condensed, and he shouted to Mo Xiaomo.

The little girl also knew that in such a level of battle, she could not participate at all, so she could only retreat helplessly.

Wuma Tieyu and the others even withdrew some distance early.

But at this time, Wuma Tieyu had to take a few steps forward and said to Lin Tiandao, "Fellow Daoist Lin, I will join forces with you!"

Just now.

He thought about escaping and leaving.

But what about others?

Daughter Wuma Yanran and Seventh Elder, etc., I'm afraid they won't have a chance to escape!

There is only one old man in front of him, and the other old man is still staring at the side. With the other party's existence stronger than the ordinary Nirvana realm, it is easy to keep the others.

So, there is no chance to escape at all!

After weighing.

Wuma Tieyu decided to join forces with Lin Tian.

Even if they lose, maybe they can fight against one or two, and look for an opportunity to leave?

"Join us?"

Lin Tian watched the old man on the opposite side come killing him with vigour, and then heard that Wuma Tieyu was about to attack together, he hurriedly shook his head: "No need! Dealing with such an old dog is as easy as the palm of your hand!"

"Junior, you... die!"

The old man who took the shot was already furious, and when Lin Tian called him an old dog, he was even more furious.

He was like a runaway lion, with flames all over his body, almost turned into a ball of fire, and blasted at Lin Tian.

"You step back!"

Seeing that Wuma Tieyu was still standing behind him, Lin Tian hurriedly shouted.

In the face of the old man's shot, Lin Tian was calm and composed, and he raised his hand and hit the old man with several strange tricks.

A few sharp beams fell on the old man. Unfortunately, when they encountered those flames, they were like mud cows entering the sea, without the slightest splash of water.

"Haha... just this attack? Tickle it! Die!"

The clan elder and third eldest laughed and shouted, and the attack in his hand came to Lin Tian in a blink of an eye.

"Old clan, don't kill him, I will torture him to death!"

At this moment, Fen Xuan suddenly made a sound, full of resentment.

At the same time.

In the face of the old man's attack, Lin Tian slapped his backhand.

And in this palm, there is also a wood-inducing fire, but it is very obscure.

In the eyes of outsiders, this big palm that quits is so powerless!

But, it quickly banged a muffled sound.

The old man who looked like a rainbow at first, came quickly but also quickly.

He turned into a ball of fire and flew out.

In the end, it smashed to the ground ruthlessly, smashing the stone steps and platform into a big hole, the smoke filled the sky, the flames shattered, and swept all around.

Such a scene.

It caused everyone present to fall into consternation and silence.

Mo Xiaomo was stunned.

Not to mention, Wuma Tieyu and others who originally thought that Lin Tian had no chance of winning were also stunned on the spot.


On the opposite side, Fen Xuan and the clan elder were all stunned, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

"Cough cough..."

In the big hole that was smashed, a violent coughing sound came from the forehead, and the third and third of the clan staggered out.

His clothes were shattered, blood was everywhere, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth.

The whole body is extremely embarrassed, and the face can hardly be seen clearly!

"Ah ah ah... You actually hurt the old man!"

The third child fell into a frenzy, emitting a monstrous anger, and the flames all over his body became more intense.

Although it looks miserable, it actually hasn't completely hurt the bones.

Not to mention.

Now he is a humanoid~!

"Boy, if you force out the old man's body, you will die!"

The old man roared again and again.

Then, with a loud bang, he exploded into a mass of flames, but soon a red dragon with a length of tens of meters slowly appeared in the flames.

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