Rainbow Bridge.

It was already twelve o'clock in the afternoon, and more than an hour had passed since the water corpse ghost disappeared.

The waterfall-like rain crashed against the river surface, continuously and with a deafening sound.

The red and blue police lights flashed in the rain, becoming the only visual anchor for the body-recovering personnel on the river surface.

Wu Youcai stood on the river bank, his face extremely ugly.

For more than an hour, more than a dozen waves of body-recovering personnel went down the river, but there was no result so far.

They even specially retrieved the nearby surveillance to confirm that the drowning person did fall into the water after Yu Ranran lost consciousness and let go, but there was no discovery at the bottom of the river at the original location.

The Xi River is just a small tributary of the Huai River. With the good river channel construction, the undercurrent is not turbulent. Even if the rain is amazing now and the river surface is surging, there are not many rapids under the river.

But in such a situation, more than a dozen teams, nearly a hundred people, the most advanced detection equipment, and the radiation range of nearly two kilometers, let alone a person, even a cat or a dog should be found.

Well... you know what, we found a lot of cat and dog corpses.

Wu Youcai listened to the continuous reports in the headset, but there was still no progress.

Exhaling slightly, Wu Youcai stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. Out of the intuition of an old security mage, the corpse... to be precise, the disappearance of the drowned person might have another reason.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

The young security mage holding an umbrella behind him asked nervously as he looked at the river water that was about to rise to the shore.

He had never seen such a terrible rainfall since he was a child. Although the Xi River had abundant rain today and the water level was not low, there was still a water level difference of nearly one meter from the shore.

But in just one hour, the river surface rose by nearly one meter, which was really terrifying.

"Have you found the identity of the drowned person?" Wu Youcai put down his palm. Because of the roaring rain, they needed to communicate loudly.

The young security wizard took out his waterproof cell phone, fiddled with it for a while, and shouted, "No, we can only judge that it is a girl, but her face was covered by hair from beginning to end, so we can't see her face clearly.

The technical department retrieved all the surveillance cameras in the surrounding area, but couldn't find out where the other party came to the river bank from.

Now Wang Lin and his team have taken the developed photos to check the surrounding residents to see if there are any people they know."

Wu Youcai shook his head slightly when he heard this. Going to the door to investigate was the most helpless way, and the girl had been missing for a short time. Even if someone was missing for an hour or two, it would not mean anything.

Wu Youcai raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was 12:27 noon.

"Expand the search range and see before one o'clock."

Wu Youcai pressed the earphone to give instructions, and the team that received the instructions also spread out to farther places.

Soon, twenty minutes passed, and the information sent from the earphone still did not yield any results.

Wu Youcai looked at the river water that had already submerged his feet. To be precise, it could no longer be called river water, because it had already reached the shore.

"Captain, let's withdraw the team first. This is too risky."

The young wizard persuaded him. According to the information from the headset, many teammates have already become exhausted and their magic power has been exhausted.

Wu Youcai paused and nodded slightly. This was the only way for the moment. They couldn't fail to find a "corpse" and lose their own people.

"Everyone, go ahead..." Wu Youcai pressed the headset and was about to issue an order to withdraw the team, but a hurried voice suddenly interrupted him.

"There are magical creatures, many magical creatures appear! Xiaojiahe Primary School River Area, Xiao...ah!"

The hurried voice was instantly replaced by a scream. The entire channel was quiet at first, and then as if a fuse was lit, a series of panicked voices came out.

"A large number of magical creatures have appeared in the river area of ​​the Magic Training Center!"

"Nanhu Garden River Area..."

"Hemei Square River Area..."

"Xihe Middle School River Area..."


Wu Youcai and the young wizard turned pale instantly. Wherever they looked, the turbid river water had a hint of red.

At 12:54, a shrill alarm sounded throughout Shencheng.

And at this moment, the Yu family.

Yu Ranran and Yu Youyou stood side by side in front of the balcony window, looking at the water that had already submerged the vehicles downstairs. With the timely alarm, both of them were startled and worried.

After more than ten minutes, there was a sudden sound of a door opening.

The brother and sister looked at each other and rushed over.

Seeing the middle-aged man standing in front of the entrance, Yu Ranran hurriedly said, "Dad, what's going on now?"

Yu Yuanming looked at his two children with a tired look, his lips pale, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.

More than an hour ago, he closed the store and went home at Zhao Suyun's request.

After hearing the explanations and speculations of the siblings at home, and with the evidence of the unreasonable rain, Yu Yuanming finally couldn't sit still anymore. He told the siblings to stay at home and he went to check the situation alone.

At first, it was okay. At most, the rain was a little heavy. It was not until the water on the road accumulated more and more that the horror hidden under the flood gradually emerged.

Thinking of the two low-level magic creatures that he had dealt with not long ago, Yu Yuanming's face was ugly, so he chose to turn back after making a decision.

In any case, he had to ensure the safety of the two children first.

Compared with the children, he believed that his wife had the strength and ability to deal with this crisis, but the two children had not grown up yet and their risk resistance was too low.

"Now there are many water magic creatures in the city, and the source is not known yet. At present, the appearance of water corpse ghosts is not an accident."

With the help of his daughter, Yu Yuanming cleared the water from his body, came to the window, looked at the rain that was not reduced at all, and said slowly.

"Then mom..." Yu Ranran's eyes were filled with worry, and she was about to say something but stopped.

"Don't worry." Yu Yuanming turned to look at the siblings and whispered, "Your mom is a retired military magician who fought on the battlefield. This little scene won't pose much of a threat to her."

Yu Yuanming comforted his children, but Yu Youyou could still keenly sense the worry in his father's eyes.

"Dad, do you feel that this rainstorm is familiar?"

Yu Youyou frowned slightly and looked through the windowsill at the distant dark sky.

Yu Yuanming paused, and the father and son looked out the window in sync, "You mean..."

Yu Yuanming never treated his son as a thirteen-year-old child. His maturity and intelligence since childhood made him subconsciously think in the direction of what he said.

Yu Youyou's eyes were dim, and the overwhelming hot searches and video footage from July two years ago flashed through her mind. She said slowly:

"Shangdu will have a heavy rainstorm on July 20!"

Hearing this, Yu Yuanming and Yu Ranran's pupils shrank, and they were stunned and speechless.

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