As soon as she opened the door, Yu Youyou heard hoarse crying coming from the hall downstairs.

"It's the parents of those students." Old Chen came over with breakfast and sighed, "They arrived in the middle of the night."

Yu Youyou was silent, took the breakfast, thanked him, and was not ready to go down to face this tragedy.

Old Chen followed in, closed the door gently, looked at Yu Youyou with dark circles under his eyes, and said softly:

"Today's competition arrangement is temporarily postponed. Director Ma and the leaders of several other cities are discussing the next arrangements."

Yu Youyou hummed softly, not surprised that so many students were killed, including many official contestants.

If it were based on the previous list of contestants, it would definitely not be able to proceed normally.

Thinking of this, Yu Youyou was also a little puzzled, and raised her eyes and said: "Why do we insist on holding the league even though the risk is so high for each session?"

Old Chen paused, came to the sofa and sat down, and pondered: "There are many reasons for this. The emergence of various competitions is an inevitable trend after the rise of universal magic.

It is related to the economy, resource allocation, talent selection, etc. If you don't do it because of the high risk, the impact will be greater.

And you should have heard that an important level for magicians to break through the advanced level is spiritual transformation, which requires not only talent, but also perseverance, fearless quality and a strong ability to withstand pressure.

That's why there is a saying that high-level magicians cannot be raised in a greenhouse, so the magic high school is still Well, you can actually feel that it is safe, of course, except for you famous geniuses.

However, when it comes to college, it will be much crueler. Since the military training of freshmen, college students have always maintained a high death index.

Almost 70% of the teaching of students in magic colleges is practical. It is still good for freshmen and sophomores, but juniors and seniors rarely study on campus and are divided into various areas to participate in actual combat.

Of course, these are all based on voluntary participation, but generally speaking, there are still fewer people who choose to give up, and the more top-notch colleges, the more cruel the various practical teaching and even graduation examinations are. "

Perhaps seeing that Yu Youyou is not in a good state, Lao Chen said a lot of things.

Yu Youyou finished the last mouthful of soy milk and said with emotion: "My father once told me that the real world is very scary and cruel. Only those with stronger strength can bear the real reality. I seem to understand this meaning more and more now."

"Your father is right." Lao Chen nodded and whispered: "But now we have the upper hand overall. According to the news this morning, we killed nearly 60 people and captured 8 people alive yesterday."

"Hiss!" Yu Youyou sat up straight and was a little shocked.

He knew very well that the other party had almost no junior mages. The lowest was a fourth-level mage, and even the captain was a sixth-level strongman like the wind mage.

In Zhongzhou alone, so many intermediate mages were sent to assassinate a group of students. Yu Youyou's eyelids twitched slightly, and he found that he had underestimated the strength of this evil organization.

Yu Youyou's heart moved, looked at Lao Chen, and asked: "What kind of organization is the other party?"

After such a long time, Yu Youyou found that his understanding of the other party was extremely limited.

There was no source of information around him.

Li Tiancheng never told him this, and other people either knew only half of it or were very cautious.

The only thing he could be sure of now was that this should be a transnational organization. Not only did the mysterious man not look like a Chinese, but there were also those who were arrested during the flood in Shanghai.

Although he did not see those arrested, he heard that there were many foreigners.

In addition, there were Sun Yiming and others, who were even certified traitors.

If it was a transnational organization, it was so powerful, could it be that there was also a big country behind it to support it?

Yu Youyou unconsciously thought of several countries that were fighting against Rabbit.

Lao Chen seemed a little surprised, looked at Yu Youyou, frowned and said: "You don't know yet?"

"Huh?" Yu Youyou was stunned for a moment, puzzled: "Should I know?"

"Has no one told you?"

Lao Chen looked a little suspicious. He knew a little about Yu Youyou's situation. After the military magician, he had experienced the flood in Shanghai and was lured to death by the mysterious man.

Now that he is valued by the second young master, this doesn't seem like an unfamiliar experience.

Lao Chen did not hide his suspicion, and Yu Youyou could see it, and said unhappily:

"Before this year, I had never even heard of such an organization. You all used nicknames to refer to each other, and I didn't even know how to check it."

He also checked rats, water rats, moles, transnational terrorist organizations, etc., but the things they found were all irrelevant.

Hearing this, Lao Chen frowned slightly and said in confusion: "Your mother is a middle-level manager of the Water Management Bureau. Even if there is a work ban, it is impossible that she has not revealed anything to you for so many years."

Yu Youyou shook her head slightly and said: "My mother is a person who is very clear about public and private affairs. She never talks about work at home."

Yu Youyou paused and suddenly thought of a question, because he was mature and not very curious since he was a child.

It seems that he has never asked about his mother's work. He had always thought that the Water Management Bureau was a department similar to the Water Conservancy Bureau or Customs in his previous life.

At most, it is to clean up the magical creatures in the water, which is unique to this world.

So, could it be because he never asked, and his mother was not the one who took the initiative to talk...

Thinking of this, Yu Youyou pursed his lips, mainly because he had never been exposed to related things since he was a child, and he couldn't think of it anyway.

Old Chen on the side seemed to accept Yu Youyou's explanation, his eyes were thoughtful, and then he said in deep thought:

"There are many names for this organization, such as the Salvation Society, the Tongzhou Society, the Purification Sect, etc. These are all names that this organization has used for missionary work since ancient times.

And they call the organization the Sea God Sect or the Water God Sect."

"Preaching?" Yu Youyou was a little surprised. He thought it was a terrorist organization, but it turned out to be a cult.

"Yes, it is essentially a cult." Old Chen said in a serious tone: "The doctrine of the Sea God Sect is that the world should belong to the ocean. The ocean has the power to absorb all rivers and purify everything.

So what they like to do most is to cause floods. They believe that floods are a gift from God, and a vast ocean is the destination of the world."

Yu Youyou now looks like an old man on the subway, and it is difficult to describe his current mood.

Even his cerebellum is slightly atrophied. It is difficult for him to understand what kind of people would believe in such a doctrine.

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