The woman with the broken hand can't see clearly.

But upon closer inspection, Lin Tian felt a sense of familiarity.

Have you seen this woman before?

She turned her back to this side at this time, and no matter what guests came, she immersed herself in cooking.

Who is it?

Lin Tian was puzzled, and his consciousness was already shrouded in the past.

When he saw what the woman looked like under the mask, Lin Tian was stunned.

is her!

Sure enough, I have seen it!

Still some familiar people!

what happened?

Lin Tian's heart was full of doubts.

"What's going on?"

Noticing the puzzled look on Lin Tian's face, Mo Xiaomo said curiously.


Lin Tian shook his head.

Soon, two bowls of hot snail noodles were placed in front of him, and Mo Xiaomo couldn't bear it any longer.

The smell was really bad at first, but it tasted refreshing and spicy.

"good to eat……"

Mo Xiaomo praised while eating, and his words were unclear.

"Beauty, can I bring you boiled powder over here?"

Lin Tian said to the waiter.


The waiter was obviously caught off guard, surprised that Lin Tian would make such a request.

After she was surprised, she quickly said: "She is our boss's wife!"

Boss lady?

Her own shop!

Lin Tian was also quite surprised.

"Then let your boss lady come over!"

Mo Xiaomo was very puzzled and asked the proprietress to come over to do what.

The woman with the mask looked at Lin Tian with doubts in her eyes after hearing the waiter's words.

Since Lin Tian had his back to that side, he couldn't see Lin Tian's front clearly.

"You two, are the snail noodles in our shop unpalatable?"

The masked woman stepped forward and spoke with a clear voice.

"Oriental Quling!"

Lin Tian looked up at the masked woman and said calmly.

Hearing her name, and then looking at the face of the young man in front of her, the masked woman was shocked and froze on the ground.

She used to be Zhou Li's personal bodyguard of the Qinglong Group. She was born in the Dongfang family. No matter her identity or strength, she was extremely amazing!

Now, how did it end up like this?

Lin Tian suddenly remembered that when the two old men heard that they were pretending to be from Dongfang's house before, they also reacted violently!

It seems that something really happened!

"Lin... Lin Shao!"

Dongfang Quling's voice trembled.

"You watch here!"

"Lin Shao, come with me..."

Lin Tian took Mo Xiaomo and followed Dongfang Quling into the inner room of the store.

There is no one else here, Lin Tian takes his seat, and Dongfang Quling has already handed a cup of tea.

Mo Xiaomo sat on the side very wisely, silently, and secretly put up his ears to listen.

"What's the matter? Something happened to the Dongfang family, or did something happen to Zhou Li?"

Lin Tian took a sip of tea and asked Dongfang Quling directly.

"Our Dongfang family can't be affected! But our Dongfang family's many branches and companies in Nanzhou..."

Dongfang Quling said in a low voice.

Lin Tian was even more puzzled.

"It's my brother, Dongfang Yu! Of course it wasn't him..."

Dongfang Quling's voice gradually trembled: "Just a month ago, President Zhou and I went to Nanliu City to have a business cooperation meeting! According to the original plan, this time is a big order, which can bring extremely considerable The income can also further expand the influence of our Qinglong Group in Nanzhou! After all, Nanliu City is the southern part of Nanzhou, far beyond the influence of our Qinglong Group!"

"The Panlong Bay over there, if we can cooperate, it will be a win-win situation!"

"But... President Zhou underestimated the appetite of Chen Xuan, chairman of Panlongwan! He secretly poisoned President Zhou and disguised the signed documents. On our way back, we were ambushed by the killer he sent! Let someone take Chairman Zhou to a hidden place!"

"But when I wanted to go back to the headquarters in Bincheng, I found that there was trouble there long ago, and the entire Qinglong Group was controlled by Panlongwan!"

In more than a month, there has been such a big mess!

Lin Tian was extremely surprised when he heard Dongfang Quling's words.

"That's when you broke your hand and ruined your face?"

Lin Tian stared at the mask on Dongfang Quling's face and asked with a sigh.

"No! Things are a bit complicated!"

Dongfang Quling gritted his teeth, raised his hand and took off the mask on his face.

There are only ugly scars on half of her face.

The other arm is empty.

"Ah...sister, your face..."

Mo Xiaomo stood up and exclaimed.

"It's okay, I'm getting used to it now!"

Dongfang Quling smiled bitterly and shook his head.

But at this time, Lin Tian could see deep bitterness and sadness in her eyes.

For any woman, looks have always been one of the most important things!

Dongfang Quling's face became like this, saying that she doesn't care and can get used to it, then **** it!

"I can cure your face! But you have to tell me the specifics!"

Lin Tian pointed to the chair next to him and motioned Dongfang Quling to sit down.

But these words made Dongfang Quling stunned.

She stared wide-eyed and stood there, trembling all over.

"Lin Shao... Said that my face can be cured, is it completely restored to its original state?"

Dongfang Quling was quite excited and said in a trembling voice: "But...but...I went to plastic surgery, it was useless, and soon it turned into this wrinkled appearance!"


Lin Tian raised his brows and his expression became solemn.

The face is disfigured, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to get treatment and recovery, but it is possible to get a complete face with plastic surgery.

But that is plastic surgery after all, there are risks, and it is not his real face.

And Lin Tian's treatment method is not difficult to restore the general disfigurement.

But the scar on Dongfang Quling's face in front of him is probably not that simple!

"Sit down and let me see!"

Lin Tian asked Dongfang Quling to take a seat.

When she sat down, Lin Tian stretched out his hand and pressed his palm lightly on the scar.

Dongfang Quling trembled all over, and felt a wave of warmth surging on his face.

"Hoo...toxin, amazing toxin!"

After a long time, Lin Tian retracted his hand and let out a breath of cold air.

Originally thought that this scar was caused by arrogant external force, but now it seems that it is also involved in extremely strange toxins, so that half of the face maintains this wrinkled appearance.

Even cosmetic surgery is ineffective.

Wrinkled marks will be restored in no time!

Toxins, weird and powerful!

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