"How is this possible!"

Yu Ranran stood up and covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes full of disbelief.

When the bamboo chopsticks exploded a hole in the water shield, her cerebellum almost shrank.

As a fourth-level water magician, she knew the power of Wan Xiuming's water shield, who was also a fourth-level water magician.

Not to mention the bamboo chopsticks, even a huge rock thrown on it can be pushed away by the high-speed water flow.

It is conceivable that this bamboo chopstick was given such a strong kinetic energy that the bamboo pole was not thrown away by the water flow, but exploded instantly.

And the remaining kinetic energy can still push Wan Xiuming down.

Is this something that people can do? Then why do they still learn magic?

"No, it's impossible!" Wan Xiuming, who fell to the ground with his butt, also had a brain crash for a while, and his face flushed and exclaimed: "I was careless, yes, I was careless! This must be disguised by magic!"

The sudden change attracted the attention of a bunch of people eating in the cafeteria.

Those eyes were like knives slashing at Wan Xiuming's face, causing burning pain.

Wan Xiuming quickly got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and looked at Yu Youyou, and said in doubt: "Bamboo chopsticks? Natural magician? At least level three!

I admit that I was careless, but that's mainly because it's not easy to display the strength of an intermediate magician here. Do you dare to fight me in the training ground!"

"Wan Xiuming, do you still have shame!" Yu Ranran raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "A sophomore level four magician challenges a high school student!"

Yu Ranran's crisp anger startled the students watching, and they all looked at Yu Youyou.

They thought it was a friction between the same school, but they didn't expect that it was actually a high school student.

"Oh my god, that seems to be a freshman of the attached middle school this year, and her name is Yu Youyou!"

There were many surfers in the crowd, and they recognized Yu Youyou at this time.

"Ah? Really? Doesn't that mean this boy is only in the first year of high school?"

"Walter? Don't be ridiculous. I recognize the guy opposite. He's Wan Xiuming, a sophomore in our water department. If this gets out, our entire department will lose face!"

"Damn, I'm not lying to you. Look, there are photos of him on the official blog of the Affiliated High School."

"Let me see, let me see...ah? It's true! He's actually a summoner!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone looked at Wan Xiuming and Yu Youyou.

"Wasn't Wan Xiuming just defeated by a freshman?"

"It's fake, it must be fake. Wan Xiuming has been pursuing Yu Ranran, and Yu Youyou is Yu Ranran's younger brother. I guess he did it on purpose to please Yu Ranran."

"Wow, you water department are really good at playing. You don't have to do this to please girls."

"Hahaha, the water department is famous for having many lickers and sea kings."

"Don't fire blindly, our water department is not all like this!"

"The lickers will not die well!"

Wan Xiuming's face turned redder and he was a little dumbfounded when he heard the discussion in his ears.

Just now he swore that Yu Youyou was at least level three, and he guessed that she was a level three natural mage.

But now he was suddenly told that Yu Youyou was only in the first year of high school, and she was a summoner!

Level three... Wan Xiuming quickly dispelled this crazy idea in his mind. The first year of high school had just started for a month, and he had awakened for less than three months.

A three-month-old third-level magician, he would only think about that if he was crazy!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Wan Xiuming recalled the powerful force, and turned his eyes to Yu Ranran, "Yu Ranran, you made the move, right? It must have been you, otherwise how could it be possible!"

Yu Ranran looked at Wan Xiuming who seemed to be unable to bear the blow, and couldn't help the urge to roll her eyes. She still wanted to know what was going on.

"Senior Wan." At this time, Yu Youyou stood up and said with a smile: "I guess Senior Wan is usually not good at exercise, and I was not careful for a while, so I succeeded. I'm really sorry, but I believe that with Senior Wan's strength, it must be more than this.

How about this, I still have a chopstick here, Senior Wan takes it again, just to dispel the doubts of the seniors present."

As soon as the voice fell, a student of the water department shouted:

"Wan Xiuming, we are all watching now, you are a dog licker, we I don't care, but don't embarrass our water department in front of the whole school."

"That's right, Wan Xiuming, you have no shame, but we still have some. People have started to fire at you. If you are still a water department member, don't do that."

"If you dare to embarrass our water department in front of so many people, I will beat you to death!"

Listening to the threatening words in his ears, Wan Xiuming felt his eyes go dark, and he retorted with a red neck:

"I didn't! I am not a bootlicker! It was just an accident, it must be Yu Ranran who did it secretly! "

Yu Ranran immediately showed a sarcastic look and sneered: "Then I will leave now, there are so many seniors watching, the truth will be revealed later. "

She calmed down now. Although she didn't know how Yu Youyou did it, it had nothing to do with her.

She knew Yu Youyou very well. She never did anything she was not sure of. She dared to say that. She was confident.

As for where the confidence came from, it would not be too late for her to answer the question after the matter was over.

Yu Ranran glanced at Yu Youyou, and Yu Youyou showed a bright smile.

Yu Ranran nodded slightly and turned to the side of the students watching.

The crowd who had some doubts when they heard Wan Xiuming say that just now, saw Yu Ranran leave, and their doubts were dispelled again.

They all watched the scene with interest. Next, it was time to judge whether the dog licker was real or not.

However, they still preferred Wan Xiuming in their hearts. With so many people watching, they really didn't believe that Wan Xiuming had no face at all. If he dared to lick openly, he would definitely be beaten to death by the water system people.

"Senior Wan, then I'm here! "

Yu Youyou smiled slightly, and under Wan Xiuming's close attention, she also flicked her fingers.

But this time, in a position where no one was looking, the tip of Yu Youyou's middle finger flicked the chopsticks, and four lights of blue, purple, blue and green flashed by.


The sound of bamboo chopsticks shooting suddenly rang out, and everyone quickly turned their eyes to look at Wan Xiuming.

Wan Xiuming, who had been prepared, had not only put on a water shield, but also formed a water vortex in front of him.

The bamboo chopsticks hit the vortex and were instantly stirred and broken.

Before Wan Xiuming's expression turned happy, his face changed. As long as he could see the angle, an invisible force in the center of the vortex suddenly penetrated him.



Wan Xiuming felt as if his chest was hit by a locomotive, and he instantly flew backwards and hit the dining table behind him.

In an instant, there was silence around him, and only a series of "murderous" eyes were cast at Wan Xiuming.

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