The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4271: Zhang Zhiqiang

Listening to the words of Lin Tian and Wuma Tieyu, with just a few words, He Zilian and He Zuyang both froze on the ground.

Both of them didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

a long time.

He Zilian took a deep breath and slowly accepted the shocking amount of information revealed by Lin Tian and Wuma Tieyu.

Earth, the Titan domain...

Humans on earth are not alone!

Perhaps, there may be a real fairy existence?

Earth is just the tip of the iceberg in this world!

Think of these.

He Zilian suddenly felt that what she had cultivated over the years had become worthless.

The originally indomitable and stable Dao Heart was inexplicably loosened and confused.

But soon, she cleared her mind and hurriedly told Wuma Tieyu what she knew one by one.

Listening to He Zilian's words, listening to Tiannan Ancient Realm, there may even be other ancient realms, especially around this huge earth, there is a monstrous formation seal, he was completely stunned.

Just what a big deal!

Perhaps, only those ancient powers can do such things?

And it's not just one, maybe it's this great formation set up by many great powers!

He couldn't believe that there was such a powerful seal on the earth.

His consciousness can easily wrap the earth, but no matter how he probes, he can't find the so-called seal!

It can only be said that this seal does not exist, or it is so powerful that he cannot sense it!

"If this great seal really exists... The Pillar of the Day..."

Wuma Tieyu thought of a possibility, but soon, his complexion changed suddenly, and he said: "Void Tree, Titan Star Territory..."

"Are they all within the seal of this great formation?"

Lin Tian looked solemn, nodded slightly and said, "Maybe this is the case! I can't be sure now! But if the Tiannan Ancient Realm exists, and the entire ancient realm is the eye of the sealing formation... Then, the Titan Star Region is also in this formation. Inside!"


Wuma Tieyu couldn't help but took a deep breath.

This feeling is very bad.

The Titan Star Territory itself is in crisis.

When the mountain collapses, the Titan Star Territory will be doomed, and other Star Territories that are waiting for the opportunity will definitely make a thunderous shot.

But now it seems.

Suddenly feel a little ridiculous.

This place is sealed by the big formation, will they be sealed in this small area by others like a gu, and watch them fight to the death?

"I can't think of it, I can't think of it..."

Wuma Tieyu sighed, not knowing how to express his feelings for a while.

It's like being locked in a place by someone else without knowing it, and feeling suffocated.

"I can't think of it either!"

Lin Tian nodded and said, "What we have to do now is to find out the Tiannan Islands! Fellow Daoist Wuma has a strong sense, and you can easily cover the entire South Ocean! What can you find?"

"Nothing has been found. Except for some ancient caves in the deep sea, everything else is normal. There is no so-called powerful ancient realm at all! So what are we going to do?"

Wuma Tieyu said very puzzled.

"So we can only go to find it in person! Divine consciousness is sometimes not omnipotent!"

Lin Tian shook his head, then pointed at He Zilian and said, "Let her show us the way!"

"I... I don't know where it is! I just got news that the Tiannan Islands are located in the Black Sea Canyon in the South China Sea! That is, in the direction of thousands of miles south of the Black Sea Valley! But the Black Sea Canyon is located in the deep sea, and after entering a thousand miles, it is the Black Sea Restricted Area. , entering it, it is difficult to find the direction, and the consciousness is also blocked..."

He Zilian was at a loss at this time, and said to Lin Tian and Wuma Tieyu: "After several investigations, I suspect that the Tiannan Islands are in the Black Sea Canyon area!"

"Blocking Divine Consciousness?"

Wuma Tieyu was surprised.

And at this time.

His consciousness directly crossed the distance of tens of thousands of miles and reached the central area of ​​Nanyang.

But still found nothing.

This is the Nirvana realm powerhouse, defying the sky to the extreme.

Although Lin Tian's strength is very strong, he is not afraid of Nirvana realm powerhouses at all, but after all, he has not reached his realm, and no matter how powerful his consciousness is, there is a limit.

Therefore, in terms of spiritual awareness, it is completely incomparable with Wuma Tieyu.

"Looks like we have to go in person! @"

Wuma Tieyu sighed and said, "Little girl, you lead the way!"

"I can't lead the way! I need my younger brother to find the most qualified old fishermen in the South Seas, they are the best guides! It is said that some fishing masters have directly used fishing boats to enter the Black Sea Canyon, where the most precious South Sea pearls and South Sea Fish!"

He Zilian shook her head, looked at He Zuyang, and said, "Can you find the best guide?"

He Zuyang nodded and said: "In Dongcheng City on the East Island of the Black Sea, I know an old fisherman who is also the owner of several fishing boat teams! He is most familiar with the Black Sea Canyon! It just so happens that he is now in Mazu City. Come and talk business!"

"Okay, let's go now!"

Wuma Tieyu stepped forward, picked up the two siblings, and swept them away.

Without saying a word, Lin Tian quickly followed.

Mazu City is not far from Xiangzhou itself, only a few hundred kilometers.

The group arrived in the blink of an eye.

"Jiu'ao Mountain Hotel! His name is Zhang Zhiqiang. He is an old fisherman in Dongcheng City. Later, he made some money and started his own company. It has more than a dozen fishing boats. It is the most famous in Dongcheng City. It is also very famous in the Black Sea Canyon. Famous, often accepting all kinds of business!"

He Zuyang pointed to the hotel below and said to Lin Tian and Wuma Tieyu.

The group went down immediately.

Entered the hotel directly, and entered the hotel where Zhang Zhiqiang was located.


Opening the door and entering, Zhang Zhiqiang stood up and shouted loudly.

The lights in the room are turned on.

A dark-skinned man in his fifties in pajamas appeared before him.

This person is Zhang Zhiqiang.

He is a little thin and dark-skinned, but he is incomparably energetic, even more energetic than many spirited guys.

Seeing Lin Tian and others suddenly appear, he was a little confused.

"Boss Zhang, it's me!"

He Zuyang stepped forward and said.

"Huh... What is it, Young Master!"

Zhang Zhiqiang breathed a sigh of relief, and said very speechlessly: "You want to find me, make a phone call, or have someone come to let me know, this is the middle of the night, it will scare people to death!"

He Zuyang smiled bitterly, and he said helplessly: "There are two adults who need you to lead the way! It's not a request, but Boss Zhang to go in person!"

After speaking, He Zuyang blinked at Zhang Zhiqiang, then shook his head slightly, with a solemn expression.

Zhang Zhiqiang's expression froze slightly, and his whole body tightened.

He and He Zuyang have had a lot of dealings. ,

Who He Zuyang is, he knows too well.

And He Zuyang's expression and reaction clearly told him that there was something in front of him, and he had to be a guide!

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