The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 836: The wind rises (third more!)

Murongtai's murderous words caused the Demeng family hall to fall into dead silence and stagnation in an instant.

Xin Junmin and Meng Xiuyun, who were sitting on the other side, both had terribly gloomy faces.

They squeezed their palms tightly, making a creaking sound, and killing intent on their bodies.

Murongtai, Meng Xiuyun, Xin Junmin and others are in charge of three top families, including Murong family, Meng family, and Xin family.

For more than ten years, the three of them can be regarded as Liu Yuancheng's famous bosses.

Regardless of the big figures in business, politics, military, etc., you have to be polite.

After the rise of the three families in Liu Yuancheng, apart from the many frictions with the Ning family and the Yan family, few people dare to touch their beards!

However, the sons of the three were all killed by one person!

Xin Hengxing, Meng Zhao, and Murong Bei all died tragically!

What's more, Murong Tai's other son, Murong Hou, is even more miserable, half-life immortal!

This is naturally Lin Tian's handwriting!

Before, Murong's family, Xin's family, and Meng's family had secretly ventilated each other to investigate after discovering something was wrong.

Only during the period, Sun Yinghan secretly blocked the news.

The investigation of the three families has been delayed without any progress or clues, knowing that they only found Lin Tian afterwards.

But at this time Lin Tian had already left Liu Yuan City and rushed to Fang City.

But after failing to find someone, Murong Tai, Meng Xiuyun, and Xin Junmin all decided not to startle.

But before, he was ventilated by Helanyang, and there was a holy Gu instructor who came to cooperate with him.

Where did the three dare not follow?

In addition, there is Fengming Mountain behind Murong's house, and it is said that they have already been on the side with Saint Gu Sect, and even Feiyunju has united with Saint Gu Sect.

The three families naturally saw the situation and decided to use the power and thunder of the Saint Gu sect powerhouse to attack. In addition to sweeping away other families, that was to find the murderer who killed their son!

"The young master, the young genius doctor, has achieved such achievements at a young age, his origins must be extraordinary!"

Meng Xiujun looked solemn and sighed: "If you want to make a move, you must have an absolute grasp of the thunder strike! Otherwise, the majesty of the martial arts master will be difficult for ordinary people to match!"

"Not bad!"

Xin Junmin on the side nodded in agreement: "Even if we send a senior master and the other party wants to get away, we have nothing to do!"

"Young Master? What is going on?"

At this moment, Miao Feiyun looked up in surprise, looked at the three of them and asked about their situation.

Meng Xiujun told Miao Feiyun the matter again.

"The hatred of murder is for revenge!"

Miao Feiyun nodded with a sullen face. He seemed to think of the situation of being abolished by Lin Tian, ​​and the resentment in his heart surged along with him. He said coldly: "When the black and white envoys arrive, you will talk to them about this. , The Saint Envoy will be willing to send a strong person to follow you. Anyway, many families in Liu Yuancheng directly refused to be attached to my Saint Gu Sect, just to kill them, and follow that person out! What young master, Before my Saint Gu Sect, it was just ants among ants!"

"Thank you, Deacon Miao!"

Meng Xiujun and the other three politely clasped their fists to thank.

Although Miao Feiyun's cultivation base is not there, the three of them are naturally respectful when their identities are there.

If Miao Feiyun helped to say a few words so that people from the Deshenggu sect could easily find out the boy, then the matter of revenge would be more logical.

At this time, three figures walked outside the door.

Headed by He Lanyang respectfully led the way, laughing all the way.

Behind, Hei Xiaobai and Gu Jianchen, in black and white clothes, the contrast is very conspicuous.

The two walked silently.

"The two sage envoys are here!"

Miao Feiyun saw the three appearing and got up first, and reminded the others at the same time.

"Have seen Lord Saint Envoy!"

Meng Xiujun and others quickly got up and shouted in unison.

Hei Xiaobai and Gu Jianchen nodded slightly at several people.

And they also noticed Miao Feiyun at this time, and Hei Xiaobai said in surprise: "Miao Feiyun, why are you here? Um... your cultivation base was abolished by someone?"

"My Lord, the Holy Envoy! I encountered a Jindan monk in Fangcheng. If he took him to the ancient medicine gate, luckily I escaped on the way! Also, I suspect that the man is going to the Holy Church, but I'm afraid of being met by him on the way, but instead let him know where the Holy Religion is, so I rushed to Liu Yuancheng, and the matter hadn't been reported yet!"

Miao Feiyun hurriedly bowed and explained in a hurry, "I'm waiting here, and I'm also waiting for the two envoys to report the situation! Lord, what if the person goes to the church? Lord Lord is not there Ah. That is a monk with a golden core cultivation base!"

"Are there Jindan Brothers appearing in our southwest?"

Both Hei Xiaobai and Gu Jianchen frowned and looked at each other.

"Yes, he said we arrested his friend! And..."

Miao Feiyun took a deep breath and replied, "He is probably the person the Lord Lord is looking for! The one who took the blood of God!"


Hei Xiaobai and Gu Jianchen couldn't help showing a look of horror, and then shouted to the outside: "Send the scouts back and let the guardian ancestors go out, and guard Zhu and the others, catch the person! Just say, it's a holy The Lord's life!"


There was a response from outside.

"Now, listen up!"

Hei Xiaobai had a sullen face, swept the crowd of people present, and shouted: "Our Lord Lord, what we want is a stable Liu Yuan city, and all families can control it, and then we will attack the Yelang Valley who does not know what is good or bad! "

"Meng Xiujun, Xin Junmin, Murongtai and you three took people to Huangfu's, Zheng's, Daming's, and eldest grandson's homes! We will send strong men to follow. Yan family, we will deal with it!"

"It's the Hengling Gang. It is said that there is a cultivator behind, and we will go there in person! The rest of the other underground Jianghu forces will be handed over to Helanyang!"

Speaking of this, Hei Xiaobai's eyes froze suddenly, and he shouted: "If someone messes up, come and see me with your head!"


Everyone couldn't help but slammed, and quickly responded.

That night.

Liu Yuancheng is destined to be uneven!

In Queshan Villa, the old man of Huangfucheng stood at the gate, anxiously waiting for his granddaughter Huangfu Junrong to return, but a group of people in black suddenly appeared, thunder shot and sacked them, life and death unknown...

The house of the grandson of Jiutoushan, followed by a **** wind, the people under Jiutian Mountain were killed and injured countless, and the family of the grandson was bloody, but the visitor could not find the grandson of Yinghan, so he could only dare not leave...

The Zheng family, Daming family, etc. were also bloodbathed. Those caught were caught and killed...

at the same time.

At the Changsheng Medical Center, Zhou Yadong sat at the entrance of the medical center in a daze. He held a mobile phone in his hand and kept dialing, but every time he got a response like "I'm sorry that the number you dialed is not in the service area".

He didn't get up until very late at night to close the door.

However, a group of people suddenly rushed out and knocked him to the ground, and one of them held a long stick and severely beat him, breaking his legs, **** and boneless, and couldn't bear to look straight.

He screamed, passed out, and was dragged away by the group.

not far away.

A fat figure stretched out his hand to hug the girl who was struggling to run over, and at the same time he tightly covered his mouth.

"Don't be impulsive! Those are Saint Gu sect people! If you go, you will die..."

The fat man was naturally Situ Xiu, and the girl was Leng Caiwei. They had just rushed back, and they happened to see Zhou Yadong being taken away with his broken legs. Leng Caiwei was about to rush out, but was stopped by Situ Xiu.

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