"Teacher Zhang, I never thought that you and I would have a day to work together."

Zhao Suyun looked at Zhang Daoyi, who was coming on a turtle, with a strange look in her eyes.

"Ahem, Sister Zhao, this is one of my summoned creatures, a level 4 green-shelled turtle."

Zhang Daoyi introduced the green companion under his feet with a somewhat embarrassed look.

As a level 4 magical creature, the green-shelled turtle has the intelligence of a human child of about ten years old. Hearing Zhang Daoyi's introduction, the green-shelled turtle raised its head, shook it up and down, and greeted the humans in front of it.

"Puff... ahem, Teacher Zhang, Director Yang has told me the plan. This is a water corpse ghost. Let's act as soon as possible."

Zhao Suyun stopped smiling and pointed at the water corpse ghost that was surrounded and pulled up.

Zhang Daoyi looked at the water corpse ghost and nodded slightly. His mental power moved slightly and he cast the summoning magic.

The powerful aura spread, making the green-shelled turtle and the water corpse ghost under Zhang Daoyi's feet restless and agitated.

As soon as the green-armored ghost retracted its head into the tortoise shell, it felt a weight on its back.

"Is this the Heavenly Dog?"

Zhao Suyun looked at the figure that appeared on the back of the green-armored tortoise with curiosity. Not only her, but all the members of the combat team cast curious eyes.

The name of Heavenly Dog has a long history in Chinese legends, and there is even an allusion to the Heavenly Dog eating the moon.

Although Zhang Daoyi is just a magical creature with the blood of Heavenly Dog, he also has a trace of the power in myths and legends.

"Woof woof woof!"

The white thin dog tilted its head and barked softly. What expressions did these humans have? Haven't they seen such a handsome Heavenly Dog?

Zhao Suyun and many members of the combat team flashed with surprise in their eyes. The Heavenly Dog was not black.

Due to the stereotypes of some myths and legends, when talking about Heavenly Dog, the mind subconsciously imagines the appearance of a big black dog.

"Old Bai, smell this water corpse ghost to see if it has the smell of those water rats."

Zhang Daoyi did not explain to everyone why Tiangou was white, and gave Tiangou an order in a deep voice.

He had dealt with this group of water rats before. Although each rat smelled different, Tiangou also knew what it would smell like.

After receiving the order, Tiangou looked at the water corpse ghost, and a trace of human disgust flashed in his black dog eyes.

But he still sniffed the smell of the water corpse ghost slightly.

As Tiangou's black nose moved slightly, everyone held their breath and quieted down.

Without letting everyone wait too long, Tiangou's dog eyes lit up and looked in one direction.

"Woof woof woof!"

"Over there!" Zhang Daoyi raised his head and translated for everyone.

Zhao Suyun looked in the direction indicated by Tiangou, his eyes slightly condensed, "Everyone, set off."

"Director Zhao, what about this water corpse ghost?" Someone reminded him.

"Kill them and take the bodies away."

Zhao Suyun didn't even turn her head back, and personally drove the assault boat to lead the three teams away.

After receiving the order, the last team members cast attack magic to kill the water corpse ghost.

The bodies of these magical creatures are not only of high research value, but can also be made into magical instruments and auxiliary medicinal materials, etc., which are very valuable, so they must take the bodies with them.

The armed assault boats are very fast, easily reaching hundreds of yards, and in less than ten minutes, everyone rushed into the city.

Now the whole city has been submerged, and the four combat teams drove the assault boats directly into the main road of the city.

Because of the buildings blocking them, everyone slowed down slightly to 60 yards.

Looking at Zhang Daoyi and Tiangou who were leading the way in front of them, they were also a little surprised. This turtle was actually faster than their assault boats, worthy of being an intermediate magical creature.

"Woof woof woof!"

Tengou Laobai kept barking and guiding, and everyone followed the green-shelled turtle and soon came to a tall building.

Looking at the building, Zhao Suyun stared and said to Zhang Daoyi: "This is the Baihua Building, a landmark building in Shanghai. It is named after the Baihua Garden Square across the street. I didn't expect them to hide here."

Zhao Suyun's voice was a little surprised and incredible, because the Watershed Administration Bureau was located not far from the building. This was playing a trick on them.

Zhang Daoyi looked at the surrounding buildings and recognized that this was near the Watershed Administration Bureau. He couldn't help but say happily: "If Director Yang knew, he would be angry and embarrassed."

"Teacher Zhang, can you determine which floor the other party is on?"

"No problem, Lao Bai will take us directly to find the other party."

Zhang Daoyi said by himself. As the voice fell, Tiangou Lao Bai jumped directly from the tortoise shell. The four feet did not sink in the water. The Tiangou stepped on the water and rushed into the building.

"Hurry, follow up."

Zhao Suyun and her four combat teams stopped the assault boat at the door and followed in in an orderly and fast manner.

Because the foundation of the building is very high, the water on the first floor only covered the calves, so everyone did not need to cast magic to avoidWater.

Zhang Daoyi also put away the green tortoise and summoned a level 5 steel gorilla to rush up.

The elevator was no longer usable, so everyone could only go up from the emergency passage.

The building has a total of 30 floors. At this height, if it is the top floor, it will take more than ten minutes to reach the top at their speed, and it will be very tiring.

Fortunately, Tiangou Laobai stopped at the eleventh floor. Laobai stood in front of the door of the emergency passage on the eleventh floor, waiting for everyone to arrive, and his dog eyes slightly slanted and signaled to Zhang Daoyi.

Zhang Daoyi understood and said, "It's inside. I will let Laobai and Heibei block the way in front. Pay attention."

Everyone nodded to indicate that they understood.

The steel gorilla called Heibei came forward, and a dark light flashed. A black stone armor appeared covering the whole body, with only two eyes exposed.

Heibei stretched out his hand and gently opened the door of the emergency passage. Laobai turned into a white shadow and rushed in. Heibei kicked the ground fiercely and rushed in instantly.

Figures from the back also filed in. Each floor of the building was large, with several small companies working there.

Everyone followed Lao Bai and Hei Bei with a tense look and rushed into one of the companies called Haotian Advertising.

"Woof woof woof!"

Lao Bai barked wildly, and everyone was shocked. Zhao Suyun took the lead and rushed into the compartment where Lao Bai was.

It was empty, with only the broken window faintly echoing with Lao Bai's voice. Zhao Suyun rushed to the window sill, but it was too late. She could only see a blue disappearing on the water. Lao Bai stepped on the water to chase him, and Hei Bei followed closely behind.

Zhao Suyun did not hesitate and jumped down directly. A group of combat team members and Zhang Daoyi also jumped off the building one after another.

"Fuck, fuck, who can tell me how I was discovered!"

In the turbid water, Gallon, who was escaping with a fish tail, had a livid face and cursed madly.

He had just come to China and had never come into contact with the mages here. How could he find him so quickly!

And what about that dog? Why could it chase him so closely!

Hmm? Dog? Galen was startled, and the hoarse voice from not long ago flashed through his mind.

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