What made Yu Youyou feel more at ease was that he didn't know if the blow was too great.

After tonight, Bianliang finally returned to the peaceful track.

The subsequent events were also going smoothly without any waves.

But what surprised him was that he thought that after that night, the mysterious man should soon come to him for inquiries.

Strangely, he didn't, but it was as if he had disappeared.

He even sent some complaints every day as usual, but didn't get a reply.

This situation was beyond Yu Youyou's expectations, and he also felt that there must be something he didn't know.

Until a week later, the provincial competition officially ended, and they were about to start returning to the capital.

"Director Ma, I don't need to go to the national competition next month, right?"

On the bus back to the capital, Yu Youyou looked behind him.

Next to him was Lao Chen, and Lao Ma sat behind him this time.

Hearing Yu Youyou's inquiry, Lao Ma, who was swiping his phone to reply to messages, shook his head and said:

"It's not clear yet. It depends on the arrangements of the school and the higher-ups."

"Oh." Yu Youyou nodded, her eyes twinkling, "Director Ma, has the list of national contestants come out now?"

"It's out, hey..." Lao Ma suddenly sighed, "We lost so many students this time, and our national contest results are probably going to be bad."

Teacher Zhao next to Lao Ma also said with emotion, "Who said it wasn't? Jia Chong was also expected to win the national contest, but it's a pity..."

Yu Youyou was silent for a moment. In this provincial contest, they were in Shendu, and because of the biggest loss, only their affiliated high school won a place in the national contest in the individual contest.

In the past, at least half of the five places in the national contest were from Shendu.

It can be said that this year is definitely the worst year for all the high schools in Shendu.

During this trip to Bianliang, the atmosphere in the car was not very warm under the successive blows.

There were more than 30 people when they came, but now there are nearly one-third fewer people when they go back.

The teachers were fine, as this was not the first time they had experienced such a thing, but the students were obviously much more depressed.

Everyone was basically looking down and fiddling with their phones, or looking out the window, wondering what they were thinking.

In school, they were the pride of heaven, the famous geniuses.

They were the objects of admiration and envy of many younger students and classmates.

But this time, the provincial competition woke them up to the reality that the primary level was a burden when facing danger.

They could not bear the impact of any casual battle.

They would never forget the treacherous and dangerous magic.

Feeling the increasingly dull atmosphere, Yu Youyou's heart moved, and he looked at Lao Ma again, hesitating to speak.

Their affiliated high school was the only one to get a place in the national competition, so Lao Ma was also the first to get the national competition list.

But how could he get the national competition list without Lao Ma's suspicion?

After the provincial competition, Lao Ma attached great importance to the list of national competitions and would not easily spread it.

That's why he asked him if he would go to the national competition, but there was no need for substitutes in the individual competition, so he would probably stop there.

So he couldn't get the list of national competitions.


Just when Yu Youyou was hesitating, the vibration of his mobile phone called him back to his thoughts.

Yu Youyou leaned against the car window and took out his mobile phone. This angle could avoid everyone's view.

[Li Tianjun: File.xls]

[Li Tianjun: This is the list of national competitions. ]

Yu Youyou blinked his eyes. What does it mean to be in a state of confusion?

What does it mean to have someone above you!

That's it. Just now, I was still worried about how to get the list of national competitions, and Li Tianjun sent it directly.

And this is legal and compliant, he doesn't even have any psychological burden.

Even if he got the list by cheating Lao Ma, he would still feel a little uncomfortable.

Because if someone really has problems because of this list, then he is the instigator.

[Li Tianjun: Get ready after you come back today. Someone will pick you up at six o'clock tomorrow morning. ]

Yu Youyou's mouth, which was about to rise, suddenly froze, and his pupils focused instantly. The four words "Are you kidding me" were almost written on his face.

Do you know how he has been spending the past week? !

He gets up earlier than when he was in school every day, and the key is that he can't ask for leave, so he rushes to the stadium early to be a mascot.

He finally waited for the return and was ready to have a good rest for a few days.

In the end, someone came to pick him up at six o'clock. Now it is the end of October, and it is not even bright at six o'clock!

Yu Youyou immediately put on a mask of pain. If he has to get up early and go to bed late every day after joining the team, then he will forget it.

"What's wrong?"

Lao Chen noticed Yu Youyou's face and asked in confusion.

Yu Youyou glanced at him and said faintly: "Old Chen, your second young master is a bit perverted."

Old Chen's eyes flashed with confusion and amusement, but he kept silent and didn't ask any more questions.

It's not good to talk about the second young master in the car.

[Meow Meow Loves Fish: Read! ]

It's rare to be angry, but it's hard to say it directly. Yu Youyou just hopes that Li Tianjun can understand the deep meaning of these two words.

Then he downloaded the list of national competitions sent by Li Tianjun, clicked in and scanned it, a long list of names and their provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, etc.

He couldn't tell whether the list was true or not, so he sent it directly to the mysterious person.

Looking at the page that had no reply for a long time, Yu Youyou's eyes flashed with surprise.

Where did this guy go? There was no response to his submission of the task.

Could it be that someone had killed him?

Wouldn't his efforts for so long be in vain?

Yu Youyou secretly mentioned in his heart that if the mysterious man didn't reply before tomorrow, he would talk to Li Tianjun face to face.

In the depths of the turbid river, undercurrents surged.

Under the tentacles that looked like a huge lantern, the dark blue eyes looked at the masked man in front of him and the graceful figure that looked like a mermaid.

"Youyu, what's going on with the necklace."

The old voice sounded in the water, full of doubts and inexplicable.

The masked man trembled slightly, glanced at the mermaid shadow next to him, and whispered: "Priest, can Deacon Pauline step aside for a while?"

"Hmph!" Pauline trembled, the sea blue in her eyes turned brown, and she snorted coldly.

The dark eyes under the hair suddenly shrank, and the masked man bowed quickly, "Greetings to Priest Yuri."

The huge blue pupils also looked over, a little surprised, "Yuri."

Yuri looked at the masked man coldly. Last time, he asked Pauline to use his power in China to find out the source of the necklace.

This kind of medium and high-quality magic weapon is unique. As long as it circulates on the market, it can be traced back to the corresponding person quickly.

But it was discovered that this necklace had fallen into the hands of their cult a long time ago.

And the last person who handled it was the masked man in front of him.

In other words, the deaths of Menghado and Uka were all related to this person!

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