Sitting in the official car of the Judiciary Bureau, Yu Youyou finally had time to ask about the content of this training.

But Lin Yibing kept silent and didn't say a word. Helplessly, Yu Youyou gave up.

She could only wait to ask Li Tianjun.

"Put on the mask next to you."

After the car drove out of the school, Lin Yibing, who was driving the car, suddenly said.

Yu Youyou paused and looked at the seat next to her. It was a dark mask that could even cover half of the head.

With a thought in her mind, Yu Youyou remembered that the new agents going to secret bases in movies and TV dramas would be covered with eye masks or head covers by the old people to prevent the new agents from remembering the route.

I didn't expect that the reality would be so.

But he is not an ordinary person. Not to mention the location by sound, but it is not difficult to infer the approximate route based on the speed of the car and some sounds.

Yu Youyou glanced at Lin Yibing, didn't ask much, and then grabbed the mask and put it on.


The moment the mask was put on, the sound in the ear disappeared instantly, and there was only deep darkness in the entire vision.

Even the mental power was faintly suppressed and difficult to detect.

Yu Youyou was shocked. It turned out that he had overthought before. This mask actually had such an effect!

Now, let alone locating the position by sound, even the basic sense of touch was weakened.

It was obvious that this mask was a special magic weapon.

Yu Youyou tried to open the wolf pupil and the eagle pupil, but the eyes were still dark and could not see through.

Lin Yibing, the main driver, glanced at Yu Youyou who was wearing a mask behind him, and his expression eased slightly.

In his mind, this kind of genius boy, who had just reached level three, caught the captain's attention.

Mostly a thorn, the kind who was unruly and undisciplined.

But judging from the action in the morning and the fact that he put on the mask without asking.

Obviously he thought too much.

This is good, saving a lot of training effort.

Plus, Yu Youyou helped them to remotely command and catch and kill many rats last time.

Unconsciously, Lin Yibing recognized Yu Youyou a little bit in his heart.

It cannot be said that there has never been a junior mage joining the Judgment Bureau, but at least it is rare among the rare ones.

As one of the very few people who knew that Yu Youyou joined the Judgment Bureau.

Lin Yibing still looked down on her a little.

When they joined the Judgment Bureau, they all went through so much effort and so many blood and fire tests to grab a place.

But a junior mage was directly recruited.

Even if Yu Youyou's talent convinced Lin Yibing, if it was because of talent.

Then the Judgment Mage should just directly recruit those talented students from the top universities, and there would be no need to set up any tests.

I am afraid that the reputation of the Judgment Mage will soon become a joke.

So Lin Yibing didn't understand why Yu Youyou was specially recruited.

But he couldn't disobey the captain's order.

He would like to see what is so special about this kid that the captain who is always ruthless and impartial values ​​him so much.

Yu Youyou didn't know how long it had been in this darkness where he couldn't see or hear anything.

It was simply a nightmare for people with claustrophobia.

Time seemed to become blurred.

It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like a short period of time had passed.

Yu Youyou felt that the mask was suddenly grabbed by someone, and in an instant, light and sound came one after another.

"Come down."

Lin Yibing opened the car door and gestured.

Yu Youyou got out of the car, looked around, and was surprised.

This was a huge green mountain surrounded by flat ground and square buildings.

He seemed to be in a parking lot, full of various official cars and special vehicles.

What surprised Yu Youyou the most was that these surrounding mountains were almost the same height, just like...

"These mountains were built by many high-level earth magicians in the bureau. After many years of reinforcement, even high-level magic can hardly break the mountain."

Lin Yibing followed Yu Youyou's gaze and gave a brief introduction.

"Is this actually created by humans?"

Listening to Lin Yibing's introduction, Yu Youyou was shocked beyond words. Some of these mountains were hundreds of meters high.

It was actually created by humans. This power of moving mountains and filling the sea has been confirmed in reality.

Seeing Yu Youyou's shocked look, Lin Yibing smiled. When they first came here and learned this information, they were also shocked for a long time.

"Come with me first."

Hearing this, Yu Youyou had to suppress the shock and curiosity in her heart and hurriedly followed Lin Yibing's footsteps.

Until she followed Lin Yibing to a mountain.

Under Yu Youyou's puzzled gaze, Lin Yibing walked to a tall tree beside the mountain.The tree was so tall that it was even slightly shorter than the entire mountain, and it was difficult to see the treetops at a glance.

Its trunk was so thick that it was difficult for seven or eight people to hug it.

There seemed to be a faint strange fragrance coming from it. Yu Youyou sniffed it lightly but felt dizzy and held her breath.

"This, this is!" Yu Youyou was shocked.

The tree trunk began to shake, and a pair of huge eyes opened on the dry trunk.

The huge eyes swept over Lin Yibing and looked at Yu Youyou behind him.

After a pause, as if confirming his identity, the huge eyes disappeared soon.

But the ground began to shake.


"Fuck!" Yu Youyou looked at the mountain that was split into two and began to crack to both sides... No, it was the mountain that opened. The national quintessence that came out of her mouth could not express her horror.

After the mountain opened, a huge metal door was revealed.

This operation that seemed like an epic myth directly made Yu Youyou numb.

Then came the excitement. The scenes that had only appeared in movies and TV in the past actually became a reality!

"Team Leader Lin, so the entire base is inside the mountain?"

"No." Lin Yibing shook his head and said, "It's underground. Let's go, let's go in."

As the metal door opened automatically, Yu Youyou realized that this was a huge elevator!

After entering it, Yu Youyou found that she had guessed wrong again.

Looking at the plant roots tightly wrapped around the transparent head, as the plant roots wriggled, she could feel the elevator cabin slowly descending.

That's right, this is a biological elevator.

These roots should be from the big tree in front of the mountain. Thinking of this, Yu Youyou swallowed and looked at Lin Yibing.

"Team Leader Lin, what is the tree at the door?"

"The eighth-level phantom toon tree, with both phantom and natural systems, is a summoned creature of a high-level summoner in the bureau." Lin Yibing explained casually.

Yu Youyou's expression froze. An eighth-level magical creature guarding the gate and a biological elevator?

Until this moment, Yu Youyou finally felt a hint of the Judgment Bureau's background.

She couldn't help but feel a little excited, wondering what the situation would be like underground.

After dozens of seconds, the biological elevator stopped.

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