"Auntie Wang!"

Looking at Wang Jiayu who came in a hurry, Yu Youyou hurried over.

After Huang Youming and Wang Hequan explained, Wang Hequan immediately contacted Shen Ziwei's family. After confirming that he had not returned home, he began to search.

And Wang Jiayu also learned the bad news and hurried over.

"Youyou." Wang Jiayu, who was wearing home clothes, looked pale and unbelievable. She cried, "How could this happen suddenly..."

Yu Youyou's starry eyes drooped, her hands clenched, and she felt guilty.

In any case, Shen Ziwei's accident was all because of him. Now, he didn't know how to face Auntie Wang.

"Hello, Ms. Wang, I need your cooperation to answer a few questions."

Wang Hequan stepped forward at this time and needed to communicate some situations with the family.

Wang Jiayu wiped her tears and nodded slightly. Although she was very sad, she was born as a military lawyer and worked in the violent department for many years.

Before she confirmed that Shen Ziwei was really dead, she could still maintain a certain level of rationality.

"It's like this. We found Shen Ziwei's mobile phone and retrieved the information in the phone. We found that tonight, only one hour ago, you sent Shen Ziwei a message asking what time he would be home.

Besides that, you didn't urge him again. Why didn't Shen Ziwei come home so late? You didn't seem surprised?"

As an old security mage, Wang Hequan had already discovered something unusual in a short time and limited information.

At this time, the child did not come home, and as a mother, she never doubted it.

It was only after they notified the past that Wang Jiayu, as a mother, learned that Shen Ziwei might have been killed.

Wang Jiayu paused as she wiped her tears, then thought: "Because Ziwei has been coming home late recently, he told me that he was going to train with a classmate, so he came back so late.

Ziwei has been very well behaved since he was a child, and he has never lied to me, so I didn't doubt him. Who would have thought that today... I am not a competent mother... Woo woo..."

As she spoke, Wang Jiayu choked up again, and Yu Youyou patted her back and comforted her: "Auntie Wang, Ziwei is a lucky person, nothing will happen to him."

Wang Hequan frowned slightly and continued: "Ms. Wang, do you know who Shen Ziwei trains with every day?"

"Captain Wang, what do you mean?"

Huang Youming, who was standing next to her, was wearing a small vest borrowed from a security mage, and was a little surprised when he heard this.

"It's just a reasonable guess." Wang Hequan shook his head slightly and said, "There are many passers-by in Yuehu Park from daytime to eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and even our team members patrol nearby.

It is unlikely that the other party would be waiting here from the beginning. The risk is too great. Most likely, they took advantage of the time when Shen Ziwei returned home and acted secretly.

If this is the case, it means that the other party did not do this on impulse, but had planned it in advance. If Shen Ziwei always went home at this time, it would not be difficult to find out.

But according to Ms. Wang, Shen Ziwei's return time has suddenly become so late recently, so there may be some problems."

Huang Youming's eyes were a little doubtful and he felt cold in his heart. If what Wang Hequan said was true, it meant that the other party had someone in their school.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me." Wang Jiayu felt a little strange after hearing this reasoning, and then looked at Huang Youming, "Principal Huang, can you find out?"

Huang Youming looked embarrassed. How could he find out? The high school league was approaching, and a large number of students would train until late every night before leaving. The target range was too large.

At this time, Yu Youyou was struck by lightning, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind.

"I remembered something." Yu Youyou said quickly: "I met Ziwei on Sunday a few days ago. He told me that a senior sister was going to train, and he came to cheer for the senior sister.

Moreover, when the other party called me with Ziwei's phone, he said that my every move in the school was under surveillance, and asked me not to bring anyone."

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and several people looked at Huang Youming.

"Huh..." Huang Youming took a deep breath. If it was just a guess just now, but with the evidence of Yu Youyou's two sentences, it was basically a major suspicion.

There are people from the other side in the attached middle school, and this matter has been planned for a long time.

"I will go back and retrieve the surveillance footage and notify the security department to investigate."

Huang Youming didn't say much, and quickly drove the flying magic weapon towards the school.

"These damn things!"

Wang Jiayu gritted her teeth, her eyebrows were full of murderous intent.

"Auntie Wang, I'm sorry..."

"Youyou, don't say sorry." Wang Jiayu interrupted immediately: "As a patrol mage, it's hard to deal with these guys.I thought there would be such a day.

The other party planned so carefully, not only to get rid of a genius student like you, but also to retaliate against us patrol mages.

Maybe the latter reason may be more. If so, I should be the one to say sorry. "

Yu Youyou hesitated, not knowing how to explain. I couldn't say that they were coming for me.

"Found it! Captain Wang, found it!"

While Yu Youyou was struggling, the search team suddenly shouted in the distance.

Everyone was shocked and rushed over.

"Hurry, hurry, there is still a heartbeat, the healing mage, the healing mage! "

On the shore of Moon Lake, a water-based security mage was holding a pale-skinned figure, with a wound on his chest cut by a wind blade, still bleeding.

In the security mage's brigade, there must be one or several healing mages to follow in case of accidents.

Hearing this, the healing mage hurried forward, and a milky white halo enveloped Shen Ziwei's figure.

"Ziwei, Ziwei!"

Wang Jiayu rushed forward and shouted in a trembling voice.

"Make way first, rush to the hospital, too much blood loss!"

The healing mage hurriedly said, he was only level three, he could only help stop the injury and heal the wound, but he couldn't make up the lost blood.


Watching Shen Ziwei and Wang Jiayu being taken away from the scene to the hospital by the security mage, Yu Youyou took a deep breath.

Fortunately, fortunately, Shen Ziwei is not dead yet!

"Yu Youyou, we may need you to go back with us to take a statement overnight. "

After commanding a group of people to guard the scene, Wang Hequan stepped forward and said.

As the main experiencer of tonight's case, he would not let him go so easily.

There are still many doubts in the case, the most important of which is who killed the four pursuers.

The surveillance in Yuehu Park has been destroyed, and the only passers-by who witnessed it said that they only saw a pair of eyes like ghost lights.

What is the identity of the other party, why did they help but did not leave any information.

There are too few clues, and according to the situation at the scene, the first three people who died were killed by violent head shots.

But at the scene of the last person's death, more than three kinds of attack magic fluctuations were found.

Therefore, Wang Hequan judged that there may be more than one person who took action.

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