The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 843: The first wave of killings (second more!)

The dignified Miss Yan from Liu Yuancheng actually hung on a strange man's body affectionately. At the starting point of the Shililing racing field, all the sons were shocked.

In Liu Yuancheng, Yan Yanxin is also notoriously playful.

But there has never been any scandal in the past, nor has it been so indulgent in public.

And the brother-in-law who played with her were all polite and did not dare to overstep.

But now, Yan Yanxin took the initiative to embrace and hug a strange man.

The most important thing is that Yan Yanxin still looks extremely excited, as if hanging on the man and reluctant to come down.

"Grass, who is this kid?"

All the elder brothers in Liu Yuancheng present widened their eyes, and many of them exclaimed in exclamation.


Zhuge Jing scolded aloud, but received no response.

Lin Tian ignored him at all, but Yan Yanxin was immersed in excitement.

She hugged Lin Tian tightly at this moment, two slender and elastic long legs directly wrapped around Lin Tian's waist.

At the same time, she hugged the latter's neck with both hands, and buried her happily on Lin Tian's mouth.

"A lot of people are watching, come down first!"

Lin Tian smelled the faint scent of sweat on the girl's body, and then watched the reactions of the people around him, and could not help but reminded in a low voice.


Yan Yan screamed, blushing, and jumped down. She stood beside Lin Tian and lowered her head shamelessly.

Such a scene once again caused a group of brothers to cry.

Miss Yan, who is known for being fierce, has ever shown such a shy side?

"Cousin Yanxin, who is she?"

Zhuge Jing asked again with a cold face.

Lin Tian looked at the young man and said noncommittal: "My name is Lin Bei..."

But before Lin Tian finished speaking, Yan Yan's small mouth pouted, and he hugged the former's arm with one hand. The towering and soft part pressed hard against Lin Tian's Hungarian mouth, and then said dissatisfiedly to Zhuge Jing: "Who is he? It has nothing to do with you, you just need to know that he is my boyfriend!"



Everyone's eyes were staring.

Zhuge Jing's face sank, his gloomy eyes fell on Lin Tian, ​​and he shouted: "Boy, she's fooling around, are you going to die?"


Lin Tian directly ignored it and treated it as air, and said to Yan Yanxin: "Some friends couldn't get through. I have to rush back to Liu Yuancheng to see what happened."

"Lin Bei, I'm talking to you!"

Being so disregarded, Zhuge Jing was angry, his voice raised and shouted loudly.

Lin Tian didn't finish speaking just now, he assumed that Lin Tian's real name was Lin Beilai.

"Do we know each other? If you don't, don't come to my ears and talk nonsense!"

Lin Tian frowned and said directly.

"you wanna die!"

Zhuge Jing was stunned at first, and then completely angry.


At this time, a silver sports car whizzed to the end.

Wu Junbo got out of the car with one leg pressed and a look of irritation. He cursed and said: "Grass, I actually lost, and I lost to a lady!"

He walked this way.

After a few steps, he looked up and saw Lin Tian who was standing next to Yan Yanxin.

"Grass, it's you!"

Wu Junbo glared at him, walked up quickly, and said to Zhuge Jing: "Little real Zhuge, this kid, he maliciously acquired my company, and in the end the sports car originally prepared for you was also taken away by him. ! Although it is now in Miss Yan's hands, this is completely damaging to your face..."

"No wonder it's so arrogant, it's him!"

Zhuge Jing looked gloomy and said to Lin Tianhan: "Boy, your name is Lin Bei, right? But do you know who this young man is?"

Lin Tian turned to look at Zhuge Jing, squinted his eyes, and said indifferently: "Who are you who has nothing to do with me? Don't come to my ears!"

"Boy, you are so courageous! Do you dare to contradict the little real Zhuge!"

Seeing that Lin Tian was still so innocent, Wu Junbo couldn't help but jumped out, and pointed at Lin Tian and shouted.


Wind blows.

The lightning fell on Lin Tian's palm, slapped Wu Junbo away.



Zhuge Jing was furious. It was the first time he saw such a faceless stunner. He shouted and swept through his body, and he was about to shoot.

"Zuge Jing, dare you! Do you even want to kill me?"

Yan Yanxin opened his arms and stopped in front of Lin Tian, ​​shouting softly.

Zhuge Jing frowned and had to stop.

"Drive, take me back to Liuyuan City!"

Lin Tian glanced at Zhuge Jing coldly, his eyes flickered, if it weren't for Yan Yanxin to stop him, and he was eager to return to Liu Yuancheng, he directly pinched the ants in front of him.

Yan Yanxin seemed to be afraid that Zhuge Jing would rise again, which would not be good for Lin Tian. She hurriedly pulled Lin Tian into the car and drove away with a bang.

Just as Yan Yanxin left, several luxurious sports cars appeared at the starting point.

Two men and a woman got out of the car. They stared at Lin Tian and followed Yan Yanxin's direction, their faces full of panic.

"I...I read it right a moment ago. Big Brother is going to shoot Senior Lin? Oh my God, fortunately Yan Yanxin stopped it!"

Among the three, the girl whispered softly, her face full of fear.

If Lin Tian was still here, he would definitely recognize the three of them. They were indeed the three Fengmingshan disciples, including He Tianci, Ximenyou, and Wang Simeng, who had gone to Ruins Ridge with him.


Leaving the racing field, Lin Tian took out his mobile phone, pondered for a while, and called Shangguan Xin out.

The phone just rang but was refused.

Lin Tian was a little puzzled. He checked the time. It was night at this time. It shouldn't be working time.

Finally, Lin Tian called again.

After ringing for a long time, the phone was finally connected, and Shangguanxin's extremely alert and nervous voice came from there, "Who?"

"Sister Xin, it's me! Are you busy?"

Lin Tian was slightly surprised, and asked immediately.

Hearing Lin Tian's voice, Shangguan Xin on the other end was taken aback for a moment, and then screamed: "Ah...Lin Tian! Something went wrong, Lin Tian, ​​all messed up! Chang Ying was arrested, and many people were arrested. ..."

"what happened?"

Lin Tian's heart suddenly burst, and he asked quickly.

"The Murong family, the Meng family, and the Xin family have attacked other families, and the people and forces related to you seem to have been hit..."

Shangguan Xin's voice was full of eagerness, and she said in a panic: "Now President Changsun and Zihui are in my home before Liu Rong District, oh yes, there are also Situ Xiu and Leng Caiwei, and Peng Quhui and his wife, they said I know you..."

"Wait for me at home first!"

Lin Tian hung up the phone in a hurry, and then said to Yan Yan heart: "Stop, go home by yourself!"

Yan Yan was shocked, but finally stopped the car.

Lin Tian didn't have time to explain, he hurriedly got out of the car, there was a surge of murderous intent on his body, and then a few swifts disappeared into the night.

Less than ten minutes.

Lin Tian stepped on the flying sword and appeared in the sky above Liu Rong District, his sullen face quietly fell into the community where Shangguan Xin's house was located.

It was just that he had just walked to the bottom of the unit, but he happened to see a group of people walking up the stairs.

"Fifteen people, five on the fifth floor of the refining period, Saint Gu cultivators! There are ten others who have no cultivation base, but they are murderous, they are killers! Saint Gu cultivators come to Liu Yuan City to make trouble, and I am misguided. It's..."

Lin Tianyin's eyes watched these people go upstairs, and at the same time he looked up at the floor where Shangguanxin's house was located, the lights were on.

But Lin Tian didn't do anything immediately, he followed these people up.

When they reached the door, the people rang the doorbell.

Lin Tian silently walked up step by step, hearing the footsteps, a group of people couldn't help but look back.

But when he saw it was just an ordinary teenager, he ignored it.

"who is it?"

Questions came from inside.

"Community business, water is leaking downstairs, maybe something is wrong with you here, let's come and have a look!"

A killer walked to the door and said to the inside with a smile.

There was a long silence in the door before finally opening the door.

The next moment, a group of people rushed in.

"Very well, it's all here!"

After these people entered, they surrounded Shangguanxin and Changsun Yinghan, "Who told me, where did Lin Tian go?"

"The Murong family and the Meng family sent you to find me? You succeeded in angering me!"

But at this moment, a faint voice came from the door.

Those people suddenly turned around, just to see Lin Tian standing at the door.

"It's you?"

The faces of a group of people were cold.

"Well, it's me! But you should feel sad, because you will be the first to die!"

Lin Tian’s face was extremely cold. As soon as the words fell, with a wave of his hand, the blade of true energy pierced through the air like rain, and instantly penetrated the throats of these people, and all of them fell to the ground in a blink of an eye. A wave!"

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