"I have seen the Sect Master! I have seen all the seniors!"

Xiao Ting and the others behind Qin Zhanfeng, tremblingly, like obedient dogs, bowed down respectfully.


Qin Yang and others on the opposite side ignored them at all, at most glanced at them.

Because there is no time and no mood!

Therefore, Lin Tian, ​​Wuma Tieyu and others stood on the same ground, and they were ignored by them.

"What happened to this snake demon skeleton just now?"

Among the group of female monks, the woman headed was surprised and said: "I have been to Ten Thousand Snake Island a few times, and I know the bones of the snake demon, but how are these bones alive?"

"This is Island Master Su, I'm not polite yet!"

Qin Yang shouted to Qin Zhanfeng at this time.

This woman is the owner of Hailin Island, Su Yinnuan!

Hailin Island, in the Nanyang East China Sea cultivation world, is also a relatively powerful cultivation sect, and it is not weaker than the East Saint Gate.

As the owner of Hailin Island, Su Yinnuan has just broken through to the early Nascent Soul!

Qin Zhanfeng had a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Instead of greeting Qin Yang immediately, he said to Qin Yang: "Hundreds of years ago, if you hadn't been for the Tianwuzhu, my mother wouldn't have lost her life, and the Tianwuzhu might still be there!"


Qin Yang glared angrily, his body was full of breath, and there was a trace of murder in his eyes, but at the same time there was a trace of remorse and powerlessness.

events of the year.

It was indeed because of his fault that not only the sect's treasure of the sect was lost, but also his beloved wife lost her life.

At first, they were together as a Taoist couple, but gradually they became affectionate, and there was also Qin Zhanfeng!

After losing his beloved wife, Qin Yang felt remorse and grief every day for hundreds of years.

But under such circumstances, he even hoped to get back the Tianwuzhu.

Back then, in order to help him get back the Tianwu Pearl, his wife accidentally fell into the waters of the Black Sea Canyon!

"Hmph, I'm not here to see your father and son fighting each other! Besides, Sect Master Qin, Wuzhu was not of much use to you that day, but it was of great use to your son!"

Seeing the father and son arguing, Su Yinnuan sneered, "But now let's see what's going on with this snake demon skeleton!"

hear this.

Qin Yang took a deep breath with a complicated expression on his face.

He glanced at the deep pit, and then said, "Let's go over there and see what's going on below!"

The entire group came to the edge of the deep pit.

And the pit is not too steep.

It's just that Qin Yang didn't go down, but his consciousness swept here several times, but found nothing.

Even a certain passage or hole below does not exist.

It seems that the group of snake demon skeletons just now suddenly came to life on their own!

Everything is so weird!

"Maybe these snake demon bones have some mutation that we don't know about!"

Su Yinnuan said at this time: "The most important thing now is how to take down Heiya Mountain! Now Xu Xiaotian in Heiya Mountain doesn't know where to hide to make a breakthrough! And Heiya Mountain's cultivation method is very special, said Maybe this time he can directly step into the middle stage of Nascent Soul!”

"At that time, with her ambitions, I'm afraid she won't let our two sects go!"


She, Su Yinnuan, didn't want to participate in these messy fights.

But after hearing Qin Yang's pros and cons, she still decided to bring Hailin Island's experts.

She is very clear about the truth that lips are dead and teeth are cold.

If you wait for Hei Ya Mountain to become stronger and the East Saint Gate is destroyed, they may be Hailin Island next!

Therefore, she still decided to come over and take this opportunity to give Hei Yashan a deadly siege!

Even if Xu Xiaotian was out of the customs at that time, he was alone, and he couldn't help but win the two sects!

Especially at that time.

Hei Ya Mountain has fallen, and these other sects have followed suit!

"Myriad Snake Island is only a few hundred miles away from Heiya Mountain!"

Qin Yang nodded and said solemnly: "What we need to do now is not to directly attack the gate of Heiya Mountain, but to take down all their sub-rudders in the surrounding waters! We cannot give them any chance to react. It's just...Tianwuzhu doesn't know whether it was in Heiya Mountain or was taken away by Xu Xiaotian..."

What Qin Yang cares about most now is Tianwuzhu.

Although it was useless to him, it was a treasure for Qin Zhanfeng!

His son hated him so much.

He is very clear about this.

But in addition to maintaining his majesty and dissatisfaction with Qin Zhanfeng's anger, he was still extremely guilty.

For Qin Zhanfeng's reaction, he was not angry at all, but felt more guilty.

Now he just wants to take back the Tianwuzhu and give it to Qin Zhanfeng to practice, hoping that his beloved wife Zaizhiling can forgive him!

And Lin Tian, ​​who was standing next to him, only now understood why Qin Zhanfeng dared to be so disrespectful to the father of the dignified sect master!

Qin Zhanfeng's mother died because of Qin Yang. It was natural that he hated his father.

At this time, Xiao Ting and others also understood.

But they all bowed their heads, not daring to say anything.

"No matter what, let's take Heiya Mountain first!"

Su Yinnuan said: "If Tianwuzhu is in the sect, it would be even better! If not, we will occupy Heiya Mountain and force Xu Xiaotian to hand over the Tianwuzhu! Besides, Xu Xiaotian's biggest gate of life is in Heiya Mountain... "

These words made Qin Yang's eyes suddenly light up: "Xu Rongrong!"

"Not bad! That Xu Rongrong is Xu Xiaotian's hard-to-have daughter. Although she is an ordinary person and cannot cultivate, she is the jewel in his palm!"

Su Yinnuan nodded and said, "Xu Rongrong has always been on Heiya Mountain. Even though Xu Xiaotian left the sect after making deployments, he never imagined that we would join forces to attack Heiya Mountain!"

Many monks present nodded.

Su Yinnuan's words are right, two sects join forces to provoke a war, in this Nanyang cultivation world, it is rare!

Generally, no one is willing to provoke a battle of sects, because it is basically the price of injuring the enemy a thousand and losing eight hundred!

"Fellow Daoist Su's words are very true! We have to change our strategy and re-deploy the siege of Heiya Mountain! Xu Rongrong is indeed Xu Xiaotian's jewel in the palm of his hand, and he is more important than his own life!"

Qin Yang looked contemplative at this time, and said: "So, we have two main points now, one is to enter Heiya Mountain and get the Tianwu Pearl, and the other is to catch Xu Rongrong at the same time! As long as we catch Xu Rongrong , it is equivalent to holding Xu Xiaotian's lifeline! At that time, he will be thrown out!"

"Okay! Just follow Sect Master Qin's method!"

Su Yinnuan agreed very much: "But before that, we need to make a move! Attack the nearest Heiya Mountain branch, and then let the main force of their sect come to the area of ​​Wanshe Island! At that time, we In two batches, take Heiya Mountain all the way, and take down the elite monks of Heiya Mountain all the way!"

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