Zheng Longgang shook his head slightly.

Not to mention the suspect, he has no clue at all now.

"Director Zheng..." Gu Yi paused slightly, leaned forward and whispered: "Could it be someone from the Li family?"

Zheng Longgang's eyes jumped slightly, and his tiger eyes swept over the skeleton on the ground.

"It's hard to say..."

Old Chen's identity is no secret. This time he came as a security guard from the capital of the gods, and Bianliang basically got the news.

And they also know who the main target of his protection is.

It was also Old Chen who pursued and injured the illusionist, causing the illusionist to flee to the wetland park in a hurry.

According to this idea, if this shadow mage is a member of the Li family in public, then is there someone in the dark?

After the illusionist fled, he came here specifically to kill him to eliminate future troubles.

Zheng Longgang's eyes showed thinking, this possibility must be there.

And if it is really a member of the Li family, most of the previous doubts can be explained.

For example, the firepower is comparable to that of two combat teams. With the strength of the Li family, it is not difficult to secretly transfer two combat teams.

Even completely concealed, forming the current exploration results.

But how to further confirm it?

They are official mages. In the subsequent case progress report, he cannot write in the report that he suspects someone.

There must be certain evidence.

Gu Yi saw that Zheng Longgang seemed to be thinking, so he turned and looked at the necromancer in the team.

At this moment, the necromancer had finished the summoning magic. Seeing Gu Yi, he shook his head and said, "Director Gu, the deceased has been attacked by a large number of thunder magic, and the soul has been completely broken. No effective information can be obtained.

Unless... unless there is a senior necromancer who takes action to forcibly gather the soul fragments and spy on the remaining memories in the soul fragments."

Gu Yi showed a look of disappointment, and ignored the following words.

Senior necromancers are all big shots. It is difficult to apply for senior necromancers to assist in the investigation of non-urgent cases.

Zheng Longgang also heard the words of the necromancer. He came back to his senses and looked at Gu Yi, saying in a deep voice:

"Director Gu, I'll trouble you here first. I need to go back to the bureau to prepare materials first, and report the progress to the General Administration after dawn."

"Director Zheng, please get busy first."

Gu Yi nodded. This case was mainly led by the Public Security Administration Bureau, and their patrol mages were assisting.

Zheng Longgang's tasks and pressures were much heavier than his.

Zheng Longgang immediately took a few people and hurried back.

The night gradually faded away as everyone continued to explore.


Early in the morning, Yu Youyou hurriedly got up and rushed out.

Today they will start to go to the provincial competition venue to attend the opening ceremony.

The scale of the media and the scale of the representatives of all parties are extremely large.

Moreover, the provincial competition is held in the largest comprehensive training center in Bianliang City, and there are spectators.

It is said that there will be more than 30,000 spectators watching the game in real time.

This is the biggest competition that Yu Youyou has ever participated in.

It would be a lie to say that she is not nervous. No one is born to be the protagonist and can chat and laugh in front of thousands of people without changing her expression.

However, what made Yu Youyou feel relieved was that even though so many students were lost in the provincial competition, they were not changed to be added as substitutes to the official list of participants.

Because the list of the competition was announced and confirmed early, the impact of the temporary change was huge.

In order to prevent a wave of public opinion, it was still carried out as it was.

However, the competition system was slightly changed. After a few days of negotiation and discussion, the process became much shorter.

Sitting on the bus arranged in advance, looking at the many empty seats, Yu Youyou was silent.

"I have avenged you, you don't have to thank me, you also died because of me..."

Yu Youyou's eyes showed a trace of guilt, and he murmured in his heart.

When the magician assassinated him for the second time, he understood that the magician's main target was him.

It wasn't that there were no contestants who went out yesterday, but nothing happened.

Only when he went out, the other party appeared.

It's not wrong to say that Jia Chong and others were implicated because of him.

Fortunately, he killed the magician, which was also revenge for everyone.

There was a security magician in front of the car to lead the way, and soon arrived at the comprehensive training center in Bianliang City.

Before I had time to get off the car, a group of reporters and photographers with microphones came up.

"Director Ma, it is said that the Shendu side was attacked by terrorists when they came here. Can you tell us about the situation at that time?"

"Director Ma, we noticed that there were seven fewer contestants this time. Were they all killed?"

"Director Ma, teachers, what exactly happened in this attack? According to the staff near the reception hotel, your side arrived at the hotel that afternoon.When the store was opened, the staff was fully staffed, why did the bad news suddenly come out overnight? "

"Director Ma, may I ask if there will be changes in the subsequent players of Shendu due to the loss of players this time? Have you considered the situation where the substitute students can directly play?"

"Student Yu Youyou, as the youngest member of the participating students, you have entered the provincial competition stage without any competition records. Do you think this is a reflection of personal strength? Or is your school deliberately hyping it up? "


Yu Youyou really didn't expect that there would be an interview specifically for him at this time.

The expression on his face was a little stiff.

He didn't know the answer to the key question. The school suddenly asked him to participate in this league.

But he didn't let him really participate in the competition, and followed him all the way to the provincial competition.

He was puzzled by this decision.

He didn't expect that the task assigned to him by the mysterious man would be completed so smoothly.

He wondered whether he was too lucky or someone deliberately operated it this way.

If it was really a human operation, it was probably the work of Li Tianjun.

But Li Tianjun didn't tell him about the relevant arrangements. He asked once, but didn't get a reply.

Yu Youyou suppressed his thoughts, kept a serious face, and hurried to the central venue with the security personnel opening the way.

For these reporters' questions They ignored me when I asked them.

Those outside were all reporters from small media companies, and the real big shots were inside.

Through Lao Ma, Yu Youyou already knew that in addition to the opening ceremony today, the details of the attacks on the participating students from various cities would be collectively reported through the media.

This kind of news must be spread through the official media first to prevent rumors from flying everywhere.

Soon they arrived at the center of the venue and waited in a rest area.

At this moment, there were already many participating students and team leaders from various cities waiting in the rest area.

Seeing the arrival of Shendu Yifang, everyone looked over.

Shendu Yifang is a strong contender for the champion and runner-up of the provincial competitions.

Everyone couldn't help but pay attention.

What made Yu Youyou feel embarrassed was that even if he tried his best to honestly reduce his presence.

But why did he feel that most of the eyes were on him?

He was not an official participating student!

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