The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3835: divine fire formation

Following Tan Xiuran's rage, the other members of the Tiancan Army were stunned and stunned.

Because they couldn't believe it when they saw the scene in front of them.

The little criminal clan dared to disobey their leader's orders!

This was in the past.

It's unimaginable!

The entire Tianjue Land is decided by the Tiancan Clan.

What ethnic group dares to go against the will of their Tiancan clan?

How many thousands of years have passed!

When the Tiancan Clan sneezes, to the many ethnic groups here, it is as if God is angry, making countless ethnic groups tremble with fear!

some of.

Naturally, this includes the Xing clan!

Any order given by the Tiancan Clan can make the Xing Clan kneel down and obey.

Even if any one of them from the Xing Clan is asked to die, they must do it!

But right now, is this going to heaven?

Commander Tan Xiuran actually dared not to listen to what he said!

The five hundred Heavenly Remnant Army were stunned for a moment, dumbfounded.

For them, this is completely contrary to common sense and subverts what they see!

"Haha... just you guys, can you still be considered a god?"

Lin Tian stood motionless in the Zhuri Mountain Square and said with a disdainful smile.

"In this heavenless land, for us, it is the sky! Damn the human race, they don't know how high the sky is and how high it is!"

Tan Xiuran drank loudly again.

Now he was even more furious.

The most annoying thing is that Lin Tian no longer dares to resist the Tiancan clan. After all, his cultivation and talent are indeed against the sky. ,

On the contrary, the Xing Clan dared to disobey, which made his heart surge with murderous intent!

"Hey, you are the only ones who dare to say that you are God!"

Lin Tian sneered and said disdainfully: "If you see the Heavenly Punishment Clan now, you will probably run faster than a rabbit!"

The Heavenly Punishment Clan!

Tan Xiuran and many other members of the Tiancan Army had their expressions changed drastically, with horror and fear on their faces. They subconsciously looked around, but they were all relieved when they did not see the Tianpu Clan.

The Heavenly Punishment Clan has disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years and has never appeared again!

They, the Tiancan Clan, don’t want the members of the Heavenly Punishment Clan to appear again!

In the alien world, they are basically suppressed by the Heavenly Punishment Clan!

I came to this Tiannan Holy Land in the first place because of the Heavenly Punishment Clan!

Good thing.

The Heavenly Punishment Clan disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years and never appeared again!

But hearing Lin Tian's words in front of them still made them subconsciously frightened.

This feeling of fear deep in my bones is still lingering to this day!

"You actually know about the Heavenly Punishment Clan!"

Tan Xiuran's face turned extremely ugly and he gritted his teeth and shouted.

In the Tianjue Land, most ethnic groups do not know the existence of the Tianpu Clan.

Even the many powerful men of the Punishment Clan heard of the so-called Heavenly Punishment Clan for the first time.

I do know that there are legends about the Moon God Clan that are widely circulated in Tianjue Land.

But it's just a legend.

Most of the strong men of the tribe don’t even know that the so-called Moon God Clan is actually related to the Luoyue Ruins, which is the forbidden land left by the Moon God Clan!

As for the Heavenly Punishment Clan, this was the first time they heard of it.

Many powerful men from the Xing Clan couldn't help but look at each other.

Judging from the reactions of Tan Xiuran and other Tiancan troops, they, the Tiancan tribe, are very afraid of the so-called Tianpu tribe.

"Senior, how did the Punishment Clan exist that day?"

An elder of the Xing clan was very curious and couldn't help but ask.

"A tribe in the same world as the Tiancan Clan! It's very powerful, overwhelming them! If we encounter the Tiancan Clan now, I will have to retreat and run away!"

Lin Tian sighed, shook his head and said.

So powerful!

Many elders and powerful men of the Xing clan gasped, with deep shock in their eyes.

"How do you know about the Heaven Punishment Clan? Or are you a member of the Heaven Punishment Clan?"

Tan Xiuran, the commander of the Tiancan Army, shouted again.

Lin Tiantan smiled and said: "How do you know what the relationship is? As for whether I am a human or a punishment tribe, it doesn't make any sense! Now it's up to you to continue to seek death, or to retreat!"

Hearing this, Tan Xiuran couldn't help but frown.

No matter how you look at it, Lin Tian looks like a human race, but the appearance of the Tianpu Clan is no different from that of the human race. It can only be judged from the breath.

As for the fluctuations in aura, no matter how Lin Tian looked at it, they were all from the human race!

"Sir, he can't be from the Heavenly Punishment Clan! He really is from the Heavenly Punishment Clan, and he has already appeared in large numbers in our Holy City!"

A member of the Tiancan Army reminded Tan Xiuran.

"Hmph! He was almost deceived by his pretense! He took action and demolished the entire Zhuri Mountain!"

Tan Xiuran shouted in a deep voice.


The entire Tiancan Army moved in response.

Although it only consists of five hundred powerful Tiancan warriors, their spears stand across the sky, stirring up the storm.

The terrifying aura rushed from them into the sky.

Strange runes were constantly swirling and surging on their spears and around them.

The aura on any of them, individually speaking, is far inferior to Lin Tian.

But at this time, they gathered together and formed a strange battle formation, killing each other sharply.


Tan Xiuran gave the order.

The five hundred Tianremn troops moved with a roar, and all rushed away at extremely fast speeds. However, there was no disorder in the entire team. They all took their positions in an orderly manner and attacked the magic circle on Xinglong Lake.

Each one of them almost became a sharp knife, breaking through most of the magic circles on Xinglong Lake in an instant.

All the magic circles set up by the Xing Clan were like paper lakes, broken in the blink of an eye!

The remnant army of 500 days passed by Xinglong Lake like a broken bamboo and rushed towards Zhuri Mountain Square.

No magic circle can stop it!

The strong men of the Punishment Clan who were sitting on the magic circle were also killed instantly, without any resistance.

Even the elders of the Xing Clan were frightened and retreated at this moment, not daring to meet his attack!

Facing the Tiancan Army, apart from the magic circle, they had no chance!

The combined attack formation they formed was so powerful that it was unstoppable. The entire Xinglong Lake was set off by rolling waves, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami!

Lin Tian, ​​who was standing in the Zhuri Mountain Square, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and was very surprised.

Because the battle formation displayed by the remnant army today was really powerful!

I'm afraid that even beings like Xingtian would have to retreat in the face of the attack from the remnant army of the day, and would not dare to confront anyone head-on!

Lin Tian felt difficult to deal with at this moment!

If he were to face this remnant army alone now, he would feel uncomfortable.

Although he was confident that he could defeat the remnant army, it would be troublesome and a waste of time.

The magic circle set up in front of you is just right for use!

"Sacred Fire Formation, activate!"

Lin Tian shouted at the clan elder who controlled the eyes of the magic circle.



Around Zhuri Mountain, a huge magic circle suddenly rose into the sky.

The pale green flames swam as the magic circle runes continued to flow.

The terrifying breath of flames filled the surroundings, and the sky above Zhuri Mountain was also filled with tongues of fire. ,

The powerful pressure of the magic circle immediately faced the battle formation of the Tiancan Army that was charging towards them.

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