The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4231: Firetail Cloud Fox

Originally, Lin Tian went to the mountain gate temple of Tianlong Mountain.

But the breath coming from the entrance of the valley not far away attracted him.

at this time.

in the valley.

There was a faint rumbling sound.

The sound is not very loud, obviously there is a certain distance.

The valley is probably very large and deep.

It may be connected to the area over the Tianlong Mountain Gate Temple.

The entrance to the valley is small and narrow.

If it wasn't for Lin Tian flying through the sky and looking down from the top, it would be hard to find.

And this is not the entrance to the valley at all.

It is a very high mountain pass covered with primitive dense forest. Most people walk from below, which is very dangerous.

Because below, Lin Tian's consciousness sensed the aura of several monsters.

The auras of these monsters are not strong, and they are basically one or two levels of cultivation, which is equivalent to the middle of the Qi refining period.

But for ordinary monks with two or three levels of Qi refining, it is extremely dangerous.

Not to mention that it is a deadly threat to warriors and ordinary people!

Therefore, ordinary people will not come to such places!

"Is there some powerful monsters haunting it, or is there some treasure in the world!"

Lin Tian whispered to himself, and swept into the valley angrily.

what he said.

Those monsters who sensed the faint breath of his body suddenly dispersed as birds and beasts.

After entering the valley.

Lin Tian's consciousness shrouded in a radius of more than ten kilometers.

I found this so-called valley, which is full of ravines and staggered mountain roads.

The scope is really large, almost enclosing more than half of the temple where the headquarters of Tianlong Mountain is located.

Inside, there is abundant spiritual energy.

Countless monsters are entrenched, and pieces of spiritual grass are hidden.

Of course, there are a lot of monks in it for diving, treasure hunting, experience and so on.

Lin Tian's divine sense swept over and found thousands of figures scattered among the vast valleys and mountains.

Almost all of them wore uniform clothes, which were exactly the same as the sect clothes on Leng Chan.

These people are clearly disciples of Tianlong Mountain!

Probably many disciples of Tianlong Mountain have basically experienced in this area!

Lin Tian guessed in his heart, but his consciousness sensed that there was a very amazing flame aura in this area.

This breath made him feel more intimate.

It is also because of the fact that there is a wood spirit fire in the body.

In the face of any flame, Lin Tian now feels an inexplicable affinity.

But the main thing is.

This kind of flame breath is very familiar, and he must have seen it in his previous life.

Is it some kind of flame?

Or some fire monster?

Divine Consciousness swept the area several times.

But no flames or monsters were found.

It's weird.

Lin Tian could only step towards the place where the flames were the most intense.

He wanted to see what was going on in here.

As for the constant roar.

But it came from farther away. A dozen figures seemed to be attacking something, and red flames could be vaguely seen rising into the sky.

"Those disciples of Tianlong Mountain, did they find any treasures?"

Lin Tian said in surprise.

But he was in no hurry to go there to find out.

Lin Tian was more interested in the source of the rich flames.

Because of the familiarity in his bones, he was more concerned.

In the past life, there are too many memories, but I can't go back!


Lin Tian stopped at the foot of a mountain.

This mountain is verdant with green trees and mountains, and there is absolutely no place where fire energy exists.

But among the layers of green trees, the surging flame breath can be sensed.

Lin Tian's consciousness went up and down the mountain to explore.

But found nothing.

But there was something vaguely there.

"It's weird!"

Lin Tian was extremely puzzled.

He looked back at Tianlong Mountain, frowned slightly, and after hesitating for a while, decided to explore this mountain.

In the entire huge mountains, this peak is the strangest.

But this mountain is also the most hidden and inconspicuous.

Few disciples of Tianlong Mountain are near here.

Lin Tian walked around the peak, and finally saw the entrance of the cave hidden among the green trees on the halfway of the mountain.

if not close.

Basically, it's hard to see that there is a hole in it.

This is not the most important thing.

What makes Lin Tian wonder is.

Just now, his consciousness swept through, but he didn't see the cave at all.

At close range, there is no obstacle to the detection of divine consciousness.

But vaguely, he felt that something was resisting the consciousness.

An incomparably rich flame aura surged out of it.

"It's really weird! Since you're here, let's go in and have a look..."

Lin Tian thought about it and stepped in.

It's weird inside the cave.

It was said everywhere that the fiery red light filled the air, illuminating the inside of it very brightly.

air room.

There are wisps of feather-like fire flakes, constantly fluttering!

"Wow, so beautiful!"

Mo Xiaomo stuck his head out of Lin Tian's pocket, and said in surprise: "And this flame is so pure, although it is not comparable to my dragon family, it is also very powerful! This breath should be some kind of fire-type monster. !"

"Very familiar atmosphere! I should have seen it! But there are so many fire-type monsters, I don't know what kind they are!"

Lin Tian nodded and said, "But from this breath, it's not common, it must be a very special monster! Let's go in, it should be hidden inside!"

As the consciousness spread to the depths, Lin Tianbian walked slowly.

The cave slopes down.

The space below is getting bigger and bigger.

But only a few minutes later.

came to an end.


It's a space the size of a basketball court.

The flames here are more intense, and the wisps of fire are like clouds and mist floating there, which is extremely beautiful.

at this time.

below this space.

There is a group of exquisite and rich flames rising continuously there.


The moment Lin Tian appeared.

The flame moved.

Screams piercingly.

If you look carefully at this time, you will find that this so-called flame is clearly a fox demon!

Its whole body is filled with flames, and behind it are three fiery red tails, like fiery red clouds.

"Firetail Cloud Fox!"

Lin Tian's eyes lit up, and he said with great surprise, "It turns out that this is the thing, no wonder it's so familiar!"

In the past life, I have encountered the fire tail cloud fox, this thing is rare!

Although there are many fox demons and countless tribes, this fire-tailed cloud fox is the most rare and special, and it is also the most precious!

It is the dream of countless monks!

Because, the fire-tailed cloud fox is one of the most precious animals!

The monks who recognize this thing hope to catch it, and if they capture it alive, they are even more careful, afraid of hurting this thing in the slightest.

Because it is said that with the fire tail cloud fox by his side, after a period of time, the cultivator will give birth to a powerful fire spirit bone!

What kind of anti-sky effect is this?

The fire-tailed cloud fox is simply a treasure of exotic beasts!

Even an ordinary person, if he stays with Huowei Yunhu for a long time, he will have a great chance of appearing a fire spirit bone and become an incomparable cultivation genius!

Chapter 4231 Firetail Cloud Fox

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