The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4295: Black Flame Secret Seal

Qin Yang, Su Yinnuan and others all had panic on their faces at this time.

They made all kinds of calculations and plans, and took advantage of this great opportunity to give Heiya Mountain a heavy blow!

The two sects of East Saint Gate and Hailin Island joined forces. Without Xu Xiaotian, they would definitely be unable to resist their surprise attack!

Although Hei Ya Mountain is powerful, it can at most slightly overwhelm the East Saint Gate.

In addition to Shanghai Lindao, not to mention that Su Yinnuan has the cultivation of the early Nascent Soul, so he has a great chance to win the Black Ya Mountain!

but now.

Qin Yang and Su Yinnuan discovered that everything they planned and others had clearly fallen into the trap of Hei Yashan and Xu Xiaotian and others!

before this.

Su Yinnuan refused to join forces with Dongshengmen's invitation.

this time.

She thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

When Xu Xiaotian got the Tianwu Pearl, he must have found a safe place to practice diving.

Hei Yashan must not be able to take care of it.

Moreover, the background of Hei Ya Mountain is just as amazing. Sects with similar strength are not willing to conflict, after all, there is no benefit!

As far as Su Yinnuan was concerned, this time was also the time when Hei Yashan let down his guard the most.

But he didn't want to, he had fallen into the trap of Hei Ya Mountain before he even reached the site of Hei Ya Mountain.

And Xu Xiaotian, just retreated and practiced under the island of Ten Thousand Snakes!

Now it has broken through to the late Nascent Soul!

This made Su Yinnuan and Qin Yang stunned!

a year ago.

Xu Xiaotian's cultivation was just staying at the fake baby stage, the same as theirs.

Even if you get the Sky Martial Pearl, your cultivation base will skyrocket, and you will be able to break through to the initial stage of Nascent Soul at most!

Now, the cultivation base has been directly upgraded to the late Nascent Soul, this... is too incredible!

Everything is so incredible!


Outside the blood-red formation, the elder Heiya Mountain, along with a group of monks from Heiya Mountain, knelt down and shouted respectfully to Xu Xiaotian.

There was awe on their faces, but there was also a strong frenzy on their faces.

In Hei Ya Mountain, Xu Xiaotian was very prestige, and now he has broken through to the late Nascent Soul, for Jiang Cheng and the others, he is like a god!

At this time, Xu Xiaotian was covered in black demonic energy.

The huge phantom behind him gives people endless oppression and mystery.

" did a good job!"

Xu Xiaotian let out a hoarse laugh.

His eyes then fell on Su Yinnuan and Qin Yang, and he smiled grimly: "Island Master Su, Sect Master Qin, I never imagined that the two of you would visit this place in person to congratulate me on leaving the customs and breaking through to the late Nascent Soul!"

Su Yinnuan and Qin Yang's expressions were extremely difficult to see.

There was even fear in their eyes.

Today's Xu Xiaotian's strength is far beyond their unimaginable level.

Late Nascent Soul!


Su Yinnuan was able to break through to the early stage of Nascent Soul, but she had already used up most of Hailin Island's resources, as well as all her luck.

And it's still nearing a breakthrough. After more than ten years, it has finally hit the realm of the early Nascent Soul.

It's just in front of me. It seems that Xu Xiaotian has only spent less than a year before he has set foot in the late Nascent Soul period. You must know that during the Nascent Soul period, every breakthrough in a small realm has a good chance. , maybe hundreds of years!

Xu Xiaotian in front of him, what did he do?

The only explanation is the Tianwuzhu!

Or, there is the mysterious phantom behind Xu Xiaotian!

"Sect Master Xu, unexpectedly, now you have reached a point that is beyond our reach!"

Qin Yang's eyes were trembling, and he stared at Xu Xiaotian: "All of this is bestowed by Tianwuzhu? Also, are the snake demon bones and snake demons you made before? "

Xu Xiaotian's face filled with black demonic energy, and it was difficult to see his appearance, but Sen Leng's voice came: "Tianwuzhu, it really is a good thing! The latest generation of the Demon King of Ten Thousand Snakes has been swallowed by this seat. The body of a half-dragon was also inherited by this seat! The Tianwuzhu of your East Saint Gate is truly a credit!"


The king of snakes?

Is the legend of ten thousand snakes true?

Many cultivators present were all shocked and stunned.

Qin Yang and Su Yinnuan were also stunned.

Tianwuzhu helped Xu Xiaotian to successfully break through the late Nascent Soul, but it was also because of the existence of the Demon King of Ten Thousand Snakes!

Isn't that just a legend?

The new generation of Myriad Snake Demon King has been lurking under this Myriad Snake Island?

This is unbelievable!

And Xu Xiaotian also said that he inherited the half-dragon body of the snake demon king?

So, Xu Xiaotian now has half the body or blood of the dragon clan?

The more they thought of this, the more frightened Qin Yang and Su Yinnuan became, and the whole body fell into ice cold.

It is self-evident to what extent Xu Xiaotian's strength has reached now.

Originally, the cultivation of Nascent Soul's late stage was earth-shattering enough.

Only the legendary god-turning powerhouse can hold his head down!

But in the entire Nanyang Cultivation Realm, how many are the powerhouses in the Divine Transformation Stage?


Even in the late Nascent Soul, there were very few monks.

The current Xu Xiaotian is completely able to stand at the top of the Nanyang cultivation world!

With his rise, the entire Hei Ya Mountain will also directly rise to a level!

With Xu Xiaotian in charge alone, it is enough to make Heiya Mountain a first-class cultivation sect in the Nanyang cultivation world!

Not to mention that Xu Xiaotian also inherited the half-dragon body of the Ten Thousand Snake Medicine King, and his strength is even more earth-shattering!

"Unexpectedly, Xu Zongmen has such a chance against the sky!"

Qin Yang's face showed a look of disappointment, and he sighed.

At this moment, Qin Yang is like a deflated ball, without a trace of grudge or desire to resist.

On the other hand, Qin Zhanfeng next to him was full of unwillingness.

But at the same time, he knew that the situation was over now.

Xu Xiaotian has successfully stepped into the late Nascent Soul realm, which has already reached a level that makes them desperate!

To resist is to shake the tree!

Now I can only see Xu Xiaotian's mood, maybe he will consider spare them!

But such an outcome is almost impossible!

Dongshengmen and Heiya Mountain have been in constant conflict for hundreds of years, and they have long been mortal enemies!

If you seize the opportunity, how can you give the opponent a chance to live?

Su Yinnuan was also extremely depressed at this time.

The situation in front of me is completely at the worst moment.

Hei Ya Mountain, itself a Demon Dao sect, has always been cruel, and Xu Xiaotian will never let them go!

"Win the king and defeat the bandit! Xu Zong mainly kills and wants to be stabbed, please listen to your honor!"

Su Yinnuan exhaled and shouted tenderly.

She didn't expect Xu Xiaotian to spare them!

"My East Saint Sect lost, it's not wrong to lose!"

Qin Yang also said at this time: "But... Seeing that Wuzhu was the treasure of my Eastern Saint Gate that day, it helped you break through the late Nascent Soul, and eager to... let my son go? Even if you abolish his cultivation, it will still Please give him a chance to live!"

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