The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 816: Flying sword like a rainbow (third!)

The sacred gu knife turned into a black awn, spinning in mid-air.

As soon as the knife was released, bursts of dark green aura burst out, lingering in uncertainty.

A gloomy breath filled the valley in a blink of an eye.

The temperature here dropped a few minutes in a blink of an eye, and everyone present couldn't help but shudder.

Following Wu Ming's order, other Saint Gu Sect experts had already rushed towards Lin Tian.

However, in Lin Tian's eyes, these people are inferior to ants. He is like entering no man's realm. A few flashes and flickering, instantaneously photographed countless palm prints, there was a muffled bang, and all the people were blown away in a flash.


Lin Tian did not pursue, but raised his head and looked into the air, looking at the black awns transformed into the Saint Gu knife, his eyes condensed slightly.

"A magic weapon! A top magic weapon that can really be controlled!"

On the Saint Gu knife, there was an astonishing power and a hint of danger, and Lin Tian immediately judged the level of the flying knife.

If you change to another base-building period to face this magic weapon, the only thing you can do is to flee!

"Boy, originally you could leave here, but you are seeking your own death!"

Wu Ming's eyes burst out with a dark light, and he gave Lin Tian a cold drink. Then he opened his mouth again, and the Pilgrim Gu knife spit out his blood, and shouted sharply: "Go!"

When he uttered a word, Wu Ming's face suddenly became pale, and his body was slightly shaken.

Fortunately, the next moment, he let out a long breath, and soon stabilized.

This is a side effect of forcibly controlling the Holy Gu.

If possible, he would rather go back and make plans than use the Holy Gu Knife to deal with Lin Tian, ​​but now he has no choice.

And as he went down, the Saint Gu knife buzzed and roared in the air.

A terrifying coercion swept around in an instant, and the jet black aura surged from the sword to the sky.


Like a dragon flying in the sky, it uttered a terrifying whistle, and the flying knife slashed down at Lin Tian with endless pressure.


Not far away, Leng Caiwei couldn't help being the first to scream.

The momentum of the flying knife was too terrifying, so how could Lin Tian resist it?

Shi Changkong and the others showed solemnity and anxiety on their faces.

If Lin Tian couldn't resist this Holy Gu Knife, they would also die.

And when I smiled, I frowned, showing regret and helplessness, "I was in the ghost mythical creature, if it weren't for destroying the spiritual weapon to deal with the supreme ghost evil, now I can lend it to Lin Tian to deal with the disaster. unfortunately……"


But at this moment, as the Saint Gu knife slashed down with unmatched might, a sword chant that resounded through the valley suddenly appeared.

With a loud bang, a terrifying infuriating energy suddenly shattered and shattered the black aura around the Saint Gu Knife.

Immediately, the flying sword surrounded by the glow of true energy swept out across the air, and slashed towards the Saint Gu knife.


The crisp voice spread.

The sacred Gu Knife raged suddenly, and the Flying Knife stalled in the air.

In a blink of an eye, the majestic breath dissipated.

In the next moment, the black Saint Gu Knife tore apart, fell from the air, and fell to the ground with a squeaky sound.


The opposite Wu Ming spit out a big mouthful of blood, his face was shocked, he raised his head to look at Lin Tian, ​​to the flying sword that destroyed the holy Gu knife in midair, "Fly... flying sword! Spirit weapon! Spirit weapon level. Flying sword!"

" are a golden core monk!"

Wu Ming stared at Lin Tian, ​​only a deep terror and fear remained on his face.

at the same time.

In the northwest of Liuyuan City, on a vast mountain not far from the Yelang Cultivation Realm, a man sitting on the top of the mountain with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

He flipped his hand and took out an extraordinary sword with black light on his body, his face was shocked, "A knife was destroyed! Could it be that a spiritual weapon was born?"

"Shan Hufa, rush back to the southwestern sacred mountain gate to see what happened!"

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

A respectful voice fell, and a black shadow flew across the mountain, disappearing in a blink of an eye.


At the entrance of Dragon Dragon Valley, standing not far away, Ren Wuxiao and others, seeing the flying swords in the air that were truly energetic like a rainbow, everyone's faces were shocked, and the heart was full of stormy waves.

"Fly... Feijian! Grandpa, that's... that's Feijian!"

Shi Youxuan couldn't help but exclaimed first, covering her bossy little mouth with one hand, with an incredible face.

Others were even more shocked.

"He actually has Feijian in his body! Who is he? Such an age, such a cultivation base, and possessing such a strength, really enchanting!"

Let me laugh with shock, my eyes were shocked, I stared at Lin Tian, ​​and muttered to myself, "In a ghost, I have never seen such a terrible Tianjiao! Even the top evil in the Tongtian Academy, also Isn't it so perverted?"

Compared to the shock and horror of Ren Woxiao and others, Wu Ming, who was not far away, was already shivered.

"Senior forgive me!"

Even the most vicious people would be afraid of death, and Wu Ming was the same. Seeing Lin Tian's power, he was so frightened that he couldn't raise the slightest intention of resistance, and he knelt down and begged for mercy.


Before, Wu Ming offered the Saint Gu Knife, Lin Tian knew that the other party already had a vow to kill him, now he begged for mercy, how could he be soft, a clear drink, like a tongue bursting with thunder, and a demon in the sky like Xiaotian Like lightning, it flicked past Wu Ming and his group of men.


Flying sword swept the meeting, staying beside Lin Tian.

At the entrance of the valley lay the corpses of Wu Ming and other Saint Gu monks, and blood infested the place.

The flying sword was like a rainbow, and returned in a blink of an eye, but silently took away dozens of lives.

Such silence is better than sound, so that Shi Changkong and others can't help but feel cold all over the body, and at the same time all faces are shocked and awed.

Especially Shi Youxuan and He Chen, who had scolded and mocked Lin Tian before, had cold sweats on their foreheads, and their faces were frightened.

"Shi Changkong has seen seniors, thank you seniors for saving the people! This grace, I will never forget the Dragon Valley clan!"

At this time, Shi Changkong was the first to react, and quickly knelt to the ground, shouting in a long voice.

The other people in Tu Longgu, including Shi Youxuan, also bowed down together.

Shi Youxuan can't raise the slightest dissatisfaction and resistance at this time, only fearful and convincing.

And He Chen, Elder Jiang, and Ren Jiutian and others also followed suit, with respectful expressions.


Leng Caiwei had been frightened by Lin Tian's amazing strength a long time ago. At the same time, she was full of admiration for Lin Tian. Such a complicated mood made her kneel to the ground, her body trembling with tension and excitement. Non-stop.

Before, she thought that Lin Tian was an expert outside the world, but she couldn't imagine that she would be such a character comparable to a fairy!

"Ren has met fellow Taoists!"

Ren Wo laughed and stood up at this time, with a solemn fist on Lin Tian. He has placed Lin Tian in the same position at this moment. He exclaimed and said: "A fellow Taoist is so powerful at this age. Seen once! The Tianjiao I have seen before, compared to fellow daoists, is simply...unworthy of mention!"

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