Listening to the incredible discussion around him, Yu Youyou smiled slightly.

This hand and foot stepping on the flying ice is not just for showing off.

He had seen some videos of the college competition before, in which someone did a similar operation.

To do this, not only does one need to be at a higher level than the other party, but also needs to have a certain physical nerve reaction talent.

In the college competition, there is always a group of people who like to delve into some strange things and become popular with this skill.

And he did this with the help of the eagle eye.

The third-level purple-winged eagle, a pair of eagle eyes can see things dozens of kilometers away, and has a function similar to a high-speed camera.

In its eyes, high-speed moving objects will slow down, which is actually a kind of ability formed after the nerve reaction is improved.

But this kind of talent involving the physical body, although it looks very powerful.

But it is not valued by mainstream magicians, so Yu Youyou is still relatively relieved.

As expected, someone soon found out that there were great people or masters who had done similar operations in previous schools and large-scale competitions, and the uproar gradually subsided.

After all, it had nothing to do with magic talent, and everyone was amazed and didn't think too much.

The referee teacher finally reacted, put away his surprise, nodded and said:

"Zhang Zinan failed in the challenge, the ranking remains unchanged, Yu Youyou successfully defended the position."

Da Qing then let go of Zhang Zinan and ran back happily.

Yu Youyou put away Da Qing and looked at Zhang Zinan who stood up.

Noticing the black claw marks on the plain white skirt, she smiled apologetically.

"I still couldn't force out your second summoned creature."

The cold voice had a little bit of unnoticeable depression and loss.

"Oh, everyone in our department has seen the second summoned creature. It's just an ordinary purple-winged eagle. You can search the school forum and you should be able to find a picture of it."

Zhang Zinan: "..."

Students in the audience: "..."

Do they want to see the second-level purple-winged eagle?

Yu Youyou walked down the stage leisurely and met several pairs of curious eyes.

"Why are you looking at me? Didn't we have such a thing before? What's there to be curious about?"

Yang Zijin blinked and pursed his lips and said, "I just searched it. Most of them are across a large realm, such as when the intermediate level fights the primary level, similar situations will occur."

"Aren't there still a few?"

Yang Zipei rolled his eyes and muttered, "But those few have more or less some luck in them."

"...No, there are still many brothers with unique skills in the world."

Yu Youyou touched his nose and dodged his eyes, but he didn't notice this.

"Are there any more challengers?"

The referee's voice came over at this time. Seeing that several people's attention was attracted, Yu Youyou felt relieved.

Yao Yueshan glanced at the people in front, felt the little magic power left, lowered her eyes slightly and sighed.

On the other side, Wang Ying looked at Zhang Zinan with unwillingness. She wanted to see if Zhang Zinan could get a bargain after consuming it.

But the challenge between Zhang Zinan and Yu Youyou ended too quickly, and Zhang Zinan's consumption was not much.

The little girl shook her head slightly, and then looked at Yao Yueshan, who was the second, and she was not sure in her heart.

So she could only choose Yang Zijin and Yang Zipei as her targets.

"I challenge Yang Zijin."

Yang Zijin showed helplessness. He didn't expect that he would have to fight in the end.

"I accept it."

Let's try it first to see if we can win. Wang Ying is not born with talent. She is just an ordinary magician. She may not be unable to win.

"Student Yang Zijin and student Wang Ying, get ready on stage number two."

"Come on!"

Yu Youyou waved and shouted, and Yang Zijin forced a forced smile and went up to the stage.

Ten minutes later, Yang Zijin, who was burnt and dusty, walked down reluctantly.

Yu Youyou couldn't help laughing and said, "The fire is powered by the wind, and you are running towards the wind. What are you thinking?"

Yang Zijin, who was originally uncomfortable because of a burnt hair, almost cried when he heard this joke.

"Who knew that Wang Ying learned the first-level wind blowing magic, and there were wind and fire everywhere. Where can I hide!"

"Hahaha, the speed of the wind blowing is very slow, okay? It's because your short legs can't run."

"Ahhh! Don't say my legs are short, I'll fight you!!!"

Yu Youyou ran away quickly, but fortunately the school doctor stopped Yang Zijin in time, after all, the burnt hair was considered an injury.

"Wang Ying succeeded in the challenge and is currently ranked sixth, Yang Zijin dropped to eighth."

"No one wants to challenge again?"

This time, everyone looked around and shook their heads helplessly.

Ten minutes later, seeing that no one had challenged, the referee teacher looked serious and said loudly:

"No one challenged within ten minutes, the ranking is officially confirmed.The new ranking is now announced.

In order from first to tenth, they are Yu Youyou, Wang Xuandong, Li Tiancheng, Zhang Zinan, Yao Yueshan, Wang Ying, Yang Zipei, Yang Zijin, Zhuo Buqun, and Jiang Xinxin.

Now, please invite Principal Huang Youming and Director Ma Weiguo to come forward and make a closing speech for the first month ranking competition for freshmen. "

Yu Youyou immediately took the lead in applauding. Anyway, it is right to applaud at this time.

"Pa pa pa pa~"

With a round of thunderous applause, Huang Youming and Ma Weiguo went to the second stage.

Huang Youming glanced at the ten people, nodded and smiled: "It's getting late, I won't say much, the rewards and benefits of the first month's official ranking will be announced and distributed by your class teacher later.

I hope you can continue to work hard and maintain good results in the ranking competition next month."

Ma Weiguo touched his head and said with a smile: "To be honest, this ranking competition is really beyond my expectations. I have been in charge of teaching for nearly 20 years.

This is the first time I have encountered such a high-level freshman competition. It really proves the old saying that each generation is stronger than the previous one.

Like Principal Huang, I hope you can keep up the good work and see your growth in every ranking competition.

It is not only to prove that our teaching work is not in vain, but also to let us see whether it is worthwhile to invest so many resources.

Okay, I won’t say much. Now, teachers from all departments can arrange for students to leave in an orderly manner. "

"It’s finally over."

Yu Youyou rubbed her rumbling stomach and showed a happy look.

"Why do you look like a starving ghost every day?"

Li Tiancheng looked at Yu Youyou and frowned slightly. Could this be the difference between genius and ordinary people?

"What you said." Yu Youyou said with some displeasure: "Man is iron, rice is steel, and besides, people take food as heaven, and no matter how important things are, they are not as important as eating.

You ask why people live for a day, isn't it just for three meals a day?

Only when you have enough food can you think about training, learning, and competitions.

Believe it or not, if you geniuses don't eat, no matter how talented you are, you won't be here now. "

Li Tiancheng: "..."

He deserved it for asking too much, and felt that it was all perverse logic, but he couldn't refute it.

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