In the blink of an eye, it was November.

After another round of challenge rankings, Yu Youyou got another green-skinned enchanting banyan fruit.

In the dormitory, Yu Youyou summoned Da Qing, who had completed the transformation.

The light blue hair turned into dark blue, the hair was fluffy and moved without wind, and the hair on the four claws was faintly white, showing a feeling of blue and white interlaced.

The overall body shape was also more majestic, and the limbs were vigorous and powerful.

And the iconic dark green eyes were deeper and vaster.

Yu Youyou secretly praised in his heart, no wonder some people said that blood marrow fusion is the best medical beauty for summoning creatures.

Sure enough, it was true!


Da Qing rubbed Yu Youyou's chest with his huge head very intimately.

It knew very well who brought everything to it today.

Looking back a few months ago, it was still a level one wind wolf that was chased by a second-class rock pig and was in a panic and almost died.

Now he is a level 3 Swift Wolf with the bloodline of the level 6 Swift Wolf King.

All this was achieved in just a few months.

Although Da Qing's IQ cannot understand all this, he knows very well who all this comes from.

That's enough!

"Hahaha, okay, you are too heavy now, get out of here."

Da Qing's weight is at least over 500 kilograms now, and he has not yet fully mastered the power after the transformation.

Just a slight rub, Yu Youyou felt a strong force pressing down.

After stumbling back, Yu Youyou quickly put his hands on Da Qing's head.

Da Qing's head is now almost as big as Yu Youyou's upper body, which looks very scary.

The whole body occupies half of the open space in the room.

It's a bit difficult to turn around.

After finally pushing away the excited Da Qing, Yu Youyou concentrated on sensing Da Qing's other changes.

In addition to the changes in appearance, there are also changes in talent such as elemental affinity.

Even the magic endurance is far better than before, but these are not the most important to Yu Youyou.

What makes him care is that Da Qing has mastered three more magics.

Just corresponding to three levels.

They are level one blowing, level two wind entanglement and level three high-pressure wind flow.

Level one blowing is the basic magic of the wind system. The effect is to blow a gust of wind in a fixed direction. It is a continuous magic.

As long as the magic energy consumption does not stop, the blowing can be sustained.

Sometimes it is used to deal with fire, poisonous fog, poisonous smoke and other magic.

Level two wind entanglement is an advanced version of wind binding, releasing a gust of wind to entangle and bind the target, which belongs to control magic.

Level three high-pressure wind flow is an advanced version of level one blowing, blowing high-pressure wind flow in the target direction.

Yu Youyou recalled the introduction of level three high-pressure wind flow.

The lowest wind speed is at least 16 meters per second. According to national standards, it is comparable to level 7 wind force, or even close to level 8 wind force.

The wind force here does not refer to magic, but the wind force of several levels of gale in the weather forecast.

Level 7 wind force can already blow down some small flowers and trees.

It is difficult for ordinary people to walk normally in this wind speed, but those with a slightly lighter weight can be blown directly.

Yu Youyou put away her thoughts and was somewhat pleased. Although these three magics are not offensive magics.

But the application scenarios are very wide, such as high-pressure wind flow, which can effectively slow down and interfere with flying enemies.

It can be said that every additional magic is an additional means of dealing with the enemy.

The upper bloodline is indeed extraordinary. Just one more magic per level will make an unimaginable difference in the later stage.

It is really hard to imagine what kind of weirdos those magical creatures with higher bloodlines are.

While thinking in her heart, Yu Youyou took out the magic crystal to help Daqing refine it.

After the bloodline is advanced, Daqing's speed and upper limit of refining magic crystals are greatly increased.

At this speed, Daqing may reach the edge of breakthrough faster than Xiaozi.

It has to be balanced. It is better to treat all summoned creatures equally.

It is okay at the primary level, but after the intermediate level, the wisdom of these summoned creatures is really not low.

Yu Youyou has heard that there are senior summoners who treat their summoned creatures differently, causing internal fighting among the summoned creatures.

There is no way to do this. Many summoners are restricted by the limitations of the early stage.

If you can't contract any summoned creatures with high bloodline quality, you will have better choices later, and you are too lazy to invest too many resources in those summoned creatures with poor talents.

After all, not every summoner is rich, and every bit of resources must be carefully calculated.

It is very difficult for several summoned creatures to treat each other equally. After all, the sameThe same resource, summoned creatures with different talents, have completely different input-output ratios.

Fortunately, Yu Youyou still has some family assets now, and the summoned creatures are not that many, so it is still possible to treat them equally for the time being.

For example, this time, he plans to give the newly obtained enlarged fig fruit to Xiao Zi.

After Da Qing finished practicing, Yu Youyou put it away and summoned Xiao Zi.


As Xiao Zi cried excitedly, he threw the green-skinned enlarged fig fruit over.

Under the eagle eyes comparable to high-speed cameras, Xiao Zi quickly opened his mouth to catch the green-skinned enlarged fig fruit.

He raised his head and swallowed it without chewing.

As for Shui Liu, he can only wait for a chance to find some water or natural elemental treasures to compensate.

After spending some time to solve the practice of the three summoned creatures, Yu Youyou began to report to the mysterious man on his daily life.

Now, Li Tiancheng goes to the toilet several times a day, frowns several times, eats several times, and he sends what he eats for each meal truthfully.

Anyway, it is all the information that the mysterious man said.

Suddenly I found that being a double agent is not difficult... Yu Youyou dispelled the thought, and the current safety is because he is weak and has not much value.

According to Li Tianjun's speculation, the mysterious man will definitely meet him once after he breaks through the intermediate level.

Intermediate magician basically corresponds to the first level of priest of the Sea God Church, which is considered a real official member of the Sea God Church.

But to become a priest, you have to go through an assessment task, and I don’t know what assessment task the mysterious man will issue to him?

November is the most stable month that Yu Youyou has spent since awakening.

There is no moth, which is also related to the fact that he has never gone out.

So, it is safer to be a otaku!

In the day-to-day practice and study, the only thing that Yu Youyou cares about is the national competition stage of the high school league.

After all, the Poseidon Cult has already obtained the list of players for the national competition, and it is unknown whether they have continued to arrange assassinations.

Until the live broadcast of the national competition officially started, Yu Youyou took a special look and found that there were some discrepancies between the players and the list.

There should still be players killed, but the casualties were much smaller than those in the provincial competition.

After calculating in his mind, the loss was about the same as in previous years.

It seems that the protection this time should be more stringent.

Even with the list, the Poseidon Cult failed to expand the results.

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