On the platform behind Li Wenyan, a glass box was slowly pushed out from the inside to the outside.

"Is this the blood marrow of the Wind Wolf King?"

It was the first time that Yu Youyou saw the finished product of blood marrow. It was called blood marrow, but it was actually the whole skeleton except for the skull.

At this moment, the glass box was filled with neatly arranged skeletons.

The bones were as bright and smooth as jade, flashing with a faint green light. There was no sense of blood, but it was like a jade artwork.

In addition, there were two huge glass syringes, which contained blood-red liquid.

This was not blood, but a purified plasma, which was a blood essence that had eliminated rejection once, and could assist the summoned creatures in replacing and absorbing blood marrow.

Thereby increasing the success rate of fusion.

As the glass box slowly opened, Li Wenyan began the process of formally replacing blood marrow in an orderly manner.

The following process was quite bloody. Even though Yu Youyou had not experienced a bloody scene for the first time, she still couldn't help but twitch her eyes.

A high-speed rotating saw blade was replaced in front of a mechanical arm, and the skeleton in Daqing's body began to be disassembled.

Every time a few bones were disassembled, a few bones would be taken out from the glass box behind to fill in.

To prevent the flesh from collapsing and shrinking, and then use a small healing magic to restore this piece of flesh.

After more than an hour, all the bones on the surface were replaced, and the next step was to replace the leg bones of the limbs.

The reason why the leg bones were placed last was that it would be more convenient to install the legs after the overall framework was built.

There was a very interesting point in this process, that is, the replacement bones were actually completely mismatched with the size of Daqing's bones, especially the leg bones.

But it was not just the leg bones, all the bones were like this, and the replaced bones were all larger.

After all, they were taken from the sixth-level Gale Wolf King.

The sixth-level Gale Wolf King was several times larger than the third-level Wind Wolf, so when taking bones, only a small part was taken from each part.

This would not affect the death of the sixth-level Gale Wolf King due to too many missing bones.

Finally, the skeleton needs to be reshaped according to the standard of the third-level wind wolf after special treatment by the necromancer.

However, each individual creature will have some differences.

The third-level wind wolves are not all the same size.

Therefore, when replacing bones, a necromancer is needed to adjust them in real time.

Two assistants, one of whom is a poison mage, and the other is a necromancer, who is responsible for adjusting the size of the bones.

Therefore, a complete blood marrow fusion operation requires at least an elemental mage who is proficient in healing magic, and then the coordination of the three systems of poison and necromancy can be completed.

Yu Youyou's eyes flickered, and he began to think in his heart. He has the natural system, and the poison system is not very effective. It can be replaced by magic weapons such as paralyzing poison mist.

So he is now missing a necromancy system, so that he can complete the blood marrow replacement and fusion by himself.

Moreover, Shui Liu's fusion effect can completely replace these mechanical arms. He has a natural advantage!

Thinking of this, Yu Youyou dared not relax even a little.

He must master this technique, after all, the more times he does it, the more things will be exposed.

It is safer to do it himself.

He had also watched a lot of related videos and materials before, and now he verified the steps of Li Wenyan and the other two one by one.

As if noticing Yu Youyou's burning gaze, Li Wenyan looked up after replacing a leg bone.

After being stunned for a moment, Li Wenyan said with interest: "Youyou is interested in blood marrow fusion?"

The stealing of skills was discovered... Yu Youyou retracted her gaze, revealing a trace of embarrassment, "A little bit, I only heard some things from school teachers before, but never really saw it, so I am a little curious."

Li Wenyan nodded, as if he was interested, and said with a smile: "Your talent may be able to be specially recruited to a higher education institution next year. I heard that you are going to choose Shendu Demon University. If you are interested, you can take my class.

Blood marrow fusion is easy to learn but difficult to master. Every slight improvement in the success rate requires countless experience and knowledge accumulation, and the guidance of the teacher is also indispensable."

Li Wenyan's tone is confident. In this field, he is the top level.

Although blood marrow fusion looks easy, there are many tricks in it. The corresponding position of each bone and the connection of flesh and blood during replacement are very particular.

It's not just a matter of snapping it into the original position.

It is possible that after the fusion is successful, the summoned creature will become paralyzed or have a conflict between the growth of bones and flesh in some places, and even die directly.

Not to mention this kind of conflictThe fusion failed.

If it was that easy, there wouldn't be a special profession, and countless researchers would have studied it for decades.

The two assistants beside Li Wenyan were shocked and looked at Yu Youyou.

What was the origin of this kid, and he was so favored by the teacher, a big shot in the industry.

Researchers like them have been studying and doing research projects for many years, and are not very sensitive to news from the outside world.

Therefore, they didn't recognize Yu Youyou.

"I can't wait for what Professor Li said. If I can really enter the Magic University next year, I will definitely take Professor Li's course."

Yu Youyou smiled and responded. Anyway, it was an elective, not a regular course, so he responded first.

Li Wenyan smiled and re-entered the blood marrow replacement.

He knew very well that with Yu Youyou's talent, he would mostly focus on the combat side and would not delve into other fields.

So he didn't say anything about choosing our department.

Moreover, blood marrow fusion is only a small branch course in the study of magical creatures. After all, their clients are not many summoners.

Very few people would choose to major in this lineage.

As time passed, the replacement of blood and marrow had come to an end.

Then two tubes of purified plasma were injected, and the gurgling plasma flowed along the bone seams and finally entered the blood vessels.

After Li Wenyan checked that there was no problem, he began to use the healing light to close the abdomen.

As Daqing's abdominal wound healed quickly, the abdomen recovered as before.

The poison magician next to him also immediately extracted the paralysis toxin in the light shield.

Li Wenyan's eyes then turned to Yu Youyou.

Next, the summoning mage began to awaken the summoned creature and neutralize the rejection process.

Yu Youyou also understood this step, took a deep breath, and urged the summoning magic to sink into Daqing's body through the contract.

Without the continuous inhalation of paralysis toxins, the summoning magic quickly removed the paralysis effect in Daqing's body.

Daqing began to wake up faintly, and at the same time, with the induction of plasma.

After the replacement, the blood and marrow in the bones began to produce blood.

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