The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4843: Yongye Cliff

The moonstone is branded in their bodies, like gangrene attached to the bones, passed down from generation to generation and cannot be removed!

As for the cold air that can suppress the outbreak of the Moonstone Curse, only these altars in Broken Dragon Canyon can be suppressed.


Only the last and largest altar can continue to help them.

The other altars have been eroded by the years and the jade has been exhausted, and they are all useless!

The last altar has become their Eternal Night Clan’s last hope!

"The remaining altar may not last long! What are your plans for the Yongye Clan?"

Lin Tian asked Leng Xuan.

"I don't know either! Grandpa said that he has already made plans!"

Leng Xuan replied: "Since you are here, why not go to our Eternal Village to gather temporarily? After all, Luoyue State is controlled by the Tiancan Clan. Once discovered, you will be in endless trouble, and let them know that we are Eternal Night If the village exists, the consequences will be even more unimaginable!”


Lin Tian nodded. Yongye Village was not discovered by the Tiancan Clan. It can be seen that the place where the Yongye Clan gathered must be extremely secretive.

And sure enough.

Following the winding canyons extending in all directions, the group came to the edge of an extremely narrow valley.

From here, you will enter Luoyue State.

Once you get out of here, you will be easily discovered by the strong men of the Tiancan Clan.

But at the end of the canyon, there is a deep pool.

Above the deep pool are towering mountain peaks. From the top, there are roars from time to time, and the figures of huge beasts, more than a dozen of them, keep passing by.

Heavenly beast!

There were actually more than a dozen heavenly beasts on the top of the mountain, and Lin Tian's scalp went numb just looking at them!

"You need to be careful here!"

Leng Xuan's expression became solemn, and he lowered his voice and said: "But here in Ju Lingtan, there is a powerful spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and a mysterious rune array seems to cover up the situation below, and the heavenly beasts above cannot detect it! So! Our Yongye Village happens to be halfway up the mountain on the other side of the mountain, right under the eyes of these heavenly beasts!"

Under the eyes of the heavenly beast!

Lin Tiandu was shocked and surprised, and his eyelids twitched fiercely.

The people of the Yongye clan simply live their lives under the shroud of death.

The power of the heavenly beast is definitely not something they can compete with!

Once discovered, the entire ethnic group will face destruction!

"too crazy!"

Shen Yuzhu couldn't help but let out a cold breath.

"Are you Yongye tribesmen crazy? Once those heavenly beasts discover your existence, they will definitely tear you apart!"

Dao Mang couldn't help but shook his head.

To this.

Brother and sister Leng Xuan and Leng Yan behaved extremely calmly.

"Our ancestors and clan members have been breathing here for hundreds of thousands of years, and they are all in peace! Because of the existence of the Spirit Pond, it is difficult for those heavenly beasts to detect our existence! What's more, the place where we breathe is said to have a moon The powerful men of the God Clan have left behind a powerful magic circle, and those heavenly beasts cannot find it at all!"

Leng Xuan replied very confidently: "As for the Tiancan clan, it is difficult for them to discover our existence! Our way back needs to enter from under the cold pool!"


He jumped into the cold pool first, followed closely by Leng Yan.

"Do you really want to go in with them?"

Dao Mang looked solemn and said to Lin Tiandao.

No one knows if there is any danger within the Yongye Clan.

He had no idea what was going on under the cold pool in front of him.

All of them have some concerns.

Shen Yuzhu and others did the same, and their eyes fell on Lin Tian.

"Sir, you decide. If you want to enter, I can go in first! If there is danger, I will be the first to sense it!"

At this time, Wang Huan mustered up the courage and took the initiative to speak.

"No, let's follow!"

Lin Tian shook his head, and then plunged into the cold pool.

The aura shields on the bodies of the group of people were opened, and the cold air and water under the cold pool could not erode their bodies.

There is a passage at the bottom of the cold pool.

They followed the passage down for a distance, then went straight up, and finally everyone came to the passage within the mountain.

Within the passage, there are built stone steps extending upward.

These were all excavated by the Yongye clan.

After walking through the passage inside the mountain, a group of people came to the other side of the mountain.

When he walked out of the passage, what appeared in front of him shocked Lin Tian.

Because behind this, there are several peaks surrounding it, forming a U-shaped valley. Below is a bottomless abyss, and above is shrouded in clouds and mist. You can still vaguely see the figures of heavenly beasts, and their... Waves of heart-stopping roars.

And on this U-shaped cliff, there are densely packed buildings, with many mountains and mountains, densely packed, looking messy, but feeling well-proportioned.

The circular corridors and stone bridges on the cliff that connect up and down, inside and out, are like a fairyland cave, surrounding the entire valley cliff and connecting all the buildings together.

Between these buildings, one can see figures coming and going. Their eyes are emitting golden light, and they are all members of the Yongye tribe.

Some Yongye Clan monks also flew directly towards the bottom of the abyss.

It's dark now, and they can move around freely!

When the Yongye clan members nearby saw the Leng Xuan brother and sister, they all hurriedly and respectfully called out to the young clan leader and young lady. At the same time, they glanced at Lin Tian and others curiously, and then hurriedly left.

Young patriarch!

Leng Xuan's identity in the Yongye clan is not simple.

"Is your father the clan leader?"

Lin Tian asked in surprise.

"My father went out hundreds of years ago and encountered powerful monsters and magical formations. He has died! Today, the leader of the clan is still my grandfather! In our Yongye Cliff, my grandfather has a very high reputation!"

Leng Xuan was silent for a while and shook his head.

Leng Yan next to her pursed her lips, with a silent sadness on her face.

"I'll take you to see my grandpa!"

Leng Xuan led the way.

Soon a group of people arrived in front of the largest building complex in Yongye Cliff.


After entering the building made of mountain rocks, I walked zigzag towards the passage inside the mountain for a while, and came to a large space in the mountain.

It is supported by huge stone pillars and is empty.

In the middle, there was only a stone bed, with a hunched old man sitting cross-legged on it.

"Is your day going well?"

The old man looked at the two grandchildren and asked.

At the same time, his eyes had also fallen on Lin Tian and others, and he couldn't help but look at them, with a golden light of doubt in his cloudy eyes.

"Grandpa, everything went well!"

Leng Xuan hurriedly replied, then glanced at Lin Tian and others beside him, and gave a brief introduction.

After listening to Leng Xuan's words, the old man nodded and said: "Polong Canyon, for tens of thousands of years, except for the Tiancan clan who came once, no other clan has ever appeared! You actually found this place..."

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