The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 813: Desperate moment (fifth!)

Letting me laugh, Shi Changkong and others calmed down slightly.

However, Shi Changkong's expression is still very solemn.

"Meng'er, Xuan'er, He Chen, and many other clansmen, just stay here! The goal of those Saint Gu Sects is Meng'er!"

Shi Changkong solemnly said to everyone: "As long as they can't find Meng'er, they should retreat!"

"! I have to be with you!"

"Chief, we want to be with you. We have always fought side by side in Dragon Slaying Valley, even if it is dead!"

It's just that Shi Youxuan and the people in the Dragon Slaying Valley were unwilling, and they all insisted on going out together to face the strong of Saint Gu Sect.

Seeing this, Shi Changkong sighed helplessly, and immediately said to Shi Xiaomeng: "Meng'er, you stay here!"

"Grandpa, I..."

Shi Xiaomeng was anxious, her expression was full of panic and helplessness, and she wanted to follow it out.

"Be obedient, just stay here! The formation at the blood pool is complete, they can't find you!"

Shi Changkong's face sank and shouted loudly.

Shi Xiaomeng pursed his lips, and could only listen to Shi Changkong's words aggrievedly.


In the end, Elder Jiang and He Chen were willing to go out and have a look, maybe they could help.

Because if I laugh, they are calm.

"Where is Yuan Fu?"

A group of people walked towards Waigu, and asked Ren Jiutian with a smile.

"I asked him to go out to inquire about An Miaolan's whereabouts... That was my other disciple, that is, his junior sister! We rushed here and got separated, and now I don't know what is going on with her!"

Ren Jiutian gritted his teeth and said with anger on his face: "I thought I could inquire about something, but he was caught by the Saint Gu Cultists! Yuan Wei was forced to lead the way, and they have entered the valley..."

Got caught!

Let me smile and frown, I feel a bit tricky.

An Miaolan, is it the woman who came to Fangcheng to save coldly?

With doubts, Lin Tian and everyone quickly rushed to Taniguchi.

Leng Caiwei has also greeted Xuanyuan Mountain's elder Linghu Terrace. They looked at Taniguchi with a panic expression.


Not far from the flat boulder where everyone rushed to the entrance of the valley, there was a loud noise immediately in front.

I saw dozens of figures appearing there.

The headed old man, with silver hair and no white beard, was full of real energy like a rainbow, mighty pressure, and a terrifying aura swept all over the place, and at the same time directly shattered the flat boulder at the entrance of the valley.

The huge stone the size of a house is shattered if you say it is broken. With such a terrifying strength, the people of the Dragon Dragon Valley tribe retreated some distance after a while, with panic on their faces.

Behind this person, there is a strong man carrying a dying figure in one hand. It is Xuanyuanshan disciple Yuan Fu!

"Old ancestor, can you save Yuan Kui?"

Ren Jiutian looked at his disciple so miserably that he could only breathe a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but smile at Ren me.

"This person has entered the false alchemy period!"

Ren Wo laughed and took a deep breath, shook his head at Ren Jiutian, and then looked towards Shi Changkong and said in a low voice.


Shi Changkong looked terrified and exclaimed in a low voice.

The expressions of Shi Youxuan, Elder Jiang and others also became extremely solemn.

In the false alchemy period, that is close to the existence of the legendary Jin Dan ancestor!

Such a strong person, they can't match at all, and they can't even muster the courage to compete with it!

"Senior, you are not an opponent either?"

Shi Changkong asked with a calm face.

"I don't know, I can be sure only after playing against it!"

This time, I didn’t even dare to say anything to death. He looked solemn and shook his head slightly and said, “What’s more, the group of Saint Gu disciples behind this person have at least two foundation-building cultivators, and the rest are basically Qi refining. On the seventh and eighth floors! Even if I can drag the elder of the Saint Gu sect for some time, how do you deal with other people?"

Hearing that, Shi Changkong's expression is hard to see the extreme.

He groaned for a moment, and then walked forward, bowed down to the old man headed by the Saint Gu Sect, and respectfully said: "I don't know which elder of the Saint Sect is here, and the time and space is too far to welcome, let's not wonder!"

"Second elder of the saints, Wu Ming! I want to come, you have heard of it!"

The old man held his back with both hands, hunting in clothes, like looking down on an ant, sweeping across the crowd, and finally fell on Shi Changkong, and said coldly: "You should know the purpose of this work! Hand over the people, otherwise, the chickens and dogs will not stay!"

The cold and murderous words made everyone in Shi Changkong and waiting for Dragon Slaying Valley startled in an uproar. Someone, in panic, turned and ran towards the depths of the valley.


But Wu Ming suddenly waved in the air, and the dark green zhenqi condensed at his fingertips turned into a bullet, breaking through the throat of the tribal tribe in Tulong Valley.

In a blink of an eye, a corpse was lying on the ground.

The tribesmen of Tulong Valley were silent for an instant.

Wu Ming in front of him is too powerful!

Wu Ming!

When Shi Changkong heard the old man's name, his old face couldn't help turning pale.

This person is notorious for being cruel and murderous in the entire southwest!

"Elder Wu, Lord Lord, for his own strength, is stubborn in cultivating vicious powers and using people as furnaces is contrary to the original purpose of the Holy Gu Sect!"

In the face of such a strong person, Shi Changkong is not willing to really fight against it, and can only hope to persuade the other party, so he respectfully said again: "At the time, the ancient medicine gate and many other forces belonged to the Holy Gu Sect. For the foundation, strengthen oneself, resist foreign enemies, and help the world! At that time, the sacred religion spread all over the southwest! Now, it has all changed! Lord Lord thinks that if you break through and achieve supremacy, you can unify the southwest and even the southwest?"

"Bold, how do you master the Lord, how can you be allowed to point fingers!"

Wu Ming's face was cold, and he shouted violently, and he slapped Shi Changkong from a distance.

Mighty infuriating, violently plundered from the air, directly shocked Shi Changkong withdrawing more than ten meters, his face was pale, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

at this time.

Shi Changkong understands that it cannot be kind!

He looked back at Ren Me and smiled, and said with a wry smile: "Senior Ren..."

"I will meet him! Can you deal with the rest?"

I smiled solemnly, said something to Shi Changkong, and then looked back at the others: "If you can run away, just run away!"

Then, let my smile fall on Lin Tian, ​​take a deep breath and say: "If you can, you take my wife and your disciple and leave! If you can save her, tell her and I will go find her. !"

"You are too pessimistic!"

Lin Tian smiled and shook his head slightly.

Elder Jiang and He Chen glanced at each other, then both gave a wry smile and did not leave.

Faced with such a situation, after all, they are still willing to stay and share the adversity!

Even though I laughed, I didn't force it. If he loses, he can still get out of it.

He turned his head back, and walked towards Wu Ming calmly, and then the speed became faster and faster, even if he now only has nine levels of Qi Refining Stage, his true Qi is still terrifying, and the use of true Qi and spells in every gesture is still Amazing!

Wu Ming's expression suddenly became solemn, carrying a mighty suit, and bombarding Ren me with a smile.


The two of them fought fiercely, and the true energy was like a wave sweeping through the air, bursting continuously, and it was terrifying.

Only soon, I fell into a disadvantage when I laughed and started to be chased by Wu Ming.

"Bring me out!"

Suddenly, Shi Changkong shouted to the hundreds of people behind him.

The rest of the people on the opposite side are all strong people of Saint Gu Cult. They only have to pile up in numbers and deal with them by a combined attack.

However, the long empty talk just fell, with a muffled bang, and a figure flew back like a sandbag and fell to the ground.

Everyone looked and found that I was seriously injured by the laughter.

"The secret method of sacred gu and poison is really mysterious!"

Let me laugh and cough up a few mouthfuls of dark blood, and said with a wry smile.

"You are also very good! Nine levels in the Qi Refining Phase, but with the strength comparable to the late foundation phase, it is really rare!"

Wu Ming looked at me laughing suspiciously, and he couldn't help but exclaimed, then his cold gaze scanned Shi Changkong and the others, "Last chance! Don't hand over that girl, don't blame me for slaughtering you in the Dragon Valley. Chenghe!"

Listening to Wu Ming's voice bursting with cold murderous intent, the faces of Shi Changkong and others showed hopelessness.

"Let me laugh, give me Gutu, I will save your wife by the way, and then send this little fake alchemy away, I will leave here!"

But at this time, a careless voice sounded, and Lin Tian stepped to the side where I was smiling, his expression calm.

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