The next day, Yu Youyou walked into the classroom humming a tune.

She could clearly feel the look of surprise and suspicion from Master Li.

"Why did you suddenly ask for two days off?"

Yu Youyou took out the book under the desk, looking calm, "Master Li, you can ask for leave, why can't I?"

Li Tiancheng frowned, "You know the reason why I asked for leave."

Li Tiancheng had a hunch in his heart, but he didn't dare to believe it. How long has it been?

"That's right." Yu Youyou's eyes moved slightly and chuckled, "Then guess."

Li Tiancheng was silent and looked at Yu Youyou deeply, "Boring."

Seeing Li Tiancheng look away and regain his serious expression, Yu Youyou shrugged, what a boring person.

He doesn't even have curiosity. What's the point of living like this?

Soon it was noon, and Yu Youyou started his journey of eating without any hesitation.

"Do you still remember Sun Yiming and Feng Hui?"

During the meal, the phone on the table vibrated. Li Tiancheng frowned slightly and picked up the phone. After more than ten seconds, he suddenly said.

Yu Youyou, who was still sucking in the storm, paused and frowned slightly, saying, "Of course I remember."

How long has it been since the Mangshan training? It's less than a month at most. How could he forget.

The two sisters and Wang Xuandong also cast puzzled glances.

"Just this morning, Sun Yiming and Feng Hui were robbed." Li Tiancheng said in a deep voice.

"Huh? Robbed? What do you mean?"

Yu Youyou was confused and didn't react.

"Isn't it like in the TV series?" Yang Zipei said in surprise with big eyes.

Li Tiancheng took out a wet towel and wiped his mouth, frowning and said: "Last time in Mangshan, the garrison magician searched the net and caught two people, and then handed them over to the trial bureau, but in view of their underage age.

According to our country's system, minors cannot be directly detained and tried, so they were handed over to the Shendu Public Security Administration Bureau, and finally decided to take them to the Shendu East Suburb Juvenile Detention Center.

Just this morning, the escort vehicle was attacked by thugs on the way to the East Suburb Juvenile Detention Center. Sun Yiming was rescued, and Feng Hui was accidentally killed in the fight."

As Li Tiancheng narrated, Yu Youyou's expression became solemn and horrified.

How brave is this, daring to attack the vehicle escorting prisoners by the Public Security Administration Bureau!

How many years has it been since he heard of the existence of such thugs!

"For two students, attacking the escort vehicle, if it is not crazy, then these two people are worth it to the thugs."

Wang Xuandong frowned and pondered.

Yang Zijin covered his mouth and exclaimed, "If that's the case, then Sun Yiming or Feng Hui must have some secret, but how did they do it?"

This was handled by the military, the trial bureau, and the public security bureau. It can be imagined that every time, the two had to go through an interrogation, or even use a lie detector test or search their memories directly.

So if the two really knew a secret, it would be impossible to hide it.

"The two may not know it." Yu Youyou looked thoughtful, "Only in this way can it be explained that the two did not reveal any flaws in the interrogation lie detector test or even the memory search."

"Maybe they know it, you mean..."

Wang Xuandong showed surprise. At their age, they have seen everything on the Internet, and they quickly guessed what Yu Youyou meant.

Li Tiancheng also looked thoughtful and said, "This judgment is a bit too arbitrary and may be too clever. The three parties may have considered this situation. In fact, the investigation of the parents of the three has been ongoing for so long.

According to the information currently available, Sun Yiming's parents have the highest status and are likely to be the superiors of these moles or one of the leaders.

This status and identity have a lot of say in the other party's organization. Maybe they planned this to save their son."

"Who can guess this?" Yu Youyou shook her head and said, "I think it's not that simple. If it's really Sun Yiming's parents, "It was planned. With such feelings for his son, he would not have let Sun Yiming take the risk of doing such a thing."

"Not necessarily." Yang Zipei suddenly raised her hand and said, "It is difficult to judge such parents with common sense. Maybe they love their son, but if they rank the priorities in their hearts, it is possible that the organization is higher than their son, which is why they make such a contradictory choice."

"In that case, isn't Feng Hui just a by-product? If there is a video recording at the time, look at the reaction of these thugs to the two, confirm whether the target is the two or just Sun Yiming, and you can guess roughly."

Yang Zijin's eyes flashed slightly and said excitedly.


Li Tiancheng rubbed his forehead and looked at the brainstorming people. They must have played too many script-killing games.

"Okay, I told you this to let you be on guard. According to relevantAccording to the psychological profile of Sun Yiming by the personnel, this person has a strong desire for revenge.

With the information channels of their organization, they may not be unaware that we have exposed the other party. "

Li Tiancheng's expression became serious. The son of a wealthy family would not sit still. Facing such a fierce bandit who dared to rob the escort vehicle, even he could only be careful.

Yu Youyou's heart was also slightly condensed. The information blockade about this matter was not strict. Apart from anything else, as long as they could find the members of Ma Sijia's team, the other party could guess roughly.

Thinking of this, Yu Youyou couldn't help but remind: "Li Tiancheng, the members of Ma Sijia's team may be a hidden danger."

Li Tiancheng's eyes moved slightly and nodded, "It's possible. Don't worry, I will arrange someone to keep an eye on it. ”

A lunch ended with the discussion of this sudden incident.

Yu Youyou was walking on the way back to the dormitory, and she was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that there would be such a follow-up to this incident.

There was also Li Tiancheng's reminder later. Although the other party might not have a chance to retaliate in this city-wide search, it is necessary to be on guard.

"But the other party only dared to rob the escort vehicle instead of directly robbing the juvenile detention center, which shows that his strength is not that strong, but he is really brave."

Yu Youyou was amazed in her heart, and she didn't know which idiot he was.

This is the capital of gods. I don't know how many strong people are here. Those who dare to do such things are just putting their heads on their belts.

I went back to the dormitory to practice for a while, and came to the classroom leisurely at the time of the class bell in the afternoon.

Yu Youyou glanced at the empty seat next to him with some surprise. Where did Master Li go in the middle of the day?

It was not until the third class in the afternoon that Yu Youyou saw Li Tiancheng walking into the classroom with a grim face.

"What's wrong? "

Yu Youyou was shocked. He rarely saw this expression on Li Tiancheng.

"Zhu Ling is dead!"

What is that? Yu Youyou was stunned. After thinking about it in vain, she asked in confusion: "Who is Zhu Ling?"

"Sun Yiming's junior high school classmate who spoke for him."

As Li Tiancheng explained, a girl wearing glasses flashed through Yu Youyou's mind.

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